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Tuesday, April 30, 2013


The Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) has just been re-introduced in the Senate and specifically bans employment discrimination based on sexual orientation. The bill has been around for the last couple of decades and its new supporters (two Republicans and three Democrats) probably believe that polls showing movement in favor of same-sex marriage mean that the iron is hot for striking.

From what I can gather, ENDA will offer the LGBT workers the same federal protections against employer discrimination as there are now in the categories of age, race, gender, religion, and disability. As the bill is written now, it would exempt employers with fewer than 15 employees, religious institutions, and religious-affiliated employers, such as Presbyterian hospitals, Catholic adoption agencies, etc.

Let's leave the debate over the overall bill for another time. The development I want to focus on is brand new. There is now a push underway to remove the exemption for religious-affiliated employers by no less than the ACLU and a number of LGBT legal organizations.



  1. There should be no exemption period. Equality for all.

  2. Is decent America going to have to lobby congress for a LGBT euthanasia program? These perverts are sick in the head!
    Homosexuality is a disease. It promotes disease and promiscuity.

  3. I agree with you 2:58

  4. Glad to see the Eastern Shore is still full of bigots, 2:58 and 6:12. Luckily, your time in power is up and all you can do is sit by and whine while the rest of America moves forward, you idiots.

  5. I choose not to subject my customers to cross dressers. I can and will decide who I want to hire to represent me and my company, because it is MINE.
    You all go do what you want...

  6. Anonymous said...
    Glad to see the Eastern Shore is still full of bigots, 2:58 and 6:12. Luckily, your time in power is up and all you can do is sit by and whine while the rest of America moves forward, you idiots.

    April 30, 2013 at 10:04 PM

    Another liberal moron trying to drop the race card strategy by calling someone a bigot!! Well I am sick and tired of being force fed your perversion and homosexuality! Anyone that supports this lifestyle is sick.

  7. I can hire and fire who I want, when I want, anytime I want. I can also split the size of my company into smaller companies to avoid Obamacare and its stupid overbearing rules. I can also participate in any Militia I choose to. Molon Lab

  8. LGBT and their outrageous behavior offends me. I'm tired of this country making a way for them. (I can't even practice my own christian belief w/o offending them.) It is ashame that this country is going down into the dumps. I hope these long leggit, gut gushing, booting busting, tramp trolls all go to hell; because they are all REALLY getting on my last nerve.


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