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Sunday, March 17, 2013


Now, don’t tell me that welfare recipients aren’t innovative!

No reason to stand on your feet waiting to get your check. Just put your flip-flops next in line and go back and sit on your ass and play games on your iPhone.

What a great country!


  1. Where do you see a iphone,i don't everybody didn't have a silver spoon,plus these are Mexicans,stop bashing all the time and do something,i work and donate how about you?

  2. Even super lazy getting their handouts.

  3. It's a shame when the low life's can get along and we can't.

  4. Spring break?......Oh! you mean Easter Break. You silly atheist's. LOL.

  5. This is not a welfare office picture. It is from Asia and this is how people queue in line in that country, notice all the flip flops.

  6. So happy that I bust my hump to pay for these people.

  7. Definitely not the way welfare recipients in this country would behave--orderly and calmly. Just look at how the welfare queens in this country act over the newest pair of Air Jordans and you know they would never behave like this.

  8. Well 6:39 no one here wants anyone to suffer--Americans are the most generous people on the planet giving millions and millions of dollars to those TRULY in need. Note the phrase TRULY IN NEED. What most hard working Americans object to and find inexcusable are the welfare leeches that work the system so that they never have to lift a finger or do a days work--even though they are perfectly capable of doing so. Sorry to offend your "global" intellect and obvious moral superiority but you are FLAT OUT WRONG.

  9. Those are not Asian people, look again.

  10. 6:39 PM...Who the hell in this country is suffering? I guess all those illegals can't wait to get here to suffer?

  11. Snap card recipients are some of the most OVERWEIGHT people on the planet.

    The answer 6:39 is YES if they are using the safety net as a hammock for lifetime support!
    Reward the people that work, pull there own weight, tow the line and pay their own way and taxes.
    Not the lazy street class that takes advantage of every giveaway Obama and the Socialists will extend.

  12. . Note the phrase TRULY IN NEED.

    Ok, Mr. Perfect, point out the ones in this picture that are not TRULY IN NEED.

    6:39 PM...Who the hell in this country is suffering? I guess all those illegals can't wait to get here to suffer?

    March 17, 2013 at 7:51 PM

    No one can be as dense as you portray. You haven't heard about the millions of poor and millions of homeless in your own country? Or have they not suffered enough for your liking?

  13. 6:39 You are obviously suffering from brain damage.

  14. 6:39 You are obviously suffering from brain damage.

    March 17, 2013 at 10:34 PM

    You could be right. Talking to some of you one here causes one's brain to short circuit

  15. 6:39-Stop falling for that hate the US propaganda. The world doesn't hate the US or it's people. Yes, there are some in other countries who are pea green with envy of the US and don't want to admit they are jealous so claim to hate.
    The fact stands that you can go to any US consulate in any other country in the world and they are lined up out the door to get visas to come to the US.

  16. you people are so mean! leave those poor lost souls alone! why you always picking on poor people? Why not badmouth the rich? or are they above your derision? I guess greed and thelft and every other crime is better than being poor huh?

  17. 6:39-Stop falling for that hate the US propaganda. The world doesn't hate the US or it's people. Yes, there are some in other countries who are pea green with envy of the US and don't want to admit they are jealous so claim to hate.
    The fact stands that you can go to any US consulate in any other country in the world and they are lined up out the door to get visas to come to the US.

    March 18, 2013 at 11:04 AM

    You don't know what you are talking about. You sound like you swallowed Bush jr.

    They are not jealous of our freedoms. Hell, we are losing those right and left.

    They HATE our meddling. They HATE our warmongering. They HATE being invaded and occupied.

    You keep believing that Pollyanna crap.

    We are constantly being lied to keep some of you believing that illusion.

    If Taiwan were giving away free money to all takers, wouldn't you try to get some?

    Same thing here. Take our money and send it back to their real homes.

    You think any of them are going to stay here when the free money dries up? HA!

    It's good to be patriotic, but not BLINDLY.

  18. So ignorant.....oh wait you must be brilliant to be able to tell the entire life story of a person from a picture.

    So many people who were handed everything from Mommy & Daddy because they were lucky enough to not be born into a family desperate enough to have to go on Welfare sit back and oversimplify everything because they are too stupid or blind to know things are not so simple.

    My Mom (a US citizen) was on Welfare because my Dad left and if she tried to get a job our benefits would be diminished to such a degree we would not eat. Imagine having to have to choose between food & child care....She was not educated but she was smart (you should note there is a difference). She was smart enough to know what needed to be done in our particular instance to survive even though she hated it.

    I guess I "used" the system when I accepted a Pell Grant to get my Bachelors degree. Then I was able to get a GOOD job, work hard, get promoted buy a house & raise 2 kids in the burbs with my Husband who also came from nothing. We have worked to pay for for everything we have with no help from Mommy & Daddy or other family members (which apparently doesn't count as a hand out even when you are an adult).

    Every boss I've ever had has referred to me as the hardest worker they've ever known. That's a lazy product of the Welfare system for you. If not for programs like Welfare and the Pell Grant I would not be the productive, hard working citizen I am today. I would be poor for sure, maybe homeless, on drugs, or dead.

    Unlike some of the idiots I have to listen to, talking like they have all the answers since the problem is simple laziness, I have the character & wisdom to recognize that life is not so simple or easy for everyone.

    Pray to God you never hit REAL hard times without a safety net. Although then you would really learn something.


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