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Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The Erosion Of The U.S. Economy In Two Words: Jobs And Wages

The current de facto policy of inflating asset bubbles to spark a "wealth effect" is no substitute for policies that make it less burdensome to start new enterprises and hire employees.

The Status Quo is shameless when it comes to hyping the recovery by whatever metric is most positive. Recently, that has been the stock market, but if GDP rises significantly (and recall GDP increases if the government borrows and blows money), then that number is duly trotted out by politicos and Mainstream Media toadies.

If we scrape away this ceaseless perception management, we find that legitimate broadbased prosperity is always based on rising employment and increased purchasing power of wages. The phantom wealth that is conjured by asset bubbles vanishes when the bubbles inevitably pop, leaving all those who borrowed against their ephemeral bubble wealth hapless debt-serfs.

Since very few households own enough productive assets (i.e. financial assets above and beyond the family home equity) to replace earned income (i.e. a job) with unearned income, rising asset yields and prices do little to improve household wealth or income.



  1. We could have had a business friendly president. The enconomy is going nowhere with communist restructuring. So much for that "Hope and Change".

  2. Trickle down econmics is the only thing that works but liberals dont see it that way because people can actually get ahead and they want everyone dependent on government to keep them in power.

  3. Um, 141, trickle down has never worked, and is still not working today. You need to quit reading government drivel and open your own two eyes.

  4. Um 6:44 The current "government" doesn't even know the concept. In communism it is more like trickle up poverty where everyone becomes equally poor and anyone breaking free from the socialist plantation is the enemy.


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