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Sunday, March 10, 2013

Ryan: New House Republican Budget Includes ObamaCare Repeal

Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan, chairman of the House Budget Committee, said Sunday that his new budget includes the repeal of President Obama’s health-care reform law known as ObamaCare.

Ryan told “Fox News Sunday” that the new proposal will make enough cuts to balance the federal budget in 10 years, compared to his previous one that tried to achieve that goal in 25 years.

“We think we owe the American people a balanced budget,” the Republican congressman said.

Ryan said the focus of the ObamaCare repeal would be to stop the expansion of Medicaid, the federal program that provides medical services to low-income U.S. families.



  1. You're trying to question the king's authority?? Better watch out for those "unarmed" drones

  2. GOOD, next Impeach Obama!!!

  3. here we go again. They blame Obama for "not having a budget plan", which in fact he did, it just wasn't one that rep's could agree with. Which is just as good as not having a plan. Same holds true for this crap Ryan is putting out. If there is not a snowball's chance of it getting passed, it's just as good as no plan.

  4. Thanks, 550, keep on spending a trillion a year more than you make.
    You don't wand a balanced budget?
    Enjoy the coming train wreck, then.
    It's sealed, folks. Get ready.

  5. I don't ever remember anyone every blaming obama for "not having a budget PLAN", 5:50. Yes, it's not PASSING a budget Obama and the Dems are guilty of because the dems refuse to sit down and come up with something that is not only responsible but workable.

  6. I agree, 652, and how much of the Dem and Ryan plans have you read and offered your solutions to your congressmen? Is Ryan's plan garbage or treasure? Please, enlighten us!

  7. I guess my point is, 652, Paul Ryan will be presenting his plan on Tuesday. Today is Monday, and 550 is already calling it "crap". 550 is agreeing not with the Dems, not with the Reps, but chanting for the train wreck, and you, 652, cheer from the sidelines.

    I just call 'em as I see 'em!

  8. The NEW republican party.

  9. I wish the train would wreck. Tired of the money grows on trees attitude and the only way for most people to learn is experience- as in experience is the best teacher. People have to become very inconvenienced and get a rude awakening before anything of real substance can happen.

  10. Flush socialist Obozo care down the toilet where it belongs. Start over with real reforms:
    1. Medicare fraud prevention/prosecution
    2. Insurance company oversight
    3. Medical professional fraud prevention (un-needed procedures etc.)
    4. Medical lawsuit caps on a case by case basis
    5. Prosecution enforcement for frivolous medical lawsuits
    6. Put an immediate stop to drug companies bribing doctors to prescribe dangerous and unneeded drugs, especially pysch drugs
    6. Tax exempt medical savings plans
    These are just a few thoughts where real reform could start, but then my judgment is not being clouded by special interest bribes and threats. If the spineless politicians do nothing (as usual) then the choice now looks like socialized medicine or corrupt overpriced skyrocketing cost private sector medical care.

  11. ObamaCare is now law.. Get over it


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