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Friday, April 19, 2013


Deputy Secretary Joseph P. Gill to Fill Role as DNR Secretary

- Governor Martin O’Malley named John R. Griffin as his Chief of Staff. A veteran public servant with more than 25 years of experience in Maryland state government, Griffin has led the Administration’s efforts in developing Maryland’s landmark conservation, restoration and stewardship programs including BayStat, GreenPrint, the Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays Trust Fund, the Genuine Progress Indicator and the nationally acclaimed Maryland Partnership for Children in Nature.

“For four decades, in both the public and private arena, John has worked tirelessly, passionately and wholeheartedly to serve the citizens of Maryland,” said Governor O’Malley. “For the past six years he has been at the heart and soul of Maryland’s environmental agenda, lending his wisdom and expertise to the progress we have made in protecting and restoring our land, water, fish and crabs. His solid judgment and knowledge of state government will allow us to continue the progress we have made creating jobs, expanding opportunity, and securing a better future for Maryland’s families.”

“I am truly honored by Governor O’Malley’s confidence in me and am looking forward to working with him, his talented staff and cabinet in this new role,” said Griffin. “Matt Gallagher has set a high standard for me to follow, and I am excited for this opportunity to assist in building upon the significant accomplishments of the O’Malley-Brown Administration.

Under Griffin’s leadership as secretary of the Department of Natural Resources (DNR), Maryland has enacted bold management plans to rebuild the State’s iconic crab and oyster populations. Griffin is well known throughout Maryland and the Chesapeake Bay region as a consensus builder. Griffin spent five years as a senior policy advisor to Governor Harry Hughes. He later served as DNR secretary from 1995 to 1999 after spending 11 years as DNR’s deputy secretary. Griffin’s experience also includes five years as general manager of the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission.

Joseph P. Gill, presently DNR’s deputy secretary, will take Griffin’s place as secretary. Gill was named DNR’s deputy secretary in 2010 after serving as the agency’s chief counsel for 14 years. Gill has played a key role in many of the agency’s most significant programs and policies, from development of the Rural Legacy Program to driving development of a more aggressive penalty system for natural resources violators.

Griffin will fill the role left by Matt Gallagher who is leaving the Administration to become president and chief executive officer of the Goldseker Foundation. Gallagher has spent the last four years as chief of staff, overseeing day-to-day operations of the Governor’s Office and 18 cabinet agencies. Gallagher had previously served as deputy chief of staff. Prior to joining state government, Gallagher served as then-Mayor Martin O’Malley’s director of Citistat, the acclaimed performance measurement program that has been replicated nationally and internationally.

“I would like to thank Matt for his years of dedicated service to the citizens of Baltimore and Maryland,” said Governor O’Malley. “His innovative leadership has been instrumental in helping achieve many of our most significant gains over the past decade. Matt is one of the most competent and able administrators that I have ever had the pleasure to work with. While his departure will be felt far beyond the second floor of the State House, I am excited Matt will remain engaged in such important work through his new role at the Goldseker Foundation.”

1 comment:

  1. WHAT!! Chuck Cook or Jim Ireton didn't get promoted to O'Malley's Chief of Staff?


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