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Thursday, April 25, 2013

Blue Angels Grounded From Ocean City Air Show

The Navy's Blue Angels are one of the biggest draws for the Ocean City Air Show, but they're not flying this year.

The Navy's flying team is known to take their talents over the beach and boardwalk in a performance that seems to get increasingly exciting every year.

This year, officials with the Navy confirmed earlier this month that they're canceling the remainder of the elite daredevil pilot's 2013 season because of federal budget cuts.

Despite losing a headliner for this year's show, Ocean City Mayor Rick Meehan said he's not concerned.



  1. Then Air Force 1 and 2 should be grounded also.

  2. Air show in FL was a bust without the military planes.

  3. This is one cut I can agree on...if you want to have hot rod jets perform dangerous stunts at an airshow then let a private enterprise invest in it and see if they can make it work. For our taxpayer dollars to pay for this is an unneeded and extravagant expense. Bottom line...its not essential to the welfare or defense of this country which is how all government spending should be judged and decided (IMHO). Have a nice day.

  4. Lets cut the millions of dollars in welfare to Anti American immigrants like the ones who just bombed Boston, the millions of dollars in foreign aid to the Muslim Brotherhood in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Egypt and Iraq BEFORE WE CUT THIS!!!!

  5. The real reason is that OC raised the parking rates at the airport where participants park their plans. Meters on the runway will probably be next.

  6. Anti Obama protest in the works for the air show.

  7. Thank you 1224, tired of the whining from this crowd. You want to cry because the BA's were grounded. But you'll be the first ones complaining about gov. spending on medical research

  8. No, we're the first to complain about the Obama regime stealing the money we earn only to give it to terrorists, baby mommas, and a multitude of programs that are a miserable failure.


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