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Wednesday, April 03, 2013

A History of Gay Rights Through TIME Covers

From Stigma to the Supreme Court

In March 2013, as the nation’s highest court heard two landmark arguments on the legality of same-sex marriage in the U.S., the outpouring of support from Americans made it clear that gay marriage has already won. Polls show that more than 4 in 5 voters believe gay marriage will be legal within the decade, and public support — from politicians, celebrities and citizens alike — has never been higher, according to TIME’s cover story. Though the Supreme Court has not yet rendered a decision, and only nine states have legalized gay marriage, it’s clear that American society has reached a watershed moment.
See Here


  1. Yes, a watershed where anything goes.
    Any aberrant, subversive behavior has to be tolerated and even championed as righteous and normal,
    all the while calling the opponents to the immorality bigoted, homophobic, racist haters.
    Democrats have created a perverse upside down land.

  2. How can something so sinful and disgusting even make it to the Supreme Court. Why hasn't the CDC gotten gotten involved?


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