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Thursday, April 11, 2013

Dr. Ben Carson Won't Give Hopkins Commencement Address

A spokesman for Johns Hopkins confirmed to WBAL late Wednesday Johns Hopkins neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson will not give the commencement address at the Hopkins School of Medicine.

WBAL has learned the decision to step down came after students voiced concerns after comments Dr. Carson made about same-sex marriage.

Johns Hopkins neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson has apologized for recent comments where he compared supporters of same sex marriage to pedophiles and those who support bestiality.



  1. Hang in there Ben.

  2. Sodomy is still criminal.
    Homosexuality is the equivalent of pedophilia and bestiality.
    What don't people understand.

    Gay is wrong on every level.
    Congratulations to Dr. Carson.

  3. I think Dr. Carson should resign from Johns Hopkins; apparently the student body is in charge, and not the Administration.

    Dr. Carson was trying to stress the importance of marriage and the family unit and and the fact that it can't be redefined...it is what it is.

  4. It's the graduates loss and no one else's.

  5. If you own a bakery and refuse to make a wedding cake for gays you will get sued. If you own a Florist shop and decline to make flower arrangements for a gay wedding you get sued. And you get death threats and are the target of vile and hatefulled comments from gays- all-for believing in and standing up for traditional marriage. We have Caligula in the White House.

  6. Wasn't there a story right here yesterday about 2 married gay guys sexually abusing the boys they had adopted? I mean, what should Carson apologize for, stating the truth? The only thing not in that story is anything about the pets...

  7. If Ben Carson what white they would label him a racist homophobe.

  8. The gays, perverts think they have everything going their way; however on the last days, the Lord God will separate the sheep from the goats, and the sheep will be in heaven while the goats will burn in eternal fire. They won't be laughing or filing suits then.

    Stand up for what is right and don't compromise your values for the immoral.

  9. stand firm dr. ben.
    it's johns hopkins loss.
    shame on them...

  10. When Islamists finally destroy Western Culture and force everyone to abide by Sharia law--the one that says to behead them--wonder if they will be parading around in their rainbow tutus demanding "equal" rights then?

  11. Thank god, his 15 minuts of fame are over.

  12. 12:22 Really, he has been famous for over 20 years.

  13. Which God would that be 12:22? The one in the bible calls homosexuality an abomination. Do you know where the root word for sodomy came from?

  14. Man wrote the bible for his own purposes at the time. It is not like God dictated and someone wrote his words down.

  15. Ben Carson is "one Great Man"! I bet if some of these people with the wrong remarks about him had a child that needed his expertise they would be at Johns Hopkins ASAP and ask for him too. There is no one like him in the world!!!!! Just look where he came from, as the old saying is,"least we forget where we came"!!!

  16. GOD dictated, Moses wrote

  17. God bless you dr. Carson. I am going to. Shout out and talk about this violation of your free speech to everyone I can.

    You are an amazing man.

  18. Moses wrote the bible? Better check on that.

  19. Moses wrote the commandments given by God. Wasn't implying Moses wrote the Bible.

  20. Let them get someone who's more up there alley like Bill Ayers.

  21. Anonymous said...
    Man wrote the bible for his own purposes at the time. It is not like God dictated and someone wrote his words down.

    April 11, 2013 at 2:12 PM

    It is always frustrating to see the ones who malign the bible the most are the ones who know it the least.

    What's that saying? An empty wheelbarrow makes the most noise.

  22. His remarks were taken out of context & used to smear him. Why can't he speak as to how he feels about gay marriage? the grads will have missed out on hearing from one great man. If they'd rather someone spout more what they WANT to hear, they can read their choices on the internet. This is their loss. Hope they are sorry some day.

  23. bloomie can speak for them. after all he donated a wing...


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