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Friday, March 15, 2013

On The Progressing Extinction Of The US Middle Class

Beneath the positive headlines Bloomberg's Joe Brusuelas notes that there is evidence that a good portion of consumers continue to face a difficult adjustment to the $125 billion tax hike in January and the 15 percent increase in gasoline prices during the past four months. Spending among the upper quintile of income earners is masking weakness elsewhere but it is jobs headlines that are really hiding the dismal reality in America. As the following chart shows,confirming our earlier discussion, the middle-class income-earner is becoming an endangered species (with no 'conservation group' willing to stand up for them) as the government holds the lowest income earners' hand and Bernanke the highest.

1 comment:

  1. Simple minds like Chuck and Jim and Alex and Tom and Jake have destroyed this once great nation with their support of Barak Hussein Obama and his communist cohorts tendencies.
    It is happening before their very eyes, yet they are disturbed so deeply with regressive liberal falsehoods they won't admit the truth.
    It must be tearing them apart inside to see the policy they support do so much damage to our country. This is the factual dichotomy all liberal "do-gooders" face with racism, under the guise of stopping racism, with oppression, under the guise of stopping oppression, gun control under the guise of safety.
    Will they WAKE up before it's too late? I fear not. The liberal education system has psychologically conditioned the
    masses of willing idiots to the point of no return. They will be the lost generation of 30 somethings floundering around in the mess they created themselves.


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