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Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Obama DHS Purchases 2,700 Light-Armored Tanks To Go With Their 1.6 Billion Bullet Stockpile

The Department of Homeland Security (through the U.S. Army Forces Command) recently retrofitted 2,717 of these ‘Mine Resistant Protected’ vehicles for service on the streets of the United States.

Although I’ve seen and read several online blurbs about this vehicle of late, I decided to dig slightly deeper and discover more about the vehicle itself.

The new DHS sanctioned ‘Street Sweeper’ (my own slang due to the gun ports) is built by Navistar Defense (NavistarDefense.com), a division within the Navistar organization. Under the Navistar umbrella are several other companies including International Trucks, IC Bus (they make school buses), Monaco RV (recreational vehicles), WorkHorse (they make chassis), MaxxForce (diesel engines), and Navistar Financial (the money arm of the company).



  1. I wonder how many of these OC will get a Grant for? When you're in Congress and have a donor who makes a product that you have little use for, you buy a bunch and give them away in the form of Grants to municipalities who don't have much use for them either. It's like fireboats.

  2. I think it's time to cut DHS's budget. It is becoming Obama's private army. We have local police to do this work.

  3. Das Vaterland Sicheheit needs the equipment for preparation of gun confiscation. Next they will need to hire at least 5000 brownshirts to operate the vehicles. At least there will actually be some new jobs created by the glorious leader (at tax payer expense as usual).

  4. Obvious the writing is on the wall with this purchase.
    Janet, AKA big sis and the Communist Obama regime are planning for something and it's not going to be pretty.

  5. These are retrofitted units ordered by the U.S. Navy, destined for the USMC. But don't let that cloud your theories. It's very easy to check, but that would be expecting too much.

  6. How ironic. Using the tax payers money to buy weapons to kill and take the tax payers weapons. Where is all of this going?

  7. Not sure 11:22.....but once the tax payers are gone where do they think they are going to get their money?

  8. 11:11 interesting, why would the purchase be done though DHS, if ordered by the Navy for USMC. Isn't that a little convoluted? The Navy and/or USMC do not have the procurement infrastructure to go directly to the US Army Forces command which has direct contact with the contactor Navistar? And how about the 1.6 billion bullets I guess that’s also for the Navy or USMC or whatever, like they can’t order their own bullets. I suggest you get your head out of the sand and look at what is going on with just a little objective cynicism.

  9. 11:43. Very simple answer it wasn't done through the DHS. It was a contract through the U.S Navy. Try looking at reputable web site. It took me all of ten minutes. Objective cynicism or paranoia?

    The truth is easy to find. But only if you are interested in finding it.
    Have a great day... what's that over your shoulder?

  10. Obviously 12:31 is a propagandist for the Obama regime trying to cast doubt on the truth.
    Every source searched cites these are for use by DHS on the streets of America. Nothing to do with military.

  11. 12:31 Oh okay the website was all a lie. Let’s say it was for the Navy. What great conflict are we in or preparing for all the specialized vehicles suited for urban warfare. Afghanistan? Well Obama is closing that down and announced the date. Iran? Yeah right, oh it could be Syria, which side that wants to kill us are we going to team up with on that one? And then there is the matter of 1.9 BILLION BULLETS. I think it pays to be a little paranoid these days there Bubba. I like to call it "a heightened sense of awareness”.

  12. Kind of found the same thing 1:41, maybe 12:31 can cite his website source.

  13. Yeah didn't think so....

  14. Navy and USMC get there money from DOD not DHS total diff budgets

  15. go to website watch the video these are already on the street of America the video even demos it for you

  16. I wonder if they come in red? They'd look great in the Fireman's Week Parade. Does Salisbury have a large boat trailer for their toy yet?


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