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Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Police Consider Whether To Charge Neighbor In Fatal Shooting Of Loudoun Teen

Loudoun County sheriff’s officials are reviewing 911 calls and interviewing friends of the teenager who was shot to death after he accidentally entered a neighbor’s home over the weekend.

Sheriff Mike Chapman said his office is working with the commonwealth’s attorney’s office in deciding whether to pursue charges or close the investigation. James Plowman, Loudoun’s chief prosecutor, declined to comment.

Caleb Gordley, 16, sneaked out of his home in Sterling after he was grounded for not cleaning his room. He went to a party with some friends, where he drank alcohol. About 2 a.m. Sunday, his friends dropped him off after the party, but Caleb wrongly entered the house two doors from his by climbing through a window. 



  1. If he broke into my house I would have shot him as well.

  2. Teenagers sometimes do thimgs which they should not, like stealing out, drinking and stealing back in. He died under the influence attemptong to return home. Not too many people are in this world alone without loved ones. Do you have children or young telatives that you love? You can't rely on your belief that they won't ever make poor choices with tragic consequences.Remember it can't always be someone else, Remember that! hopefully, somebody will be more compassionate to you and your loved ones.

  3. Nothing to think about, the owner had no way of knowing why someone was climbing in the window at 2am and was completely justified in shooting him. Case closed!

  4. 8:47 PM

    No offense, but the only thing I got out of your comment was a lot of rambling on!!

  5. give it rest , he broke into a dwelling , got shot , he's dead , good for the home owner

    he's now playing ball with Trayvon

  6. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. His parents should be charged, and his friends who pushed him into the window, while a security alarm was going off.

    16 and drinking? We should ban 16 year olds from buying/possessing alcohol!!! ....oh, wait....

  7. 9:22
    He was also grounded for not cleaning his room. He wasn't suppose to be out of the house at all.

  8. Gerald, retired Detroit copMarch 21, 2013 at 9:30 AM

    This so called wonderful kid has no respect for authority, he defied his parents, by sneaking out, and he broke the law by getting drunk, then he broke into a home, ya just another misunderstood teen, that was on a road to doing more disrespectful things. When he rapes his girlfriend because she said NO, or knocks down an old lady for here social security check, or robs someone at gunpoint, yup, just teenage pranks, Bull Sh%$! You do the crime you do the time, or in this case he won't be doing any more criminal activity! Case closed, give the homeowner a medal!

  9. "Chapman said there was no indication that the teenager had entered his neighbor’s home with any intent to commit a crime."

    --Breaking and entering IS a crime. DUH!!
    The kid made a stupid mistake and was dealt with a consequence. If someone climbs through my window, no matter what time of day, they are getting shot. No if's and's or but's.

  10. 9:57 agreed. Ammo is getting ridiculous... no warning shots!

  11. My understanding was that the homeowner did fire a warning shot. Whatever the case I would have shot him as well.

  12. 10:58
    I heard the same thing. It's not like he was just inside the house. He was coming up the stairs. I feel bad for the family and also sorry for the person that shot him. He thought he was protecting his family. Shame he has to live with this the rest of his life.


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