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Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Can North Carolina Declare An “Official” Religion?

North Carolina legislators made national headlines last week with a bit of high-profile religious extremism. They introduced a resolution declaring that the state has the right to declare an official religion – presumably Christianity. The bill also contended that states are “sovereign” and that federal courts cannot prevent states “from making laws respecting the establishment of religion.”

The North Carolina bill—which appears to be dead for now—was one of two big church-state blow-ups last week. In Tennessee, legislators withdrew a school voucher bill that would have allowed parents to direct taxpayer money to private schools, including Christian academies. The reason they balked: it suddenly occurred to them that the bill would also allow parents to direct tax dollars to Islamic schools.


  1. The whole country should be Christian period!

  2. Replies
    1. No. They already have a country.

  3. This country was founded on christianity.one nation under god.

  4. 1 nation under God....not necessarily 1 nation under Jesus.

  5. You are a bunch of dopes for advocating this. Whats funny is you're probably the same crew that thumps your pocket constitution when you get a chance. Maybe you should read it some more.

    1. 7:30 maybe you grace this country with your absence.

  6. actually they can.
    the amedment states "Congress shall make no law...."
    it says nothing about states.


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