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Sunday, April 28, 2013

Breaking News In The Troy Durham Case

We here at the DPW watch have just learned that the United States District Court greenlighted Troy Durham’s lawsuit against disgraced Sheriff Bobby Jones, Somerset County, County Attorney Kirk Simpkins, and against John and Jane Does who are “Somerset County Commissioners and/or the County Administrator and personnel specialists.” This unnamed County Administrator is, of course, none other than Dan Powell.

Somerset County and Kirk Simpkins had tried hard to get this lawsuit thrown out, but this court decision denies their motions to dismiss, meaning that the county, Kirk Simpkins, the former county commissioners, and Dan Powell personally are potentially liable for both standing by while Bobby Jones unlawfully fired Troy Durham and also the current county leadership for allowing the continued mistreatment of Troy Durham.



  1. This is certainly no surprise, I've been saying for years that the county was getting poor legal advice. For years they all conspired to cover-up for each others wrong doing. Maybe this is finally what Somerset county needs to get the good old boys out of office. Just a side note, even if Dan Powell is accountable for some of this, he has been a better SA than "file gate SA Kristy Hickman".

  2. Who was the "judge" in this sham ?
    I don't know how it can happen without acquiesence of the judiciary.

  3. somerset county is a joke. Dan Powell is better than kristy hickman, but it's time to clean up down there. Get the good ol' democratic boys out of there and stop covering up for each other! Glad i moved from there long ago.

  4. Who runs DPW? What is it?

  5. Don't know who runs DPW 2:28 but I believe there objective is only to discredit Dan Powell and try and get Kristy Hickman reelected to SA again. The only comments allowed on the site are the ones that they agree with. It's really a joke, not a serious site at all.

  6. This is a major development and should be getting more comments than it is. There is so much wrong doing now I think people are becoming immune to it. It's really a shame, we deserve better, I'm glad at least some of the corrupt officials are going to be held accountable.

    1. 8:33 --- Totally Agree---
      Complacency, ignorance, fear and apathy are run rampant like an epidemic illness. However, these are only the symptoms of the problem. It appears that Durham and his attorney have been able to reveal the source of it all.

  7. Pay by that group should be easy. Kirk sells some of the land he bought on the cheep from tax sales he ran for county, Dan pays some of the cash he got from his treasurer for easy stets, and Rex pays some of the cash he gets from swinging those county contracts to jerrys son in law.

  8. What is his lawyers name? Im sure his lawyer would get a kick out of other stories about other police departments doing this.

  9. Pretty soon the feds are going to roll in and carry away every single official in Somerset County in handcuffs. Oh happy day that will be.


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