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Saturday, March 09, 2013

SPD Press Release 3-9-13


  1. The police have lost their common sense in their zeal to be judge, jury and executioner.

  2. I dont see any mention that two of the officers involved were suspended. For what ? They didnt steal the car and flee. This is exactly why SPD lost 13 officers in a short time several months ago. Its also the reason there are always vacancies. The TOP COP never has their back. Shes too busy trying to be politically correct.

  3. Well since that's not what happened here.........The idiot driving the car is the only one to blame.

  4. Let the cover up begin

  5. Shouldn't bash the police just because it was a minor, for all the police knew it may have been someone with an outstanding warrant. It's so easy to sit back after the fact and be the judge.

  6. cover up lol. yeah right must be a cover up since the information was released immediately to the public.

  7. minors cause more problems than adults.

  8. What did the cops do? get into a chase? So much for BROTHERHOOD.

  9. Simple lesson here. Don't run from the cops, period!

  10. Unfortunately for the cops I heard that 3 were suspended for the chase. So it's ok to run from the cops instead of facing the consequences? WTH would want to be a police officer these days with a tyrant leading the force like the one Salisbury has.

    Was this guy a good kid or a thug? If he was running from the cops and driving illegally after 10pm I would say he wasn't a good kid.

  11. cant wait for the is of this kid!

  12. Simple lesson here. Don't run from the cops, period!

    March 9, 2013 at 12:17 PM

    You're joking right?

    Cops today are no better than any other thug gangster.

    With their shaved heads, tattoos, aggressiveness and other traits that are lowly.

    A lot of times the person CALLING for help from these menaces are the ones arrested, beat up and worse. Chances of being killed by the police are higher than any other time in history, and getting higher each day.

    There are literally thousands of incidents like I describe on youtube, news outlets, public records, settled lawsuits, pending lawsuits, etc., ad nauseum.

    Just the other day one city was on the news saying they don't even bother to call the cops anymore. They handle the problems themselves.

    Part of it is the hiring process, part of it is the type and lack of training, part of it is hiring retuning vets with their own mental issues.

    Some vets didn't get their first kill in Iraq or Afghanistan so they try to get in here.

    Just listen to some of you. You play, you pay. Do what we say or else. Yada, yada, yada.

    Beating a 16yo kid who was just walking with his mother, not doing anything illegal.

    Pulling him out of the police car to beat, kick and taze him some more.

    You ever think that YOU are the reason no sensible person wants to be a cop? Or that you get no respect?

    Gotta give it to get it.

    All you boys want to give is an ass-whipping, whether deserved or not, and then laugh about it with your other low life partners in crime.

    People run because they know they might not live after contact with one of you.

  13. Was this guy a good kid or a thug? If he was running from the cops and driving illegally after 10pm I would say he wasn't a good kid.

    March 9, 2013 at 1:27 PM

    Everyone should run from the cops if they don't have a gun.

  14. March 9, 2013 at 4:15 PM

    You rant on here daily about how much you hate cops. Have you been arrested before?

  15. I agree with 8:35, this will be covered up. Regardless if the car was stolen or not, drugs, whatever, if the cops pulled a pit maneuver to disable that vehicle on a single lane street, plus a wooded area at that, (note: controlled environment) then yes, they should be suspended, and without pay. That is reckless driving, reckless endangerment, and since they both died, manslaughter.

  16. Seems to me the minimum age in Maryland to get a provisional driver's license is 16 years and 6 months. If he's 15, he's not been to driver's ed yet. Maybe he needed to get pulled over. Maybe that's why he ran. His inexperience is what got him killed.

  17. 415 let me Guess your a X THUG...

  18. Well 4:15, he took a chance and ran. Look at the results. It comes to good decision/bad decision. Maybe he shouldn't have been behind the wheel.in the first place(no license). I've told people time and again to stop when being pulled over. The consequences have to be better than dying. Any other Monday morning quarterbacks?

  19. It is a terrible shame that the kid lost his life. Fact of the matter is that he ran from the police. The officers were suspended because that is standard policy in many police departments. The kid crashed into a pole due to bad driving and running from the police. He made the decision. If that kid broke into your house or just robbed one of your loved ones you would want him caught. People are quick to judge law enforcement, but they are forced to make instant decisions that most would not have the balls to make. No pit maneuver was rendered. The officers cars were not in the crash. Look at the pictures on WBOC.

  20. You rant on here daily about how much you hate cops. Have you been arrested before?

    March 9, 2013 at 4:40 PM

    Wrong again detective. Ever think there might be more than one who sees cops for what they are?

    415 let me Guess your a X THUG...

    March 9, 2013 at 5:06 PM

    No, and I'm not a Y, or a Z thug either, Brainiac.

    You knuckleheads think only criminals view you with disdain? Think again.

    Your "exploits" are on the national news nightly. People are finally getting tired of your crap.

    I know that doesn't sit well with your angelic egos, but you can only fool the people for so long.

    Keep on blaming your 'tyrant' superiors, punk kids, 'X' thugs and whoever else you want to blame for your shortcomings.

    Being a policeman USED to be a noble profession. Cops like most of you have turned it into a low rent job.

    Be proud.

  21. . I've told people time and again to stop when being pulled over. The consequences have to be better than dying. Any other Monday morning quarterbacks?

    March 9, 2013 at 5:14 PM

    You're just not paying attention to current events. Typical dodge to blow smoke and insult when you have no valid argument.

    Oops, it's Saturday. Guess I have to wait a couple of days to enter my criticism. My bad.

  22. If that kid broke into your house or just robbed one of your loved ones you would want him caught.

    Caught does not equal dead.

    People are quick to judge law enforcement, but they are forced to make instant decisions that most would not have the balls to make.

    lol. Which detergents do you 'ballsy' guys use to wash your capes?

    Oh, I know. Spam.

  23. Cops are not what they used to be. Daily, we are reminded of it. In Salisbury,Wicomico County and the state of MD -- it is more than apparent. We live in a police state, no better than Nazi Germany. And, rather than hear the criticism and "change" their ways, they attack the very people who pay their salaries. It really is sad.

  24. 8:46 PM

    nicely put

  25. If he would of killed your wife and kids driving illegally you wouldn't be complaining now would you. Half your comments are stupid. My son puts his life on the line every day for the people of Salisbury.... Do the crime do the time . He chose to run and paid the ultimate price

  26. 10:59. Athough your son is putting his life on the line everyday it is a choice he makes as a career. It is a good choice however and it works for him for whatever reasons. The boy who ran also made a choice. His choice however did not work for him. There are certain rules in life and a price to be paid for these choices.

  27. Some of these comments are ridiculous. The cops did nothing. They didnt mow him down or something. He crashed a car he CHOSE to run in. Period.

  28. stll waiting for I.d.!


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