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Sunday, March 17, 2013

When You Don't Have A Record To Run On, This Is What You Do

"Last walk through on the street two of your signs were very prominent in the yard of the corner house, they have now like several of Debbie's signs vanished, hope you can get them replaced possibly found".

Yesterday I got a call from a friend I have know for a lot of years. He had been home most of the day but had to go out and run an errand. When he returned he noticed that one of my yard signs had disappeared. Since there are many of them on his short block it was easy to recognize. He went over to the property and found my sign thrown in the back yard. In its place was a Jacob Day sign. When he got home he found a Jacob Day brochure on his door. 

Yesterday I had the honor and pleasure of spending the entire day in Sleepy Hallow. Talk about an incredible experience. As I started off I had noticed two people in front of me. By the time I hit the third home the owner said, you know that's your competition right in front of you. I replied, REALLY, is Jim actually out campaigning. He replied, no, he has volunteers and we got into an argument with them. They insisted I let Jim come back and speak to me face to face, I said no. They then said, well can we at least get him to call you. He replied, no. Isn't there anything we can do, NO. 

As I continued door to door I kept hearing more and more of this and every home with the exception of TWO in that entire development stated they were voting for me. The funny part was, Jim's volunteers gave up and left that community after about an hour. 

I want to Thank ALL of the homeowners in Sleepy Hallow for being so welcoming. Pretty much everyone was home yesterday and everyone was kind enough to allow me to share my platform. 

As for the signs, my signs are disappearing everywhere. That's OK, I'd rather have the incredible percentage of people supporting me in the voting booth then worry about childish behavior from a select few because they don't have a record to run on.


  1. JimBeau's pals are just as arrogant as he -- Jakey Day, for example!

  2. Joe, it's easy to talk to you. You are not demanding or act like a child if the conversation isn't going your way. You have helped many in our area without asking for anything in return. You helped fire depts during snow storms, knowing what they had said about you in the past and would continue in the future. I can't say anything positive about Ireton. He was making promises he knew he wouldn't keep and was appearing to be friends with everyone who could help him get elected. Before his name was put on the door he turned his back on everyone who helped him. I'm not mad at him. I'm ashamed of myself for believing him. This time around I'm going with how "I" feel about what I've seen with my own eyes. Joe, you have shown how you treat others. I'm proud to call you my friend.

  3. Joe, it's because you have made many enemies over the years, which means you are making progress.
    Keep in mind the following quotes by FDR & Churchill, respectively:

    “I ask you to judge me by the enemies I have made.”

    “You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.”

  4. This is one of the many reasons we should not vote for Jacob Day. I saw him with an Albero for Mayor sign in his hand he acted as if he didn't care if anyone was watching. This guy is an in your face kind of arrogant person. Only and idiot would vote for him.

  5. Does 10:21 really thinks most will believe that comment. As 10:21 says
    "Only and idiot would" believe him."

  6. Good for you joe.

  7. Good for you joe.

  8. 7 Debbie Campbell signs were taken on my street yesterday. The sign owners still support Debbie. Their signs were stolen. Signs and a campaign are expensive. Jake's money is coming from the same people who conducted business int eh dark and nearly took Salisbury to bankruptcy and gave our neighborhoods to slumlords. If you want the house next to you to be a boarding house and your taxes to go sky high while our downtown is given away believe the lies that Day and the Daily Times are tyring to spread. If you want someone who is working with regular people like the people on my street to take Salisbury back, vote for Debbie Campbell. In fact, send her a contribution or volunteer to help her. DO we really want a redux of the "clean sweep" campaign that gave us Cathcart, Comegys, Dunn,Barrie Tilghman and the like?

  9. Speaking of Mr. Day , a wolf in sheeps clothing.
    That uniform on him puts the army to shame , shame , shame Days to blame.

  10. Hey 10:21. Use your real name or at least prove it. Jake Day would absolutely never pull up another person's sign and would never step foot on someone's property disrespectfully. If we know anything about this guy - it's that he's got integrity.

  11. Jake Day is a contemptable person. The prospect of voter fraud seems very likely--how will the city ensure a fair election? Or will boxes of absentee ballots magically appear if Day and Ireton appear losing?

  12. I had one Campbell sign stolen, another uprooted and thrown down the street.

    I will NEVER vote for Ireton or Jake Day because of it, EVER!

    Joe has my vote now because I don't care whether it was some kid or the candidate himself that did this. I have never touched anyone else's sign that I disagree with and people who do this show what their candidates are made of.

    Everyone supporting Joe and are for Debbie Campbell too, you need to call your friends TODAY and tell them to get out to vote. If this is the dirty pool Ireton and Day represent, keep them out of Salisbury and keep them out of my yard!

  13. Someone needs to put out a critter cam at night and catch the critter pulling up the signs.

  14. Someone needs to put out a critter cam at night and catch the critter pulling up the signs.

    March 17, 2013 at 4:47 PM

    they only work with dumb animals. no matter how dumb you think some people are, they can spot the cams and they have opposing thumbs so they can remove them.

    learn a effective tactic and stop spouting this nonsense.

  15. Some would argue that persons that support Jim Ireton and Jake Day ARE dumb animals. 6:43 why don't you when to use "an" instead of "a"

  16. Thank you Joe and the other Honest and Real People Running What ever it takes I am trying to get people to vote, my uncles and aunts didn't fight and some die for you to throw that away, my father didn't go over seas for a vacation he like my sister and brother in law and other I don't even know fought for my right to vote. And thankfully I am not blindsided by BS or unfocused promises of the puppets I have seen

  17. Anonymous said...
    Does 10:21 really thinks most will believe that comment. As 10:21 says
    "Only and idiot would" believe him."

    March 17, 2013 at 11:29 AM

    Yes Jacob you were caught red handed now quit lying. You lost my vote and everyone on my street and my family will not be supporting you. You are a common individual who is a fraud.

  18. Anonymous said...
    Hey 10:21. Use your real name or at least prove it. Jake Day would absolutely never pull up another person's sign and would never step foot on someone's property disrespectfully. If we know anything about this guy - it's that he's got integrity.

    March 17, 2013 at 2:03 PM

    This city has a history of retaliation. Barrie Tilghman, Jim Ireton, NSCC, SPD. Ask Mayoral Candidate Albero and many others. Oh by the way I noticed you didn't sign your name.

  19. why don't you when to use "an" instead of "a"

    March 17, 2013 at 7:35 PM

    Then you wouldn't have anything to bitch about. love all these grammar lessons from rednecks on a blog. shoot billy bob, I was just a funning

  20. Just vote for Joe and Debbie, and Cynthia Polk. You WILL have a better tomorrow!

  21. Is Sleep Hollow in Dist. 1? Why waste your time in a neighborhood that doesn't vote? If they do, they were the only ones in Dist. 1 that voted & no one else in the City voted according to the number of total votes for that district.

  22. I'm still waiting for someone to tell me where Day works.

  23. I've got to object to these sort of posts... there have been a lot of serious allegations of mischief and malicious shenanegans made, a lot of finger pointing, with no evidence at all. The evidence presented in the pictures could be summed up as an Albero supporter throwing a sign on the ground and taking a picture of it. Then to tie it in with your campaign slogan as if to infer that this was done deliberately, I find, to be questionable at best. Can anyone provide some hard evidence instead of speculation and innuendo?

  24. Can anyone provide some hard evidence instead of speculation and innuendo?

    March 18, 2013 at 1:57 PM

    You don't need that in this country any longer.

    You can be jailed forever with just an accusation.

    No due process, no phone call, no lawyer.

    Heck, they might even kill you nowadays.

  25. @5:18

    Only if you let them get away with it, which I, don't plan on doing. Sounds like you've given up and thrown in the towel... not me.. and I still demand evidence, not circumstantial speculation.


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