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Tuesday, April 16, 2013

First Lady To Attend Signing of Veterans Bill

First lady Michelle Obama will visit the United States Naval Academy and deliver remarks at a bill-signing for Maryland's Veterans Full Employment Act of 2013.

Obama will be present on Wednesday as Gov. Martin O'Malley signs into law legislation that will enable veterans who apply for occupational and professional licenses in Maryland to get credit for their military training, education and experience.



  1. Now if we can only get MD to stop taxing federal pensions!

  2. We can't get Maryland to stop taxing ANYTHING!

  3. Who cares, she doesnt support the Military...

  4. You can dress it up but it's still a crude and vulgar "ghetto girl." Not my words but the words of the affluent African Americans on Martha's Vineyard who weren't too pleased to be "graced" with the Obama's presence when they decided to vacation there the first year of his presidency. They know ghetto when they see it-can't fool them.
    Needless to say the obama's never went back.


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