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Friday, March 15, 2013

Maryland Death Penalty Repeal Passes House of Delegates Friday

It has been eight years since Maryland executed a convicted killer but it could be the last time. The Maryland House of Delegates voted to repeal the death penalty Friday.

The state's House of Delegates voted to repeal capital punishment 82-56. The measure passed Maryland's Senate 10 days ago.

Gov. Martin O'Malley, a staunch supporter of repealing the death penalty, has been pushing for the change.

If Governor Martin O'Malley signs the repeal the repeal, Maryland will be the 18th state in the nation to do away with the death penalty.



  1. Give MOM a month - he'll be pushing to restore voting rights to anyone who's been on death row for more than 2 years. Gotta keep that voter base up!

  2. So you can't deter killing with the death penalty because people will find a way to kill anyway. But, according to O'Malley, you can deter citizens the right to protect themselves by taking their guns. Give me a break! As a taxpayer I don't want to pay for room and board, medical, dental, cable tv, free phone, and free utilities for a murderer. People, these liberal Democrats are killing us with their laws.

  3. Its actually cheaper 2 house a convicted killer until they die then to try to execute them.. would you rather spend 3 or 30 million dollars?.. the average cost of an execution..unless they take em out back n shootem life in prison is cheaper... besides MD is not texas but more like libtard land...its time to vite with ur feet..i am

  4. Anonymous said...
    Its actually cheaper 2 house a convicted killer until they die then to try to execute them.. would you rather spend 3 or 30 million dollars?.. the average cost of an execution..unless they take em out back n shootem life in prison is cheaper... besides MD is not texas but more like libtard land...its time to vite with ur feet..i am

    March 15, 2013 at 4:51 PM

    Please explain this one Mr. Libtard and yes it would be cheaper to execute them with an ounce of lead. Where did you get your 3 or 30 minute facts from? I think you just grabbed some figures out of your rear end because they didn't come from your brain.

  5. Would be better if they just quit locking people up.

  6. Go to Wikipedia and read the pathetic sordid tale of mass murderer Richard Speck. He murdered 8 nurses ,was to be electrecuted but got his sentence commuted to life.

    And I do mean life. He partied , had plenty of cocaine, produced porn videos and laughed about it.

    O'Malley doesn't have an original thought in his head , his being a thorough liberal.

  7. BTW 4:15 is also right except the dollar figures might be off a bit.

  8. Does this mean no more abortions in Maryland?

  9. This breaks my heart. Just as it did when the crimes were comitted.

  10. I hope O'Malley can live with this decision if anything ever happens to one of his family members

  11. I just love how all those photos of him look like a god! MMMMM! All Hail/ I mean Hell to MOM!

  12. Another referendum?

  13. 8:32, We certainly hope so.

  14. with the newer standards (in the past few years) for atty's asking for the ultimate penalty, this doesn't need to be repealed. "...have to have a picture or video of the perp doing the crime, an eyewitness and dna evidence. The chances of an innocent being executed is slim to none with dna nowadays. It's a greater chance of a guilty party getting away with it.

  15. If someone commits murder, they shouldn't even make it to a patrol car. DOA is the way.

  16. 11:44, I noticed that "heavenly look" portrait too and found it, well, creepy!

  17. 1222, this may well become the new norm, as Homeland Security has all those bullets stored up now.


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