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Thursday, April 04, 2013


Looking deeper at our stats today I also came to learn we have published 450,000 comments so far. Another surprise was that we have spammed 45,300 comments, just around 10% of what we published. 

So what does that mean. Well, it means that Mr. Taylor and some of his friends are clearly obsessed and should seriously consider seeking professional help. 

Think about that, FORTY FIVE THOUSAND COMMENTS that have been trashed. Do you know the definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. 


  1. This the Joe I Miss. Get that fat cupcake government leaching scumbag!!

  2. And that pig Mr Robinson can go to hell right along with Mr Taylor. Anybody that would try to buy an election like he did ought to be ashamed of their self. I would and never have supported his business.

  3. That fat bastard needs to be investigated, way too much time on his hands, for a "Disabled" guy.

    1. Disabled? Hand to mouth disease perhaps.

  4. Perhaps that's YOUR definition of insanity, however, those comments did produce a reaction from your "LOSER" sorry ass. PUNK!!

  5. Robinson got Ruark booted too.
    He was Seth Mitchell's main supporter. I would want to cross him. He spends his money on his beliefs!

  6. Ruark got Ruark booted.

  7. JT needs to stop leaching off the government and give our damn tax dollars back he has been taking.

  8. Joe was very respectable during the election. He was not posting stupid pics up on his website and being negative. He gives you facts and let people comment yes you do have to sensor some stuff because people do say stupid S###. I think Joe is a great guy.If you don't like the damn website quit coming here and starting stuff. He ran a clean election and didn't have to be bought by special interest like some people. At least he had the brass to run for mayor.

  9. I thought Robinson was going to open his own skateboard park? A wannabe that will never b? He and Lake were going to put the Dt outta business rofl!

  10. In case anybody doesn't know him, he is a compulsive liar and has delusions of grandiosity. True fact! He was not employable anywhere in Salisbury. Thank goodness dad gave him the business. Funny, the only reason he backed Ireton was because he doesn't like Joe. Ireton could care less about him and probably will distance himself from the clown since the election is over.


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