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Sunday, March 17, 2013

Pa. Lacrosse Team Bus Crashes; Pregnant Coach Dies

CARLISLE, Pa. (AP) -- A road trip by a college women's lacrosse team came to a horrifying end Saturday when the team bus veered off the Pennsylvania Turnpike and crashed into a tree, killing a pregnant coach, her unborn child and the driver and injuring numerous others.

Seton Hill University team players and coaches were among the 23 people aboard when the bus crashed just before 9 a.m. No other vehicle was involved, and police couldn't immediately say what caused the crash.

Coach Kristina Quigley, 30, of Greensburg, was flown to a hospital but died there of her injuries, Cumberland County authorities said. Quigley was about six months pregnant and her unborn child didn't survive, authorities said. The bus driver, Anthony Guaetta, 61, of Johnstown, died at the scene.



  1. Tragic & sad. Prayers for her husband and young son.

    Curious though that "her unborn child didn't survive". Not her 'fetus'? Her 'clump of cells'?

    The media is so hypocritical.

  2. 3:04 Her clump of cells, really? She was 6 months pregnant, even if she wasn't that far a long it is her unborn child. If you were a mother you would know this. Be more sensitive and just keep her family in your prayers.

  3. 6:26 was making the point that some politicians (DEMOCRAT) an unborn baby at 6 months is not considered a baby but a "fetus". Obama voted for late term abortions--and even born alive infants of abortions to be terminated. Such a tragedy.

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