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Monday, March 04, 2013

Ireton's Connection With Non Registered Voters

It takes a lot out of you going door to door in the rain, snow and freezing temperatures. This is something I have done every week, (with exception of one weekend when it snowed and I chose to shovel driveways instead) and let me assure you, it has not been easy.

I have been east, west, north and south of the City and one thing I can tell you is, not one person told me they have seen the Mayor. 

On a few occasions I have seen similar images as the photo above and guess what, the property is occupied by NON registered voters, yet they have a Jim Ireton sign in the front yard. One thing I can assure you of, ALL of my residential Campaign Signs in the City are registered voters.

One other thing you'll notice about my campaign. When someone knocks on your door it's Joe Albero. I want to look you in the eyes and talk to you directly. I want you to hold me accountable for everything we discuss and agree upon. Far too often I hear the horror stories of how Barrie Tilghman and Jim Ireton promised this or that and years later nothing was ever done. You won't get those feel good lines of everything you want to hear from Joe Albero. You won't get empty promises from Joe Albero. 

I have visited literally thousands of homes throughout the City and I will continue to go door to door until election day. If I miss you, please read my brochure and use the phone number on the back to call me if you have any questions or concerns. If I missed you and you'd like a yard sign, call me and we'll have them delivered right away. 

So the next time you drive down the road and you see a Jim Ireton yard sign, (especially on main roads) know that those people residing there are more than likely not registered voters. Funny how Jimmy had the "Slumlord Property Of The Week" on the City's Website when he came into office and now SAPOA is pimping his signs on rental properties. CONNECT THE DOTS. 

"This is not Joe Albero's election to lose, it's the citizens' election to lose".

1 comment:

  1. Its about the traffic that passes by Not the location of the signs.


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