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Wednesday, April 03, 2013

A Letter To The Editor 4-3-13


I could not believe what I witnessed last night. Rather than being thankful and humble, and trying to be a consensus builder, Mr. Ireton instead sunk to baiting Terry Cohen and Tim Spies by name.

He has been the most divisive and also the worst mayor in the history of Salisbury, and we ain’t seen nothing yet. He actually makes Obama look like a diplomat.


  1. Did he really put down Ms. Cohen and Mr. Spies?

    I think Barrie Tilghman was a better mayor than Jim Ireton. At least she didn't turn on her friends even though she didn't have many. She was in it for the money and the pay offs. That's why Matt retired early. She had to get out before she got caught with her hands in the cookie jar.

  2. Why would you expect any thing different from jimbo. You get what you vote for. Thank God I live in Delmare.

  3. Very tacky, crass and vulgar to bring up political opponents in a negative light at what is supposed to be a victory celebration. Actions such as this reek of a lower class upbringing.
    A gracious well bred person would have thanked them and moved on.

  4. Another case of I was picked on as a kid so now I am going to get even.

    Laugh it up finny boy your day is coming when you'll have to explain your life also.

  5. Have any of you checked out some of the backgrounds on the people that supported Ireton and Day? How can they afford to donate money when court records say they owe money all over the place.

  6. What is said about this is Terry Cohen, Tim Spies and Debbie Campbell were all friends of Jim Ireton and helped him get elected. Debbie and Jim have been friends for over 20 years and look what he did to her and now Terry and Tim. The Democrat Party is eating their young. If Democrats were good people they would have shunned Jim Ireton and ran him out of town for his actions. Why would anyone want to be a Democrat now. I am changing my political affiliation.

  7. For every single person who did not go out to vote, you deserve everything thats headed your way. You will be the first ones complaining.

    Joe has given many hours, weeks, months and years to making sure Salisbury residents were aware of what was going on in Salisbury that the police and msm weren't making public. You had your moment to turn things around. In a twelve hour period of your lives you took for granted your right to vote. In a month or two you will be complaining wanting to get a petition started about having Ireton and his three thugs removed. You had your chance yesterday. If you can't go out to vote during those twelve hours, you'll never get out to have a petition signed. Ohhhh, you'll grumble about whats going on, thats easy to do. You could of voted by getting an absentee ballot but that also would of required you going out to get the ballot, filling it out and returning it. I guess that was too much time and work.

    Good Luck Citizens of Salisbury over the next two years. You will need it. Terry and Tim, the next two years will be a battle so I will keep the two of you in my thoughts and prayers. Maybe someone will step up to the plate now and start campaigning to win Laura's seat on the councl in two years.

    So thankful for not being a Salisbury resident.

  8. This letter shares my reaction when I saw this on WMDT last night, too. What a jerk! "My way or the highway."

    Jim Ireton wouldn't be where he is today without Debbie Campbell or Terry Cohen or Tim Spies. And a bunch of other people he screwed over, too. User. Liar.

    WMDT has this disgraceful comment up on their website. It's:


    Joe, on the other hand, has a gracious LEADER-LIKE post up today.

    Thanks to Jim Ireton, Salisbury continues to be trashy and low-class, no matter how many "upscale" whatevers they build.

    Oh, like the "upscale" old Mall development that got a TIF and is now...a long neglected mountain of environmentally toxic rubble.

  9. Did he really put down Mr. Spies and Mrs. Cohen?

    He threatened them with "My way or the highway." Look here:


  10. Robinson/Cannon 2 low life POS.

  11. Yes, it is really sad that Jim Ireton turned on his friends. They helped him more than he helped them.

    Ireton had Cohen and Spies's signs out in front of his house the last election, but I was one of the people he badmouthed them to. He of course didn't realize who he was talking to.

    Ireton caters to whoever he thinks can help him at the time. Then he kicks them to the curb. His three elected friends aren't the only one. He did it to many others.

  12. Some Good News, Maybe:

    I hearn that Laura Mitchell's husband is no longer at SU (apparently it was a messy divorce). Hopefully that pair will be gone soon.

  13. the people that voted for him deserve whatever he dishes out. the trouble is the rest of us are stuck with him also. yes he will turn on his friends and supporters. shame on salisbury. thanks sjd

  14. 6:20 mitchells husband i heard had sexual harassment issues at Salisbury University any truth to it?

  15. The mayor is an overgrown child. His behavior, and his life style are disgusting. He thinks he's so smart and swarmy, but in the end he will reap what he has sown sooner than he has sown and more than he has sown. There won't be anyone left who will help him.

  16. And did you see the spread on latest Metropolitan magazine featuring Palmer Gilliss? He said it was difficult to work with the current city council. A fluff piece that he paid for. Many know you have to pay to get on the front cover of that magazine. No doubt he and his cronies pushed to elect Day and put the gay mayor back in. Way to go Salisbury! What idiots!

  17. 17% voter turn out really?


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