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Thursday, March 14, 2013

Shady Car Sales Practices At Frederick Ford In Seaford, DE

Hi Joe,I'd like to like to bring to light some shady car sales practices going on at Frederick Ford in Seaford, DE. My wife and I (who live in MD) attempted to purchase a used car from them on 3/2/13. We were a little leery on getting the vehicle that we were looking at because it was being sold for a few thousand below its retail value (I know that we may have simply been getting lucky, but there's also a chance something was wrong or had happened to it). Anyhow, we established a deal contingent upon the vehicle passing MD inspection (since it was being sold in DE, it obviously didn't have MD inspection). First off, we were surprised that there weren't offering right off the bat to have it inspected. They were originally going to make us get it inspected on our own after the sale, but I explained that I didn't want to do that if there was a chance that we'd run into problems and need to get something fixed. The sales manager then informed the that he guaranteed that there wasn't a problem with the vehicle and that it'd pass with no problems. He said that they would pick up the vehicle from us on Monday (3/4) for the inspection. So after that, my wife filled out the typical paperwork, we were sent on our way, and they let us take the new vehicle home. However, the sales manager did not want to give us any copies of the paperwork until after everything was situated. We thought that was strange, but since we never dealt with a dealership in Delaware. we thought that it might just be how they do things. So almost a week later (3/8) and after a big run around, they finally came to pick the vehicle up for the inspection. That evening, I received a voicemail advising that the new vehicle failed the inspection and was going to need a new windshield. They said that they would try to make arrangements to have it replaced this past Monday (3/11) and they would call back with details and to confirm...but they never called back. Late Monday afternoon, they called advising that if we brought the vehicle to them soon, they could have the work done. At this point, my wife and I were already at work, so that was not going to happen. Another message was then left stating that it could be brought in on Tuesday. I chose to take Tuesday (3/12) off from work, but at this point, I had decided to just scrap the entire deal (which I would be entitled to do since the vehicle didn't pass the inspection).
Prior to leaving my house, I had called Frederick Ford and left a message for the sales manager that I was coming up there with the new vehicle and asked to have our old vehicle ready so that we could exchange them back. Once I got there, the sales manager greeted me and asked if I got his voicemail advising that the windshield would have to be taken care of on Wednesday. I hadn't received this message, and at this point we getting really annoyed with all of this running around and dragging things out. I had asked him if he received my message that I was coming and intended to swap vehicles back and he told me that he did not. He tried informing me that the deal was done, and that there was nothing that we could do. I inquired as to how the deal was done, since the inspection hadn't passed & they did not have the title. Additionally, I informed him that the old vehicle was registered to both my wife & I. In order for a vehicle in registered in MD to be sold if it is registered in two names, is if both parties sign off on it. I never signed off on the "permission to trade" form, and neither of us have signed the title (please note, as I had mentioned earlier, they do not have the title, we still have it in out possession). At this point, I asked where the old vehicle was, since I hadn't seen it when I drove around the lot prior to going inside the store. He informed me that they had already gotten rid of it. So now at this point, not only was the deal not actually done, since all of the required paperwork had not yet been taken care of, but they had gotten rid of a vehicle that they do not own.
I know that a lot of people are going to read this and leave comments about "buyer's remorse" and things like that, or call us stupid and everything else. But I just wanted to bring it to everyone's attention about the shady practices used by this dealership. As of the writing of this message, the issue has not yet been resolved, and I tentatively still have the new vehicle. I'll be sure to keep you posted on what happens if you're interested.


  1. Yes, I am interested, and as a business owner, I am on your side. You deserve proper care and honesty for every dollar you spend, and nothing less. Keep after it, and rest assured if you deal with me, you will get the same respect.

  2. Good luck and thanks for the heads up.

  3. Hopkins is by far worse. If Joe will let me submit my story I will however it's door times as long and worse than yours. Buyers beware avoid Hopkins both locations at all cost

    1. I bought a car from Hopkins in Seaford. I do believe it.is.the worst.of.the.two. Salisbury store is really trying to help.

  4. Always ask for the CarFax!

    1. Carfax has nothing to do with a windshield that needs to be replaced, unless it was damaged in an accident.

  5. All dealerships big and small in the struggling economy do whatever they need to do to save a deal.. frederick for is one of few where you CAN call and talk to owners if you cant get anywhere with a manager... big fred works out of ff. And his son fred out of milford, they are Happy to help displeased customers

    Everyones quick to slam the car dealers

    My husband is a gm for a dif store for that comp. And he takes calls nights, weekends and sundays on his cell to personally help customers, at times it annoys me, but it makes him a great gm.

  6. We have bought 8 vehicles from Them and always have been happy and treated fairly. Sorry that your experience was less, but I would talk to the manager Mark, he will make it right.

  7. You can fuss about the dealer but doesn't sound like you are a smart buyer.

  8. you are kidding right, Car salesman honest and car.... If you buy new MAYBE... I say maybe, I know of one salesperson in Salisbury who has worked and been fired at one point at every dealership in Salisbury. The reason they keep hiring him back? He has a line that could sell you a bridge.

    They, like Real Estate salesman are crooks. They only want your money, we should never need any of them but the banks make it so MOST people have to go to a dealership to afford to purchase one. We are all sheep, if we could buy and sell from one another, get rid of banks... We would be better off. No salesman, no real estate, no lawyers.

  9. We went to Frederick Ford of Seaford,DE several years ago to purchase a care. They would not give us the time of day, and no we did not go looking likes homeless people. We walked around, looked at cars, then went in for assistance. NO one showed any desire to talk with us. We figured if they were too good for our business, we were definitely too good to drive a Ford product. Probably the best decision we ever made!!
    Of course, Burton's just north wasn't much better. Of course that was before the family came in from Milford and took it over when John Burton died. Hoping they are more customer friendly now and do right by their customers. I know many people have been long time customers, just did not work out for us.
    We now shop around a lot more and observe before we make costly choices.
    It is definitely a 'buyers beware' situation.

  10. I am betting this family's car is still on the lot, well hidden, just scamming this family.

  11. So let me get this straight 9:49pm, it's the banks fought, not the sleazy car dealer?

  12. My parents had a similar situation with Frederick Ford/Hertrich...They contacted the Better Business Bureau and Mr. Freddie called them PERSONALLY at 8PM on a Wednesday night and said he was "just reviewing the file and wanted to make sure they were happy." Sure he was...regardless, he immediately corrected the situation. Recommendations..contact the BBB! Good Luck!

  13. no; you were not a "smart" buyer, but you have the unsigned paperwork, title etc. on your side.
    report them immediately to the powers that be in the state of delaware. make copies of everything and write down all the conversations and phone messages, dates and times...
    they really are liable and you can make this very bad for this dealership and those that tried to pull this off, but you must move fast. don't waste time !!!

  14. I understand your issue, however, if it were I, I would have had required the vehicle to be Maryland inspected prior to purchase. One of the most important things a business can do is to create customer retention. We still live in a community where word-of-mouth is important. If you purchased the vehicle under a "AS IS" clause, then you are responsible. If you had a warranty then you have a good case.

  15. I had a similar situation with them.. Now, I only Deal with Billy at Pittsville Ford!

  16. You can fuss about the dealer but doesn't sound like you are a smart buyer.

    March 14, 2013 at 9:34 PM

    Why isn't he? He still has HIS title. He inquired about the car passing inspection BEFORE he bought it. (coerced sounds like).

    And when he went to cancel the deal, he finds out this crap.

    Sounds to me like he tried to cover his butt from the start.

    Unless you mean he wasn't 'smart' for taking the word of a salesman.

    I'm sure it will work out to the buyers satisfaction, especially since it is now on this blog.

    Lot of damage can be done to the dealership from the word of mouth emulating from here.

  17. I worked for their GMC dealership right next door a few years back. After six short months I figured out that this was their mode of operation. DE inspections are an absolutely joke and thats how they approach all used cars sales. Few if any could ever pass MD inspections.

  18. Another reason to only go down to Tawes brothers in Crisfield

  19. I would not sell you a car sounds like you were trying to screw them by not signing your title correctly. Must have had something in mind like what happened by doing that. I am not a car dealer but a business man and things happen. The windshield is not a major issue and they are a good dealership which was trying to get it fixed. I am from MD also and would buy a car there.

  20. Why would you leave your car there and take the "new" one home without it being inspected first? Especially if you were weary about the purchase in the first place. Like the people above said, you can whine all you want about the dealer but you need to have more sense before making an investement like this.

  21. I've dealt with Fred Hertrich and Al White in person, and all I can say is count your fingers after you shake hands.

  22. Hello all, this is the OP of this story. I just wanted to respond to a couple of your comments.

    March 14, 2013 at 9:32 PM
    "Talk to Mark" - The evening after I had submitted this email (Tuesday 3/12) for posting, I went back to the dealership and spoke with Mark. All that he wanted to offer to do was let us trade back in the "new" vehicle. I was told that they'd "try" to give me "close to what I bought it for". In his example, he was offering about $1000 less than what we paid for it. Plus, I'd be expected to pay tax and GAP coverage again (and yes, I know I could still get the original GAP payment refunded). That's not remedying the situation, that's being greedy.

    March 14, 2013 at 9:34 PM
    Smart buyer - I'm pretty sure that I was a smart buyer, since I "established a deal contingent upon the vehicle passing MD inspection". It didn't pass, and now they're trying to force me to keep the other vehicle.

    March 14, 2013 at 10:05 PM
    car being well hidden - Yes, there's a chance of that. But I drove up and down every aisle and look in every corner of their property prior to going in that store that day, and did not see it anywhere. A friend said that they might just have inside getting detailed. I doubt that though because they told me originally that they wouldn't be keeping the car, and that they were going to send it to auction. No used car dealership is going to waste time detailing a car for auction. Plus, we kept the car very nice & clean, so there wouldn't be much need for detailing.

    March 14, 2013 at 10:25PM & 10:30PM
    BBB & "powers that be" - Well, so far, I've spoke with the Consumer Protection Division of the Attorney General's Office in Delaware. They've informed me that since the deal was contingent upon it passing the MD inspection, and since it hadn't, that the deal is "dead". I was informed that I have no legal obligation to complete the purchase of the vehicle, nor am I obligated to allow them to fix the chipped windshield. They advised me to contact the BBB as well regading regaining possession of my old vehicle, but only after I get a chance to talk to Mr Hertrich (whom I've left 2 messages for, and have yet to hear back from).

    March 14, 2013 at 10:35 PM
    blah blah blah - clearly you didn't pay attention to what you were reading. I did require the MD inspection prior to the purchase...that's what was meant by "we established a deal contingent upon the vehicle passing MD inspection".

    March 15, 2013 at 7:00 AM
    Trying to screw them over - I'm not trying to screw anyone over. I've been screwed over bad in the past when buying a car, I'm just covering my own rear end. From the sounds of it, I wouldn't ever want to do business with you regardless of the business that you're in. You don't sound as though you have any faith in the customer and you probably offer poor customer service. I worked retail for 5 years, and have never just shut out a customer like they're trying to do to me. Also, I have a small business of my own. And as a result of how well I treat my clients, my business has been growing very quikcly as a result of word of mouth.

    March 15, 2013 at 8:08 AM
    Why I would take the new car home - **Please read my response to "March 14, 2013 at 10:35 PM"**

  23. I've always had great luck buying from Hertrich.3 cars thus far,2 of them new.It was worth driving 20 miles for service an occasional repair work.

  24. This is a horrible situation. If the car has really been sold, offer to sell it to them for it's full retail cost to make their problem go away. Often times, it's situations where one party can't save face that create big problems.

    For those who want to buy a used car in Delaware but live in Maryland, realize that their inspections are not nearly as strict as Maryland's. Manufacturer Certified cars should pass every time. For all other used cars, don't do the transaction unless the car actually has a valid Maryland inspection already. Putting down a small deposit before the inspection should be fine and would put the dealer at ease regarding your intentions.

  25. Since they sold your vehicle without your permission (signed title) wouldn't that be considered theft? I wonder if the police should be contacted?

  26. If Mr Hertrich won't respond to your calls..imagine that..how about a certified restricted delivery letter that he has to personally sign?

  27. I feel for you and your plight.

    I also am appalled by some of the negative comments.

    That is what is a large problem in this country.

    People are so eager to jump on and berate an individual before they would do the same to a corporation/business.

    That is part of the reason the American people are so weak at times.

    Stand your ground. You are right in this instance. Ignore the naysayers. They really don't care one way or the other. They just like to stir the pot.

    Good luck and I have no doubt you will succeed.

  28. I feel for you. Trust me, it isnt just that you bought a used car from them. There technique of new car sales is just as bad. I ordered a car with a set price. When the car came in was told I had to pay more due to the rebate not being applicable any longer. No where in the price was anything that mentioned a rebate. Also have had mechanical issues since day 1. The first they fixed but after several phone calls. The second and still on going. I took it in and told them what it was doing and they told me that was normal. I am not a mechanic but I am not stupid either. Two days later I received a recall notice for the exact issue. Tell me I didnt go in with an attitude. Anyway didnt mean to ramble about my issues. I wish you luck on getting either your vehicle or more than the value for it.

  29. I bought a vehicle at an auction a couple of years ago, not noticing the light up top showing it was contingent on title being deliverable in two weeks. I couldn't take it with me that evening for my own logistical reasons, so I went the next day with a friend to pick it up. That's when they informed me that they found out they would not be able to get a title clear in that amount of time, and refunded my money right then.

    So, you will be able to get your old vehicle back eventually, because you still hold title. Sorry about your luck, though, I mean having to do without for a while.


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