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Friday, April 19, 2013


Reports of shots fired in Watertown, Massachusetts. Heavy police activity is being reported.

Fox news is reporting the suspect is down

UPDATE: Suspect is in custody. 

Boston Mayor Menino tweets 'We got him' - 


  1. Strap some c4 to him and make sure the parasite is dead

  2. Keep him alive for torture!

  3. He is inside a boat in someone's back yard in Watertown. Listening to the scanner there. They are getting ready to advance on the boat.

  4. wish it were true...

  5. He is in a boat in a driveway they are throwing flashbangs in the boat.

  6. fired two flash bangs into boat. thinking about negotiating with him

  7. negotiator on scene


  8. Paul Adams said...
    He is in a boat in a driveway they are throwing flashbangs in the boat.

    April 19, 2013 at 7:57 PM

    MANHUNT UPDATE: A Franklin Street resident in Watertown, MA called police after he went to check on a boat behind his house and discovered blood and a body, according to an eyewitness account.

    Suspect is now in custody.

  9. Yes, in custody and the first thing is to take care of his medical needs. WHY? Did he care about the medical needs of the people he killed. The liberal Democrats shut down a whole city for a snotty nosed 19 year old. Are we stupid or what?

  10. Good job Boston, even if the F.B.I. made the arrest.

  11. From The UK DailyMail--

    The FBI revealed on Friday that they had interviewed Boston Marathon bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev in 2011, after a foreign government alerted officials that he had possible ties to extremists.

    Federal officials vetted Tamerlan Tsarnaev but their probe not produce any 'derogatory' information and the matter was put 'to bed,' a U.S. law enforcement source said.

    The revelation is the first indication that Tamerlan Tsarnaev and his younger brother, Dzhokhar, were known to U.S. security officials prior to Monday's bombings, U.S. authorities said.

  12. Earlier today, it was learned that at the request of the Russian government, the FBI interviewed and investigated the now-deceased Boston Marathon bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev two years ago, but failed to find any incriminating information about him.


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