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Thursday, March 21, 2013

Senate Approves Increase In Hunting License Fees

The Maryland Senate has approved a bill that will increase the cost of certain hunting licenses.

Under the bill, an adult hunting license would increase from $24.50 to $37. The non-resident licenses would increase from $130 to $150, and a three day non-resident license increases from $45-$65.

Money from the increases would help pay for the state’s wildlife protection fund.



  1. More taxes designed to be prohibitive.
    Bad hunters, bad hunters.
    People do not need the State's permission to hunt or fish for food to eat.
    Pretty soon they will want you to register and license you summer garden. With a fee and Government inspections of course.
    When will people realize we just can not afford Big Government Democrat law makers anymore?

  2. I don't hunt on public land and have not purchased a MD hunting license in the past 15 years. Not about to start now!

  3. Is it just me, or do we all read about two new tax increases every morning? I never heard that whatever fund was running out of money. I just noticed the last few years the books that went out with the licenses went from newspaper type paper to nice, shiny magazine paper with advertisements throughout. Nobody squealed about being short on funds. Heck, just go back to newsprint.

    I'll just quit buying licenses. The few times I've been checked, paying a fine would probably be cheaper.

  4. Tax,tax,tax,tax, it just cannot continue. The economy will implode, we are tapped out, gas next, air will soon be.

  5. How much is the license to hunt libtards?

  6. here come the poachers late at night. may as well join them

  7. That's right Wicomico, and who do we have to thank for these tax increases? Norm Conway and Jim Mathias.

  8. The wildlife protection fund will not see one penny from this. You know it, and I know it.

  9. Wildlife protection fund is just one of those feel good, sound good programs. Just like the Chesapeake restoration fund, it's just another excuse to raise taxes and waste the money on foolishness.

    I agree, it will certainly be better to just not get the license and on the unlikely chance that you get caught, just pay the fine. The DNR can't come into the woods during deer season so the only time they can check you is if they catch you going in or coming out.

  10. the libtard hunting license starts this year with a reverse fee. bag the limit and we pay you...

  11. Due to the fees, I quit hunting 2 years ago. I purchase most evrything in DE now. Out of protest.

  12. I told ya - they will not stop. In every facet of our lives, they have inserted some kind of fee, tax, surcharge, or levy. Apparently, we told them it was okay. And anyone who thinks its only the democrats, or ONLY the Republicans, is living in some fantasy world. It's ALL of them. No matter what they say to you in public. Its what they do. Keep voting. Its working GREAT. Mostly, for them.


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