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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Mayor Ireton Wants The Ability To Close Your Business Doors If Re-Elected

Why someone running for re-election would want to come out with an ordinance like Jim Ireton's "Lockout Ordinance" just before an election is beyond me but let me tell you one thing, business owners and property owners are outraged.

My phone has been ringing off the hook for days referencing this matter and if by chance you don't believe me, go to the Post below and click on the video interview with Jim Ireton and Don Rush. Go to around 48 minutes and start listening to Jim in his own words.

As a Mayoral Candidate I want to make this very clear to each and every one of you. IF this ordinance ever comes across my desk I will immediately VETO it as it is written. 

What does it say to our business community when a Mayor brings forth a law that says if you have TWO complaints/violations/nuisances in a TWO YEAR period the Mayor and Police Chief have the right to close your doors.

Mind you, would YOU ever consider investing hundreds of thousands and even millions of dollars into a new business in Salisbury KNOWING that IF the Mayor and Police Chief got a bug up their tail for a particular business or they wanted certain parking lots, (for examples) that they could very easily close you down?

Outback was just cited for serving an under age person. IF this law was in place, they would be sweating bullets for the next 23 months worrying that IF they had another violation the Mayor and Police Chief could actually shut them down. WaWa has their own problems with patrons coming in after the Bars close with fights in their parking lot. Should they be shut down?

Mayor Jim Ireton is spreading the word LOUDLY, Salisbury wants to CONTROL you. In his interview he complains about businesses making too much money and they should pay the price. 

Look, I think the founding fathers of Salisbury knew what they were getting into when they started allowing businesses to open here. Throughout the years Salisbury set a tax rate to manage the cost of doing business and yes, sometimes it means you have to handle particular problems more so than others. 

Will Mayor Ireton then CREDIT those businesses that pay high taxes and NEVER use the City's services? NO, of course not. Will he shut down Salisbury University because of under age drinking and parties at the Zoo complex? NO. 

This is what you get when you hire a part time government employee who has never been in the business world. You get an individual who wants you to know, I'm the guy who says what you can and can't do and if your making too much money, you need to spread the wealth. 

So how do the residents who are voting fit into this. Well, if Ireton were to close Brew River, (for example) more than 100 people will be out of jobs. More than 100 people more than likely won't be able to FIND new jobs because NO company would be dumb enough to make an investment to open another restaurant knowing they could easily be closed. Sysco would be out hundreds of thousands of dollars each year. The County would lose liquor sales. Now multiple those numbers to each business, (including Outback) and you'd see how much money we'd lose simply because the Mayor wants control because your making too much money. A hundred people would be booted out of their homes because they can't make the payments.

Have you ever read an article or watched a broadcast showing Salisbury being so out of control that we're forced to create such an outrageous Ordinance? NO! There's water front parking lots next to Brew River as well as Market Street Inn. Both have had recent complaints and all of a sudden Jim Ireton comes out with this Ordinance that was borrowed from the City of Baltimore almost  verbatim. Rather than take full responsibility for pushing this ordinance, Jim Ireton is now throwing his popular Police Chief Barbara Duncan under the bus. In my opinion, his intentions with the two mentioned water front parking lots are highly suspicious. 

View the video in the article below and scroll up to 48 minutes and see for yourself. Jim Ireton is out of control. 

"This is not Joe Albero's election to lose, it's the citizens' election to lose".


  1. I saw Jim Ireton pushing for Jake Day also. Ireton came off as if he knows he will lose this election but vote for Day. They want Day on the council so they can keep control. Vote Albero-Campbell.

  2. This can happen to landlords too.

  3. Calls for service have been rising steadily since 2009. This affects all businesses; apartments, rental agencies, properties, car lots, stop'n robs, shopping centers, every business in the City. If this is how you want it, vote Ireton/Day. Remember, you have no control over a robber or parties at rentals, or how people act on your business' property.You lose.Your business will be shut down without due process. You will have to enact due process to get opened back up.

  4. Jim Ireton is now in bed with the Slumlords so now he is going after the hard working businesses who actually employ people to have pay checks to spend in this crappy city.

    To change Salisbury for the better Vote Albero and Campbell on April 2nd.

    Also you need to like Campbell4Salisbury on FaceBook and ask your friends to like that page. Joe have you got your page up and running yet?

  5. I noticed jim had a delay in his voice at the end of the interview when asked will he be re-elected...LOL

  6. Also, not all activites in parking lots start inside the business. If a fight breaks out in one bar, one set of the people go to a different bar, what is keeping the trouble from following them to another bar?

    So Ireton wants the Salisbury police to not only be law enforcement, but judge, jury and liquor board too? What a control freak.

  7. Let's get real here. How many people watched Barrie Tilghman and Jim Ireton retaliate against people when they disagreed. This is too much control. Jim just lost my vote. I'm not walking on eggshells.

  8. What a Fn control freak, People wake up and smell the Burnt coffee.

  9. Ireton should focus on his own alcohol problem, especially drinking and driving. Clean up your own yard Jim, before you tell others how to clean their yard.

  10. Cannot vouch for the validity of some of the accusations against JI but if the alleged incident at Mojos, and his run in with police in Rehobeth Beach are true that should be enough to turn off voters. Not great for a Mayor. Again if allegations like this are factual and the voters keep in office, they deserve the screwed up Salisbury that has existed for years.

  11. Shutting down Outback would be great for local owned business' the chains are what is really hurting the local guys

  12. Brew River wouldn't last a month.

  13. Hard to fathom why city residents on Forest Lane are sponsoring meet and greet for jake Day when it is their neighborhoods that will be devastated by 500 Section 8 housing units a stones throw away. All through Pinehurst, Forest and Clairmont the Jake Day signs are displayed. What in the heck are those people thinking.

  14. I grew up with your son Scotty, Jack, I made the comment at 12:59PM and stick to my words as being the truth my friend. Peace to you and yours.

  15. It is called discretion, people. Do you think they'll shut down everything that has 2+ incidents? No. Do you think they'll shut down businesses that have 25+ incidents? No. This is so that for the select REALLY bad places, they have an option to get rid of them. Get rid of the riff-raff trash. Get rid of the crime and problems. Think before you freak out, next time.

    1. If it is discretionary, it would say it is up to the discretion of the police chief and mayor. It does not say that, it says 2 violations. Nice try but no stuffed animal for you.

  16. 3:42 you are right.
    Exactly - they will have to get a helicopter to fly to Day's super-duper downtown shortly before the whole mess will move down their way.

    Short-sided people, just because they know Day's parents they would let the city slide.

  17. Joe you need too put out A flyer and send it out to EVER Business/Bar in Salisbury about this whole issue.

  18. Hard to fathom why city residents on Forest Lane are sponsoring meet and greet for jake Day...

    It's because Mike (I'm a Millionaire) Dunn now lives on the street. It's all about him and sucking up to his land grabbing friends. Day is just a willing tool.

  19. If Jim Beau and Jakey Day are elected, it's "game over" for Salisbury.

  20. Dont people get it this idiot mayor wants to run out businesses so he has the space for "AFFORDABLE HOUSING"
    AKA The Projects.

  21. 3:50...I'm pretty sure he said TWO VIOLATIONS. YOU may think there would be "discretion, but you ain't the one making the call. I can also see how this "discretion" would be more like club to beat his enemies with. Freak out? There needs to be some freaking out. I always thought the hangings should start at the national level, but I'm getting a feeling maybe a few local hangings would tend to calm down the wannabe tin pot dictators who couldn't run a Kool-Aid stand at a profit, but can't wait to tell REAL businessmen and women how to do it...

  22. 3:44 Thanks for the well wishes. I do not know JI but if all these allegations are true, there is no way that he should win. I saw a list of all the contributors, and I know a lot of them and it seems that he has a lot of support up there. Cannot believe that voters in Salisbury are not up for a change. Paul Martin, Elmer Ruark, David Rogers, Frank Morris, etc where the hell are you.

  23. I'm sure Paul Martin must be rolling over in his grave after what Barrie Tighlman did to this city. I grew up going to church with the Martin family. This was not his vison.

  24. All:

    Day is a bigger threat to Salisbury than Ireton.

  25. Uggggh, marijuana is possibly on the verge of being legalized and your top blog post is for your personal gain in your stupid run for mayor. I think you are a good man for the job and all, but seeing this ireton bashing every five minutes almost makes me wanna vote for him because I feel bad for him not having the same tools you have.

  26. he reminds me of obama (satan) , and he certainly acts like him.
    what a cry baby

  27. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Day is a bigger threat to Salisbury than Ireton.

    March 19, 2013 at 9:05 PM

    I agree and he may get a lot of women voters because they may think he looks good in the uniform. Personally I think he looks and acts very weird. Someone is leading the way for him and pulling his strings. Those people that can easily be manipulated by people Day are just as dangerous as he is. It's sort of like a pyramid scheme where the Kool Aid drinkers fall over their feet easily.

  28. Anonymous said...
    Uggggh, marijuana is possibly on the verge of being legalized and your top blog post is for your personal gain in your stupid run for mayor. I think you are a good man for the job and all, but seeing this ireton bashing every five minutes almost makes me wanna vote for him because I feel bad for him not having the same tools you have.

    March 20, 2013 at 4:17 AM

    You are an idiot and an Ireton supporter. You know that this blog has the ability to persuade a lot of voters and you are trying to shame Joe into backing off. This is his blog and if you don't like it then you can quit stopping by. You know darn well Jim Ireton is running a anti-Albero hate blog and Ireton is the one doing all the bashing. Ireton is bashing Joe Albero every single day that he attends an event or a meeting. His community events have turned political and an opportunity for him to bash his "opponent."

    Get lost SCUM BAG and stay off this blog.


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