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Friday, April 26, 2013


During her testimony on the “Gang of Eight” immigration bill before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano declared that she, President Barack Obama and other political officials at the top of this administration have the authority to decide which laws to enforce, and which ones to ignore.

Napolitano made the declaration in an exchange with Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) when he was questioning her on how Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents have alleged that political officials in the Obama administration, including her, have blocked them from enforcing the law.

Sessions noted that ICE agents’ union president Chris Crane had testified on Monday “that agents are prohibited from enforcing the law and, indeed, the ICE officers have filed a lawsuit [to that effect].”



  1. This is a major indication that liberalism thinks it is above the law to the extent of Communism.
    The illegitimate Obama regime and all of it's components have twisted and inaccurately redefined the meaning of law and order.

    All the evidence is before us daily that they manipulate fact and corrupt truth with diversion and unrelated parallel arguments and misinformation.
    They are corrupt, they are immoral, they are hypocrites, they are sinister.

  2. I told you --- they don't even care what you think. They don't care about the law, the Constitution, or anything other than the preservation of their power and authority. They OPENLY tell us (under oath!!) that they -- THEY ! - have the AUTHORITY to do whatever they want (like locking down an entire city under the threat of death for going OUTSIDE). PLEASE -- have one of the cheering masses for this sickeningly dictatorial government come on this site and defend what she just said! The people we trust to uphold the law and honor the will of the people just told us all to go and try an anatomically impossible act. Keep buying guns and ammo -- they just put all their cards on the table...

  3. Just like we can pick which laws to obey

  4. 11:25.....true. But YOU will get shot for it.

  5. lmclain said...
    11:25.....true. But YOU will get shot for it.

    April 27, 2013 at 8:10 PM

    Shooting THEM was one of the laws I wanted to break.

  6. “By having a process by which those in the country illegally can pay a fine, pay fees, register so we know who they are, by dealing with the employer demand for illegal labor, by opening up the visa system, that will have the effect, basically, of confirming the focus of resources where they need to be.”

    Wow. Letting employers have ILLEGAL labor? WTF is wrong with her/them?


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