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Friday, March 08, 2013

New Anne Arundel Co. Executive Probes Suspicious Cameras In County Council Offices

ANNAPOLIS, Md. (WJZ) — A stunning find in Anne Arundel County: hundreds of security cameras unknown to the police department. Now the new county executive is ordering a full investigation.

Adam May has an inside look at the operation.

Only one man monitored those cameras and he reported to former County Executive John Leopold, who resigned in disgrace.



  1. WOW, I see and hope there will be additional charges against Leopold.

  2. Government does not like being SPIED on.
    Well, neither do American citizens.
    This is a great lesson for politician Government types.

  3. What's the big deal ? They work for us , we should know what they are doing 24/7.

  4. Welcome to our lives.

  5. I'm with 10:53. What do they always tell citizens, "if your not doing anything wrong what are you worried about".


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