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Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Albero Congratulates Ireton

The unofficial results of the 2013 Salisbury election are that incumbent mayor Jim Ireton has cruised to a decisive victory over challenger Joe Albero. Albero issued the following statement upon learning of the results: I would like to congratulate Mayor Ireton for his hard-fought victory. I would also like to congratulate Councilwoman Shanie Shields and Councilman-elect Jake Day. All three now have the opportunity to help move Salisbury forward. I wish them great success as they grapple with the problems facing our city and its government. 

This campaign has been hard-fought. It has also been a humbling experience. Humbling, not because of the size of Jim’s win, but because it has afforded me the opportunity to meet thousands of Salisbury voters. In just a few short months I have been able to learn more about Salisbury and my neighbors than I otherwise might have in a lifetime’s worth of normal interactions. This has provided valuable insights into the lives of our citizens, the problems we face, and the strength of character in our citizens which will help Salisbury move forward to a brighter, stronger future.

Many friends and supporters have asked, “Was it worth it?” Absolutely! This campaign has permitted me the opportunity to bring the twin topics of economic development and job creation to the fore. During the course of this campaign, Mayor Ireton chose to also take up these issues, which are vital if our city is to have a prosperous future. While Jim and I may disagree on many of the specifics of these issues, it is my sincere wish that he and the new council will be successful in moving Salisbury towards a more prosperous future. While Jim, Shanie, and Jake will have the great honor of serving us in the city government, it is my hope that I may be able to continue to help Salisbury move forward in some other capacity.


  1. Did you hear JimBeau trashing Cohen and Spies during his victory celebration, and bragging that he beat the "blogger"?

  2. Move over Mark Tilghman, make room for Paul Wilber.

  3. Its gotta be voter fraud, odds are there just cant be that many stupid people in 1 small district. 1700 turn out for Campell's district....surely a record turn out?

    The end times are really scary....

  4. Very nice, Joe. I am still sad about the results.

  5. I saw him on tv last night. So arrogant.
    first thing out of his mouth was "look out Spies & Cohen, we're no longer a council of no."

  6. Joe, you can be proud! You ran a good clean race. Thank you for all you've done.

  7. Hard fought election? Seemed pretty easy for Jim.

  8. This is very gracious of you. Please don't take this the wrong way, but what are your plans? You did say you would be moving if you lost. Are you really going to stay in Salisbury to help build the future or will you pack up and move back to Delmar or even North Carolina?

  9. Joe, Where are you going now? Whats's next? Joe please consider running for the Governor of MD. O'Malley plans to run for President.

  10. Joe Don't care where you move just keep sby news going. With out you we won't know what is happening.
    Sorry you lost but you ran a clean race. We are proud of you.
    You have a beautiful home in Delmar. Go enjoy it and your family. Please keep sby news.

  11. Joe you gave it your best and there were two votes in this household for you. We appreciate everything you did and believed that you would turn this city around. Don't know about your future, but certainly cannot blame you if you get the heck out of here, because from here on it's going to get nothing but worse. If we could sell our house for anything decent, we would, and get out also.

  12. Very impressed with your dignified post in response to the election results. Rising above with dignity is always a WIN!

  13. I admise you Mr. Albero for your gracious congratulations. I am sure that had you been the winner, there would not have been a gracious anything from Ireton as he is a whiny snot.
    I certainly wish you the best in whatever your next endeavor is. I certainly hope you keep your blog going as it is better than any paper, television news we have on the eastern shore.
    Thank you for caring enough about Salisbury to run for a better city.

  14. But, wait, we thought you were moving? Say it ain't so, Joe...? But if you do move, good luck to you on your next endeavor. Hopefully, with your gracious concession, the city can now set forth on a positive note - there is no place for such a polarized set of factions in this country. We were built around compromise and camaraderie...thanks for beginning that trend with this post.

  15. Class act man! Nice run at it!!!

  16. No different than the way most of the country thinks,afraid to see progress thru hard work and sane policies .Good luck Joe and wish you the best!

  17. Anonymous said...
    I saw him on tv last night. So arrogant.
    first thing out of his mouth was "look out Spies & Cohen, we're no longer a council of no."

    April 3, 2013 at 7:22 AM

    Did Jim Ireton really say this? Was he really bashing Spies and Cohen?

  18. Joe you ran with dignity and class unlike Jim Ireton and his minions who trashed you every opportunity they got. The person that should have been trashed was Jim Ireton. It goes to show you that good guys can't win elections. It was proven the last two times in the presidential elections and now this city election. I've said it before and I will have to say it again. You have to fight fire with fire. The only positive thing about Jim, Jake and Laura is there is hope the voters will realize their mistakes within the next 2 1/2. Hope you run again in 2 1/2 years and thank you for running better our city.

  19. I'm glad it's over because now my wife and I can make the decision to never live in Salisbury city district. Looking to buy a house and raise a family, but now that Ireton is in again we WILL NOT be buying a house in the city.

  20. Im moving to Florida,a lot of real estate deals down there.I just dont agree how the liberals are ruining this state and cant stand it anymore.

  21. Joe you fought a good fight and lost a great race in a tough town. I appreciate the topics your have brought to the forefront of Salisbury.

    Many of your supporters, on the other hand, need to learn from you and not be such sore losers.

  22. Joe,

    You're a way better man than I am. Ireton is an a$$. If I were Debbie, Terri and Tim, I would resign today and give the voters of this city just what they asked for. Let these jerks have at it!

  23. I hope they investigate JOHN ROBINSON he spent $5000 running ads against you! I thought you could only spend $250

  24. What a gracious post! Glad I don't live in Salisbury. You would have made a great mayor. Please keep on with your blog. It is our only real source of news!

  25. I'm not a Sby nor a Wic Co resident but for the life of me I can not understand the voters thought process.
    There is no reason for a city the size of Sby and esp one with a university to rate so high on crime, poverty, unemployment and rate so low on median income, housing prices.
    Sby is unique in this regard being the rural nature of the counties that surround it.
    What stands out is that all the cities comparable to Sby that are in shambles are places where democratics are elected. And to deny that the city isn't a mess is disingenuous. Sby should not nor ever have rated in the top 100 most dangerous city. With poverty comes crime and liberal policies have done more to exacerbate poverty more than anything.

  26. "Anonymous said...
    Did you hear JimBeau trashing Cohen and Spies during his victory celebration, and bragging that he beat the "blogger"?

    April 3, 2013 at 7:05 AM"

    Ireton should show more graciousness because it makes me embarrassed for his parents who though he is a grown man it reflects on them and the type of family one comes from.

  27. I have just called for an investigation into John Robinson he spent $6300.00 with Delmarva Broadcasting (I just called and they told me)and $2500 with Clear Channel. And sent out flyers with his own money this is illegal!

    1. Are we talking about about the same goofball that shot a girl in his clock shop?


  29. For Anon 9:40

    From the FEC.gov website (Federal statutes)

    "Independent expenditures provide yet another way to support Federal candidates. An independent expenditure is money spent for a communication that expressly advocates the election or defeat of a clearly identified Federal candidate. It is "independent" only if the individual making the expenditure does not coordinate or consult in any way with the candidate or campaign (or agent of the candidate or campaign) benefiting from the communication. Independent expenditures are not considered contributions and are unlimited. You may spend any amount on each communication as long as the expenditure is truly independent.

    You may, for example, pay for an advertisement in a newspaper or on the radio urging the public to vote for the candidate you want elected. Or you may produce and distribute posters or yard signs telling people not to vote for a candidate you oppose."

    Does the city have different laws than the federal government?

  30. 9:40
    Ireton was thanking him the other day for putting large signs in the building that he rented for no other purpose other than to have Ireton signs at a highly visible location. I wonder what he will get in return.

  31. 9:51 It states support for a federal canidate. I wasn't aware Ireton was a federal candidate.

  32. Joe, its just so sad that your loss is such a victory for the Daily Times. Those new editors targeted you and were determined to bring you down. So sad. And just so wrong. Why can't those people use what's left of their power to do good?

  33. Ireton better watch his A/S i will be out at his bar locations waiting for a opportunity to get him on video acting like a fool, and it wont be on the local SH/THOLE news it will be on FOX.

    1. Mayor or not SPD's got your back!!!


    1. It would be great to shut them all down

  35. I am 9:51. That's why I asked if it was any different at the local level. Did you read the entire statement?

  36. I've heard of sore losers but if you look at fat boy jt's sorry excuse for a news site they look like a bunch of sore winners. Looks like you still got them by their tiny gonads Joe! Stick around and keep up the good work Joe.

  37. 9:51 here again. Did more research. Can't find anything specific to Salisbury but found this from the Maryland Board of Elections (http://www.elections.state.md.us/summary_guide/sg_08.html#6):

    "2. Independent Expenditures

    Independent expenditures occur when a person or organization makes an expenditure to promote the success or defeat of a candidate without coordinating with, or acting at the request or suggestion of the candidate, a political committee of the candidate, or an agent of the candidate. If cooperation or coordination exists between the person and the candidate, then the expenditure would be an in-kind contribution subject to the contribution limits.

    3. Personal Expenditures

    Personal expenditures by an individual incurred to express purely personal political views are not subject to the contribution limits. The individual must act independently and the expenditure may not be made in coordination with or at the request or suggestion of the candidate, a political committee of the candidate or an agent of the candidate.

    - § 13-102 and 1-101(z) of the Election Law Article"

  38. Joe, We need you around for the next 2.5 yrs to keep this idiot and New council in Check.

  39. The city of Salisbury election packet states any advertising for a specific candidate must be endorsed by that candidate. And the maximum contribution $250.


  40. Very classy Mr. Albero good job. Sorry that you didn't win.

  41. Salisbury is dying...April 3, 2013 at 10:33 AM

    I don't get it, the mayor is anti business except for his friends in the Real Estate business So when he drives out the middle class and businesses where will all the entitlement people eat, buy food, get clothes, There will be NOTHING here except low income houses???

  42. Anonymous said...
    Are we talking about about the same goofball that shot a girl in his clock shop?

    April 3, 2013 at 9:50 AM

    That is correct!

  43. I saw Robinson with a bunch of signs last night too!

  44. Salisbury is dying... said...
    I don't get it, the mayor is anti business except for his friends in the Real Estate business So when he drives out the middle class and businesses where will all the entitlement people eat, buy food, get clothes, There will be NOTHING here except low income houses???

    April 3, 2013 at 10:33 AM

    People in low income housing get rental vouchers and the slum lords love them. The only stipulation is something like having low income with children and single parents. This is where you see a lot of rental vouchers at Moss Hill apartments. There is a city council member that lives over there and she lied on her lease because her husband is living with her and was working full time at the college. This is fraud on the federal level and the liberals look the other way.

  45. Sorry that you lost, Joe. But I'm proud of you for doing it with class. You still found a way to lead by example.

    Personally, I was considering a move back to Salisbury this year. This election was a chance to build some momentum behind the idea of improving this town.

    My choice whether to invest my family's livelihood was decided last night. I'm going to purchase my first house somewhere else. I don't believe the current political leadership is capable of creating a stable and growing economic base, spending my tax dollars wisely, and addressing the biggest quality of life issues that we have - crime and regulation of our ridiculously oversized rental housing market.

    Anybody know how this year's turnout compares to historical numbers? I remember Shanie winning with 99 votes. Seems like an unusually large turnout this year.

  46. All day long yesterday Long and Foster Realtors posted on their Marquee a picture of Jake Day and said Vote for Jake Day in the Salisbury elections today. It may still be up today if someone can run by there and video tape it. I may be wrong, but I think this is illegal since there wasn't an authority signature line posted. I will never ever buy a house from Bill Martin or anyone that sells for him. He is a slum lord with a lot of run down rental properties in Salisbury.

  47. John Robinson did his homework. He did the spots all on his own without the coordination of either Ireton or Day. His voice, his money. Nuff said.

  48. Joe I am sorry you lost and I hope you stay around and do what you do best and that is blogging and exposing corruption in local government. That is why most of us come to your blog to find out what is really going on in Salisbury.

  49. This is what happens when you have people Jim Robinson who by the way is a scumbag buying an election and low voter turn out. Now Salisbury is gonna suffer another 4 years because people have voted people that are incompetent of doing the job.

  50. Salisbury's election is an example of what is going on in this country. How many registered voters live in Salisbury? How many actually voted? If you didn't vote, don't complain! People are too lazy to educate themselves. They'd rather stick to what they THINK they know, what is "comfortable" for them. Salisbury is a mess. My guess is that it will continue to be.

  51. It was a great run, Joe! You got two votes from my house, and we are proud THIS MORNING of our support for you and Debbie.
    Rather than lay blame on the electorate or make excuses, we, like you, hope for finer days in Salisbury's future-even if our chosen formula to achieve that will not be.
    Your concession was a class act-very well done.
    We sincerely hope that you stay with your blog- You know better than I that this city will REALLY need you in the next 2 1/2 years!
    Thank you, thank you, thank you for stepping up and running an honest campaign to serve our fair city!!!

  52. im sad that mr. albero lost but i appreciate his professional and mature concession announcement. i hope he sticks around at least with the blog to keep the truth out there and keep the pressure on the city of salisbury to be a better place. good luck in whatever you decide to do next mr. albero, im sure you will be successful.

  53. 10:54 Would you be talking about Laura Mitchell.

  54. Joe I was really hoping you would win! Things in Salisbury are not going to get better and voting Day in there really doesn't help considering the better part of his campaign was bought by outside interest.Salisbury might go bankrupt with this administration. People voted the same way they did O'malley and Obama O'mallry raised everyones taxes Obama shoved healthcare down Americans throats.People wake up and stop voting these. Idiots in office

  55. A New Republican MayorApril 3, 2013 at 11:45 AM

    People get it right LIARTON has 2 years 7 Months NOT 4 yrs Lets see which Republican will go against LIARTON in 2.7 years, Also lets see how many times day get stopped for speeding between now and then, I know some cops that cant wait to pull him over, Tick Tock.

    1. Yeah let me catch that little punk. And no Fairy ton I will not let it slide.

  56. That's how Democrats are very sneaky people.they say that there for the environment and gay marriage and all that nonsense they when they get in office they tax the devil out of people! Sneak a taxes! And they are great at bankrupting things to

  57. The only words that come to mind after this 2nd voting debacle in a year are:
    LET IT BURN!!!!

  58. Did Jim Ireton really say this? Was he really bashing Spies and Cohen?

    April 3, 2013 at 8:55 AM
    YES. He did say this.

  59. THE NEXT SMEAR IS ALREADY UNDER WAY!!!!!!!! See below.

    "Anonymous said...

    Did you hear JimBeau trashing Cohen and Spies during his victory celebration, and bragging that he beat the "blogger"?

    April 3, 2013 at 7:05 AM"


    3 hours ago
    0 updown
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    Well John, if you lived in Delaware, you could run for mayor of Salisbury, Congrats to the winners of the election. I think Debbie did a fine job in certain areas but when she hooked her wagon to Cohen, it was the beginning of the end for her. Mrs. Cohen knows she is out next, the writing is on the wall. The straw that broke the camels back was the Fire Chief situation. Mrs. Cohen has a personal hatred for Chief Hoppes and she needed someone on the council to stand with her. If anyone has ever met Chief Hoppes, you wouldn't find a finer person anywhere on earth. Congrats again to the winners. Now lets get the others out."

    See how it goes? Cohen doesn't have a personal hatred of Hoppes or any other city employee.

    Now that they picked off Debbie Campbell, who has been more of a friend to firefighters than many of their own "brothers," they will seek to destroy Cohen next, who has also tried to look out for the firefighters. Then Spies, who WAS a volunteer FF.

    Not politically defeat them, but destroy personally with comments like that. This is only the beginning.

    This is what Jim Ireton has inspired. People who sink into the gutter with slander to get what they want.

  60. Conspiracy nuts. Good lord. Joe lost fair and square. He wished Ireton well. Take his lead, and stop whining and complaining about it. You all need to stop drinking the cool-aid.

  61. Something is wrong and has been wrong with the Salisbury city leadership for years and it will not improve until they and their policies are gone if ever improvement comes.
    Someone looking to buy a home in the city goes to neighborhoodscout and sees crimerate is 531.2 per 100,000. US average is 319.1.
    Okay well-we'll overlook that for now and get a list of homes for sale in the most expensive Salisbury neighborhoods.
    Red flag goes up even higher because literally exactly one half of the homes listed for sale in this particular neighborhood are short sales.
    In our minds it told us that the residents of the city who you would think have the most sense, haven't any at all.
    This election is reflective of that.
    We gave up looking in Salisbury. I would say to those who didn't win yesterday be thankful. With the properities selling for such lower prices and the short sales, real estate assessments are going to drop substantially and there's no where left to get the money in Salisbury for services. Within a year they are going to be facing a large deficit. It's inevitable.

  62. Congratulations on your campaign. You've done more than most of us would do. Although we love to sit around and whine and moan, very few of us actually follow through and make an effort.

    Hopefully you'll be an inspiration for others to get involved in the political process. You've set a fine example on how to run a campaign for anyone who would care to step up and enter civic life.

  63. Mr. Albero,

    Although not the outcome that I expected, I wanted to thank you for at least trying to do something to make Salisbury a better place. Rather than sit on the sidelines and bitch (like most people)-you at least got into the ring and tried to do something. Sadly,this election will usher in "Dream Team 2-the sequel." But at least you fought the good fight. For what it is worth, you may not have picked up a lot of votes, however you did win a lot of respect.

  64. very nice letter Joe. I commend you for your efforts and your attempt to bring meaningful issues to the forefront

  65. SAD TRUTH of Joes loss is those four will ruin salisbury worst than the Dream Team did.

  66. That was a piss poor turnout by the citizens of Salisbury.About 18,000 people reside in the city.

  67. About 30,000 in city of Salisbury, and approximately 2,500 voted, less than 1%.

    Whatever that says....it's not good.

  68. In an attempt to promote business in Salisbury, can you shed some light on what happened to All About Tan in the Clairmont shopping center? I have gone there for years and Saturday morning there was a CLOSED sign on the door with a note to contact Rinnier to gain entry to obtain any personal property. This weekend is supposed to be their annual Customer Appreciation Day.

  69. Joe, your words speak so highly of the man you are both inside and out.

    As for the Salisbury community, I feel nothing for you. Joe may of won if more people had taken the time to go and vote. Yes, it was cold but it was your future you took for granted. Now the council can be called one thing, the Ireton Dream Team. When you didn't take a moment to vote for Debbie you took a very powerful mind out of the picture. Look at all of the money she has saved the taxpayes while she was on the council. Ireton now has his majority he needed to have his ideas passed. By not voting you have given a man with a child's mind the power he needs for the next four years to ruin Salisbury and yourselves.

    When you don't take the time to vote, you don't have the right to complain about Ireton and his Dream Team. You only have yourselves to blame. I don't see how Salisbury can ever return (during our lifetimes) to what it once was.

    Thank God I don't live in Salisbury.

  70. I'm still sick over this election. I had high hopes for Ireton being different and better than Tilghman. He proved us all wrong right out of the gate. I was hoping the people of Salisbury would finally get a mayor and council that truly cares about them and the city. It didn't work out that way. The only thing left to do now is pack up and leave while you can still get a few dollars for your homes or businesses. It's going to be just that bad.

  71. Someone tell the DT that Ireton is not going to act more grown up or professionally.

    Here is the link of Ireton threatening Cohen and Spies if they don't rubber stamp everything, for those who doubted he really said what he did:


  72. Joe you got to realise Eastern Shore people is a bunch of drunks. They to busy setting home with theyre little alcohol to get out and vote.

  73. I will NEVER buy anything from Two Faced scumbag robinson again and neither will my friends hey cannon u2 are also a Scumbag.

  74. @Anonymous 3:17...

    2,500 out of 30,000 is a little over 8%, not less than 1%. Also, there are only 14,000+ registered voters in Salisbury (children, convicted criminals, etc. can't vote), so the turnout was actually around 17%--still pretty bad, but not less than 1%.

  75. Anonymous said...
    Did you hear JimBeau trashing Cohen and Spies during his victory celebration, and bragging that he beat the "blogger"?
    April 3, 2013 at 7:05 AM

    I wish all of you would go to the WMDT website and listen to what Mr Ireton said. Fair is fair but I truly detest how some twist words to trash others.

  76. I'm not a Salisbury voter but I was shocked at the people who could campaign for Day publically after the news of his disregard for traffic laws was made public and he refused to admit he was wrong and apologize with a promise to do better.
    The worst is a lot of these people are parents and have convinced themselves they are good parents. That couldn't be more wrong. Good parents do not ever give the example that they reward someone who flagrantly flaunts the law.
    That is what is wrong with Salisbury, the amoral people. Amoral as in they are indifferent and lacking in the most basic of morals. They set a very very poor example for the children in saying that bad behavior is rewarded.

  77. Joe, don't give up. You were meant for bigger things than Mayor. You should go after County Executive. You have the connections. Talk to Joe Collins next time and get Nick Loffer down here to set you up a proper campaign.

  78. Low income housing breeds people that don't care, voting is too much like work, actually having to work to learn different peoples agendas. Much easier just to go with the flow as long as the free stuff keeps coming.

  79. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    "Anonymous said...

    Did you hear JimBeau trashing Cohen and Spies during his victory celebration, and bragging that he beat the "blogger"?

    April 3, 2013 at 7:05 AM"


    3 hours ago
    0 updown
    Share | Flag
    Well John, if you lived in Delaware, you could run for mayor of Salisbury, Congrats to the winners of the election. I think Debbie did a fine job in certain areas but when she hooked her wagon to Cohen, it was the beginning of the end for her. Mrs. Cohen knows she is out next, the writing is on the wall. The straw that broke the camels back was the Fire Chief situation. Mrs. Cohen has a personal hatred for Chief Hoppes and she needed someone on the council to stand with her. If anyone has ever met Chief Hoppes, you wouldn't find a finer person anywhere on earth. Congrats again to the winners. Now lets get the others out."

    See how it goes? Cohen doesn't have a personal hatred of Hoppes or any other city employee.

    Now that they picked off Debbie Campbell, who has been more of a friend to firefighters than many of their own "brothers," they will seek to destroy Cohen next, who has also tried to look out for the firefighters. Then Spies, who WAS a volunteer FF.

    Not politically defeat them, but destroy personally with comments like that. This is only the beginning.

    This is what Jim Ireton has inspired. People who sink into the gutter with slander to get what they want.

    April 3, 2013 at 12:36 PM

    No one on the city council had a personal hatred for Mr. Hoppes. He was an incompetent leader and always lied and talked down to some of the city council members. His frivolous spending and waste of tax dollars is what put him in a bad spot. His vote of incompetence from the fire department membership didn't help either. If I remember correctly his application was shot down by Mayor Ireton several times and he promised the firemen he was going to get rid of Mr. Hoppes. Some people have short memories.

  80. Anonymous said...
    Conspiracy nuts. Good lord. Joe lost fair and square. He wished Ireton well. Take his lead, and stop whining and complaining about it. You all need to stop drinking the cool-aid.

    April 3, 2013 at 12:45 PM

    Now that's the pot calling the kettle black.

  81. Anonymous said...
    Mayor or not SPD's got your back!!!

    April 3, 2013 at 3:33 PM

    Looks to me like Bull has Ireton's back.

  82. Whoever was in charge of your campaign blew it down the drain. So, don't give up, learn from GA's mistakes.

  83. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Someone tell the DT that Ireton is not going to act more grown up or professionally.

    Here is the link of Ireton threatening Cohen and Spies if they don't rubber stamp everything, for those who doubted he really said what he did:


    April 3, 2013 at 3:49 PM

    How can we get an mpeg version of this to save? Does anyone know how to convert it?

  84. I HEARD HOPPOS was and is a racist is this True Joe?

  85. The fix was in. There is no way that vote count is correct. This is why we go back to paper ballots. I'll wait an extra few days for the accurate count!

  86. What is said about this is Terry Cohen, Tim Spies and Debbie Campbell were all friends of Jim Ireton and helped him get elected. Debbie and Jim have been friends for over 20 years and look what he did to her and now Terry and Tim. The Democrat Party is eating their young. If Democrats were good people they would have shunned Jim Ireton and ran him out of town for his actions. Why would anyone want to be a Democrat now. I am changing my political affiliation.

  87. Anonymous said...
    Whoever was in charge of your campaign blew it down the drain. So, don't give up, learn from GA's mistakes.

    April 3, 2013 at 6:15 PM

    Debbie and Joe did not have the help that Ireton got from his misguided "friends" and the Democrat party. One thing to take home from this is to start early and have a better campaign staff with a lot more help. Ireton started campaigning against Debbie 4 years ago after she helped get him elected. GA actually did a great job, they just needed more help.

  88. 6:32 said it.

    Ireton began his campaign against Debbie the first time she said "no" to him on something. I recall him making a snide remark against Terry Cohen at a council meeting during the last campaign while smiling another time how he had her sign in his yard.

    Face it, the guy is 2-faced.

    Ireton also used his office to gain access (just like Barrie did) to lots of groups "wanting something." Ireton promised them what they wanted, regardless of the expense or pain to others. Like the skatepark. How many of you would like to live 100 ft. away from one? Let's see a show of hands. Maybe Ireton would like one across the street from him.

    Ireton was hooked up with unions, SU, a bunch of athletic groups, the Democratic machine, his former enemies (slumlords, developers, Barrie Tilghman, Louise Smith, etc.) and more.

    Joe and Debbie had "regular people." Guess what, regular people? You don't count because you don't belong to a group that wants something from the mayor.

    All you people who wanted the old firehouse to be something special like a children's museum or something else cool that the city would still own, Jim Ireton told you to go suck an egg.

    Ireton isn't about making the city better. He's about advancing Jim Ireton. Anyone who disagrees is to be stomped into the ground. That's what he told the 1500+ voters that got Debbie Campbell in last time, then he worked them with lies to turn them against her.

    And it worked with about half of them.

  89. Anonymous said...
    I HEARD HOPPOS was and is a racist is this True Joe?

    April 3, 2013 at 6:25 PM

    Ask the EEOC.

  90. Robinson/Cannon said...
    I will NEVER buy anything from Two Faced scumbag robinson again and neither will my friends hey cannon u2 are also a Scumbag.

    April 3, 2013 at 4:46 PM

    Are you referring to John Robinson and John Cannon the RINO?

    Was John Hall the RINO at Jim Ireton's victory party at the Holiday Inn?

  91. I see Jimmy Payne is on the fat bloggers FB page Liking a nasty comment about getting rid of Joe Albero and Debbie Campbell. Looks like he is still sucking up to Mayor Ireton to get hired.

  92. Joe, just stand your ground. I just learned the WCBOE will be paying teachers to attend the council meeting where teachers will be paid to participate in the political process that is forbidden by the county employee manual.

  93. I heard hoppus is NOT being considered because of a black FF is suing the city for racism?

  94. RINO

    interesting concept. please explain what the mainstream Republican Party had accomplished in the past decade

    lets see. two list presidential elections. a totally ineffective congress.

    two totally fruitless wars.
    absolutely nothing in Annapolis.

    so. really ???

  95. 8:11 PM I have a better question for you. Please explain what the lamestream Democrap Party has accomplished in the past decade?

    Let's see. Failed presidential election where your party refuses to prove the Muslim is really an American. A totally ineffective Senate. A babbling buffoon as a Vice President. The highest gas prices in American history. A failed economy. A wannabe president who issued more executive orders than all presidents combined. An executive cabinet infiltrated with the Muslim Brotherhood. Benghazi. Fast and Furious. etc.

    So. Really??

  96. Wow does that mean day will attend his first council meeting shortly?

    I applaud you Mr Albero and I hope this will settle better than my stomach has and become possibly Ok.

    Confused and to broke to move

  97. Mr. Albero, thank you for a clean, honest and above board race. I am upset at the outcome because I felt that you, Ms. Campbell, and Ms. Polk would bring positive, and effective change for the betterment of all citizens.

    The outcome proves to me the fix was in early and decent people don't win races when the other candidates are liars, and thieves. They collectively sold their own souls to profit themselves and soon, very soon, it will become clear to all the citizens what they really are. Trash begets trash.

    I wish you and your family all the best and again, thank you for your sincere efforts to help decent people.

  98. tommy lipner you might be right, but I doubt it. Ireton proved last night, especially with his comments about the other council members, that he is above the law.

  99. Tom Hughes I'll probably get in trouble with the WCRC, of which I'm a member, in being pleased with the DemClub choices!

  100. Anon 9:00, where did you get that or are you Tom Hughes?

  101. The Chamber of Commerce looked bad in that last forum. Everyone who watched Shields, Day and Ireton read from their notes in answer to that first question and the moderator get all flustered and declare no one got the questions...

    Yeah, right.

    Chamber looked like slime, and PACE by association, as well as SU.

    I sent the link to my brilliant niece and my sister to watch that fraud show. My sister said they are thinking about tossing SU as a possible college choice. My niece said, "Wow, that looks like a totally staged show for some of those candidates. I can't believe the college would be so dumb as to be part of that."

    Smart girl. Hope her scholarship comes through for one of her other choices. Much better reputation.

  102. 8:44. did you see me endorse the Dems?? They're useless as well. I simply don't see a damn thing to be proud if as a republican right now. there has never been more reason to be an independent. both parties have screwed up this country.

  103. "The straw that broke the camels back was the Fire Chief situation. Mrs. Cohen has a personal hatred for Chief Hoppes and she needed someone on the council to stand with her."
    This is a CROCK...of you know what. Nothing could be further from the truth. I want Campbell, Cohen & Spies (the 3 with minds) to walk outta there & not look back. More a bunch of ungrateful bastards I've never seen.

  104. The city of Salisbury election packet states any advertising for a specific candidate must be endorsed by that candidate. And the maximum contribution $250.


    April 3, 2013 at 10:29 AM

    Hmmmm. Grounds for dismissal.

  105. Joe, fight it and put 10k in a facebook ad campaign, give them a taste of their own medicine.

  106. 10:26 PM Salisbury U is not located in Salisbury City Limits so why does it matter

  107. Most on here are bitter and expect Joe to cure all your issues with the City. Joe do this , Joe do that! When is someone else going to step up to the plate. Give Joe a break. Some comments on here are from idiots.

  108. I think the names were reversed on the electronic machines.

  109. Joe, you ran a good, hard and clean race, now its time to set back and watch the circus! The old saying goes... give them the the rope and watch them hang thier selves! They have all made promises now lets see if they follow through. My guess is... they will not. I think this election was a eye opener for most and I think the Mayor will have answers to provide when the promised are not achieved. Give a year the mayor will be squirming like a worm on a hot brick.

  110. Did anyone notice just how vested in our community is the daily slimes? Great post election, front page coverage. Don't you think? Also I read on some comment (may not be this thread)that their landlord knocked 200 bucks off their rent for the month of May for voting a particular way. Isn't that illegal? How could they possibly know haw someone votes. Couldn't the tenant lie?

  111. I want to know what the vote count was for mayor in district 1.

  112. Yeah joe what was the district 1 vote for mayor stats?

  113. always wondered where that 47% of no goods were living? Welcome to Salisbury where you don't need intelligence to vote you just have to be ignorant as to whats happening around you. If you thought Salisbury was in the toilet before, well now the not so brilliant voters have flushed.


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