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Sunday, April 28, 2013


A man who describes himself as an FBI informant and says he worked to infiltrate the world of terror sympathizers has told a Miami television station that members of the Taliban already are in the United States.

It was the Taliban that controlled the largely ungoverned Afghanistan when the U.S. coalition went into that nation to clean out the influences that allowed Osama bin Laden’s agenda to thrive before the 9/11 terror attacks on the U.S.

And the comments from South Floridian David Mahmood Siddiqui come just as the nation is breathing a sigh of relief over the death of one of the Boston Marathon bombing suspects, and the capture of the other.

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  1. The Boston attack lets us know that more of the world hates us.It seems the Taliban is just one more.Freedom and human rights seem to offend the rest of the planet for some reason.It isn't our imagination that everyone is out to get us.They really are.

  2. LOL!!!! You don't think the FBI, the CIA, Homeland Security (spit the taste out of your mouth after you say THEIR name), and the NSA, KNOW their are terrorist cells already here? Get real. Khalid Sheik Mohhamed told his interrogators that Al-Queda has already smuggled a nuclear weapon into Europe. The Border Patrol REGULARLY (as in every day) catches Iranians, Saudi's, Afghani's, Somali's, and other people who have really made an effort to get into America without being detected. The NSA is recording EVERY SINGLE INTERNATIONAL call and monitors the Web in ways you can't even believe. Domestic web traffic is scrutinized more deeply than the sheep could ever imagine. Bank accounts. Cell phone texts and messages. Chat rooms. Phone logs. We are being watched in ways that would make Orwell puke. But stopping the terror? Ain't no money in that. Not much fear and the resulting facist clampdowns would be going on either. So a few Americans get killed, so what? Presidents send thousands of men to die to advance their cause. You think a few citizens mean anything to them? They have a plan and some of us aren't going to be part of it....including the people who cheer warrantless searches, secret trials, imprisonment of reporters, military operations against innocent civilians, drones, and all the other things we have allowed to happen --- against everything our country was founded upon, in violation of our most sacred laws, and the reason millions of Americans have been injured or killed defending. Apparently all for nothing. Refute THAT.

  3. One, excuse me-two of them currently occupy the White House.

  4. One more reason to keep your powder dry and bores clean.

  5. .Freedom and human rights seem to offend the rest of the planet for some reason.It isn't our imagination that everyone is out to get us.They really are.

    April 28, 2013 at 9:59 AM

    More like our intruding in other countries affairs and occupying them. Our gov't is the biggest terror agent and we taught them well. Now they using it against us. We would do the same things if it was reversed.

  6. We know a supporter of the terrorist is in the Whitehouse, he refuses to call them Terrorist, Muslim Extreamist, Jehadist, Criminals....

  7. They are'nt actually in Salisbury yet.

  8. some years back, after 9/11 there was an incident in panera and words were exchanged. i was there and others heard as well.
    is the taliban here in salisbury? not sure how to answer that, but i do know what happened that day was very disturbing and meant to intimidate.
    there are arabs living in our area, but i don't know what they might believe. i know some and they are very nice, but again; i don't know proof positive they don't intend to harm us or help the taliban.

  9. there are arabs living in our area, but i don't know what they might believe. i know some and they are very nice, but again; i don't know proof positive they don't intend to harm us or help the taliban.

    April 28, 2013 at 9:48 PM

    It's not just Arabs. It's all nationalities. And even our own F.B.I. and C.I.A. that want to do us harm. Live your life but be aware of your surroundings.

  10. We have them in every quick stop store in Salisbury.
    hey 1:18
    wake up and smell the roses , your in another world.

  11. These radical Muslims are in every mosque in this country and until the "MODERATE MUSLIM" points them OUT then they to a radical Muslims, This too is going on in every College and prison in this country, To the ALL radical Muslims in U.S.A leave the country that you hate, and to the radical Muslims born here in America you should be HUNG in Times Square for TREASON.

  12. The Muslims are waiting for their orders orders and when they receive them all hell will break loose.

  13. Bring it on BC America is long overdue a cleansing of MuslUms in this country.

  14. Notice how presidential campaigns completely leave out the Asian Incentive.No one will dare talk about even though it is one of the most important issues of our day.Until the constant stream of Asians stop coming here because of unlimited financing by our government the Muslim situation will only get worse.


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