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Sunday, March 17, 2013

Obama: “I’m Not Involved With Drone Policies”

Is there anything Obama does take responsibility for as POTUS/CiC?
(Politico) President Barack Obama’s defense to Democratic senators complaining about how little his administration has told Congress about the legal justifications for his drone policy: Dick Cheney was worse.

That’s part of what two senators in the room recounted of Obama’s response when, near the outset of his closed-door session with Senate Democratic conference on Tuesday, Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-W.Va.) confronted the president over the administration’s refusal for two years to show Congressional intelligence committees Justice Department Office of Legal Counsel memos justifying the use of lethal force against American terror suspects abroad.

I’m amused that (PINO) Obama has compared himself to the former Vice President. A guy who Constitutionally has no power other than breaking a tie vote in the Senate.
In response to Rockefeller’s critique, Obama said he’s not involved in drafting such memos, the senators told POLITICO. He also tried to assure his former colleagues that his administration is more open to oversight than that of President George W. Bush, whom many Democratic senators attacked for secrecy and for expanding executive power in the national security realm.



  1. Headline says it all "I'm not involved" We KNOW that and somehow you got re-elected. But be very careful Nobama, there are real leaders out there and they will be noticed next time.

  2. Congress needs to act immediately within the law to get President Obama help.
    He clearly is a man deeply troubled and in need of psychiatric care.
    Time and time again he exhibits traits of a sociopath as well as a megalomanic.
    This man is certifiably of diminished capacity to be on the streets let alone hold the highest office in the World.
    His lie's and deceit are on the record, completely provable.

    ACT NOW!
    All of these organizations have cause to arrest, interrogate and indict Obama for one reason or another.
    The madness has gone on long enough!

  3. Sorry, Barack! We've all seen the Wizard of Oz! We know who is behind the curtain, and it's our own CIC!

  4. How can he not be involved with something of such great magnitude? Doesn't he claim to be the president?


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