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Saturday, March 30, 2013

Rand Paul on ‘Hannity’: I Will Filibuster Any Gun Control Bill Brought Forward in the Senate

"I haven't heard one proposal from [Obama] or Harry Reid that would've saved one life… I think it's a mistake to play on these victims and the emotions of their tragedy when nothing he's proposing would change one iota of what happened." -Sen. Rand Paul speaking on 'Hannity' last night about gun control laws and the Sandy Hook tragedy

Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul joined ‘Hannity’ on Thursday night, telling guest host Eric Bolling that he will filibuster a gun control bill if and when it’s brought forward in the Senate by Majority Leader Harry Reid.

“We will filibuster the bill; we won’t let them bring it forward, because our fear is that once it comes forward, they’ll come forward with something that sounds benign in the beginning,” he said, “but we already have the Feinstein amendment, that talks about banning certain types of guns. That is inconsistent with the Second Amendment.”


  1. Good job Mr. Paul. Keep it up. You have many supporters and even some in D.C. Most are scared to stand up but will follow your lead. And that's the key word:LEAD. Not many know how to do that anymore.

  2. 110% percent support here.

  3. Mr. Paul needs to go back to the 1800s.....sorry it's 2013.... Things change over time.

  4. 10:15

    Things change over time?

    Seems that the wish of governments to resolve citizens into subjects is timeless.

  5. 10:15 What has changed is the progression of the liberalism bubble of ignorance and denial people like you seem to live in.

    Open your eyes, see the writing on the wall.
    More people are killed in this country yearly by hands and feet than rifles or "assault" rifles.
    Ask yourself then, Why do they want to take guns away?
    ADDRESS the real problem.
    Liberal tolerance and acceptance of immorality on many levels.
    All of these mass murderers are fringe liberals or Islamic terrorists, the majority of the rest of murders are committed by hate filled disrespectful inner city blacks. All seemingly coddled by your party and ideology.

  6. To our legislators,
    Ladies and Gentlemen, I write you today in an effort to help guide you in your decisions regarding the latest “Gun Bill” that is coming your way. Not only does this bill only punish law abiding citizens for the actions of criminals, but it does nothing to prevent events like the Aurora theater and Sandy Hook School. It should be thrown out in its entirety,

    Would you like to consider some legislation that would go a LONG way in prevention of these events? Please allow me to propose the following:

    When I find myself living with or otherwise having in my life a relative or person who does suffer from mental challenges, allow me to go to a mental health specialist either with that person or separately in order to learn how to deal with the situation more effectively without the risk of losing my 2A rights.

    When my school age child becomes a truant delinquent, and in the course of trying to turn the child in the right direction we are ordered by the court to go to counseling, something which I found extremely effective and helpful, no matter how long it takes, don’t let the court ordered counseling take away my 2A rights.

    When I work my fingers to the bone every day as a single parent trying to keep in budget and kids in control and the mortgage paid, and I have trouble getting my head around why Liberals want to spend every minute of their days deciding how I should live, making up more rules and regulations for me to follow, and somehow getting paid more than I get paid to do it, I want the right to go seek a conversation with a mental health professional to get my thoughts back on track without risk of losing my 2A rights.

    People wind up in the Emergency Room Mental Hospital every day for a simple BAD DAY. Thank God they have the wherewithal to seek help when they need it.

    It is the denial of help under the penalty of losing 2A rights that people choose not to seek the proper care they need, resulting in a broken mind that presents a risk to the rest of us.

    Regulating the tool chosen after the brain is broken is ludicrous. Using that mindset, we will have to ban cars over 50 lbs, baseball bats, golf clubs, kitchen knives, hatchets, chain saws, well the list is completely endless and is a futile effort.

    But, for you, chasing that is simply job security, eh?

    There is no law that can be made that will find or predict who will be the next evil minded person to create the next horrific disaster. We all just have to learn to understand that.

  7. Mr. Paul needs to go back to the 1800s.....sorry it's 2013.... Things change over time.

    March 30, 2013 at 10:15 PM

    One thing that HASN'T CHANGED is your STUPIDITY. Stop spouting such nonsense and making others think you represent the majority of people on the shore. Go check the oil in your truck or get ready to go pluck some chickens. Stick to what you know, no matter how little.


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