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Sunday, March 10, 2013

Let States Legalise Marijuana, Eric Holder: You Know It Makes Sense

Right now, US Attorney General Eric Holder has such an opportunity. He is "reviewing" the federal government's options for dealing with the nettlesome fact that two US states have now enacted laws legalizing and regulating the personal use of marijuana.

Faced with a similar problem with those several states that have legalized medical marijuana use, Holder and the US attorneys in those states have essentially declared war on cannabis dispensers. They have gone so far as to deploy the heavy hand of the federal government to threaten landlords with seizure of property used for dispensaries operating in accordance with state and local laws. And all this is occurring despite President Obama having suggested the government has better things to do with its limited resources than prosecute medical marijuana businesses and users.


  1. I think they finally realized that when everybody is blitzed nobody is paying attention to the crap they're getting away with. More weed more wee more weed. I imagine weed will be provided on the free bus ride to the election poles.

  2. The UN wants these states dealt with. Legal pot eliminates their de facto black market monopoly on drugs. They will never stand to have their profits threatened.

  3. I intend to keep an open mind on this issue. States with a pro stand or that have outright legalized pot bear watching.., in a fiscal light, that is. Perhaps revenue would be worth relaxing constraints. Viewing current medical data, I don't believe there's a legit reason pot is illegal.

  4. you can't smoke anything else, why can you smoke pot?


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