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Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Teacher Leaves Gun Threat To Class On Blackboard

Lake Station, IN (CBS) -- A high school business teacher has been removed from the school after admitting he posted a threatening message to some of his students on a chalk board last week, reports CBS Chicago station WBBM-TV.Leaving the message may be a felony, police tell WBBM.

The message came to the school's attention after a student snapped a cell phone picture of it and posted it to Facebook, DeHaven said.

District leaders took the apparent threat seriously and immediately ordered the business teacher off school property.


  1. Looks to me like he had some left wing nutjob students (Obama youth) threatening him or his family at home.
    What exactly is "illegal" about the message?

  2. The daughter who is scared to go to class is probably the one who was the ringleader of what went on with the substitute..The kids who weren't assholes have no reason to be nervous or scared. If you did no wrong, then you have nothing to fear. I am sure the substitute explained the situation, and if he/she didn't, the teacher knows who are civilized and who are not. kudos to the teacher

  3. With the attitude of students today in the government/public schools it is no wonder. I used to be so shocked to hear about kids bringing guns to school until I got to talk to some school kids fimiliar with the subject. They explained to me that half of the kids packing have them as self defense against the thugs that have them and get away with it through intimidation of the teachers and staff. I would never put my kids in those hell holes if I had any other choice available.


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