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Saturday, April 06, 2013

Here They Are ......... And They Are All "D's" But One

With a vote of 53-46 in the pre-dawn hours Saturday, the Senate approved a measure "to uphold Second Amendment rights and prevent the United States from entering into the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty."

Here is a list of the 46 traitors that thought our 2nd Amendment isn't worth upholding, and are willing to hand it over to the UN. These traitors need to be unemployed come the next election.


  1. Cardin and Mikulski must go. They are bad for Maryland.
    By the way, does Mikulski look like the little person on Poltergeist or what?!!

  2. I see where Cardin and Mikulski both voted against the people and Constitution of America. They should both be deported! I presume they think that a United Nations vote from the Muslim Brotherhood is more important than the wishes of Americans.

  3. Imagine that...Mikulski, Cardin and Coons are on there. Why do people continue to put idiots like this in office e?

  4. No, Imagine that... Mikulski, Cardin, Coons, and Carper. The two idiotic, moronic Democrats from Maryland and Delaware. Why do you idiots keep voting them back in office? I will take Christine O'Donnell over Chris Coons any day! You idiots in America need to start voting Republican. Every person that votes for a Democrat proves their stupidity.

  5. Tim Kaine, another idiot Democrat from Virginia. What are you people thinking? Voted him in is as Mayor of Richmond, Governor and now the Senate. You idiots should not be allowed to vote.

  6. I hope none of these idiots run into a Armed Thug.

  7. Unfortunately they have been put in office for many years. Marylanders can not complain. Hate politics!!!!!!

  8. Salisbury is full of idiots like you all who can't conceive a picture other than your own idiotic self interests. This was all about the exporting of guns to countries with human rights violations. Congrats idiots, you are on the side of Iran and North Korea.

  9. Hey Tyler, How about asking the criminals to turn in there illegal guns and go through a background Ck,Get a Clue KID Punish the Law Abiding Citizens And let the criminals walk ?, So while one day you are getting robbed , Beat up , knifed,Shot, Go ask another criminal for Help....FOOL.

  10. Tyler. You are misinformed and misinforming.
    Learn the truth. All the truth before you shoot your mouth off.
    Do not cherry pick points to support your maligned cause.
    Have some integrity.

  11. Anonymous said...
    Imagine that...Mikulski, Cardin and Coons are on there. Why do people continue to put idiots like this in office e?

    April 6, 2013 at 5:36 PM

    Because you don't run for office?

    Are you also the one who calls everyone names? And wants to take away other people's right to vote because they don't vote for who you want to win? That's scary and even WORSE than what we have now. While I agree there are people in office who should not be, only allowing certain people to vote would be a disaster and totally corrupt.

  12. The bigger problem is that the Dem voters have no clue about what this article is about! It certainly doesn't affect their Government handouts, or their job if they have one! They just do what they are told, and move up in line....

  13. Tyler. We don't have an issue with exporting guns. Obama gives tanks, guns and fighter planes to the Muslim Brotherhood. And Holder gave guns to the Mexican gangs. Your statement is stupid and worthless. You must be a Democrat.

  14. Tyler you should actually read the small arms treaty and not just take what MSNBC tells you as the gospel. The UN position is for only the government and military to have the right to posses any firearms of any sort. This was UN/ globalist front organization back door attempt to get around the second amendment


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