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Monday, April 15, 2013

Democratic Official Admits Plan To Confiscate Guns


  1. The plan EXPOSED.
    Brainwashing? Can you imagine Eric the twit Holder brainwashing?
    YES people!
    The radical Democrat Socialists are coming for your guns.
    These pinko commies must be stopped. They do not represent American views and opinions. They control enough of the media to persuade the masses with the facade of confidence and credibility.
    We are entering a dangerous time as soon they will not tolerate the voice of opposition. We are beginning to see it now. However Subtle, but the intimidation by the Obama regime and fellow Socialists like O'Malley in targeted prohibitive taxes, class baiting, divisive calls for revenge, IRS, Small Business Administration full SWAT "raids" on small businesses, gun control, registration and eventual confiscation.
    This is the progressive incremental creep of implemented Marxism that has destroyed our education system, our morals and is destroying America and it's constitution.

  2. A truthful liberal? The ultimate oximoron.

  3. i really want them to try and take my weapons... they might win in the end but they will not win the battle i will give them

  4. Don't register a DAMN thing. NOTHING. Openly tell them that and see if ANY of them have the goomba's to go door to door. We have "leaders" who OPENLY come out and say "if we could take all the guns we would". The Constitution they SWORE to uphold and defend? They actually never read it. What will you say when they say they are tired of all the criticism and from now on, the right to assemble and speak freely against the government will no longer be allowed? Don't laugh. Twenty five years ago, if anyone had said our own government (!) would soon be ADVOCATING gun restrictions and confiscations, they would have been laughed out of the room. I'm with 8:34 --- come to my house and you better bring the whole day shift with you, because I'm unloading on everyone who shows up.


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