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Sunday, March 31, 2013

I Think It's Important You See This Message From Jim Ireton

"We need all hands on deck to win this, and to help our friends, Jake Day and Shanie Shields with their council races".

I have stated the following in ALL of my brochures and forums. I will work with ALL five Council Members, whomever they might be.

I think it is rude and foolish for Mayor Jim Ireton to make the above statement, (in bold). Just like we saw in the PACE Forum, clearly a select few Candidates were given the questions before the Forum. As I have stated to many since, I really don't care because I'd rather be questioned on the spot so the public can hear my spontaneous and honest answers without them being premeditated. 

While I have your attention, I have worked tirelessly seven days a week going door to door. I have had incredible conversations with thousands of Salisbury Residents and I thank you for taking the time out of your schedules, (especially family time) to allow me to share my intentions. 

To those of you to whom I was not able to reach, I truly have done my best to visit you personally, instead of a group of volunteers. I wanted to meet you face to face so you could look me in the eye and hold me accountable throughout my term as your next Mayor. 

Over the past three months of door knocking I have had only 7 people tell me they were voting for Jim Ireton. Mind you, there are some 14,000 registered voters in Salisbury and I know I reached close to 7,000 of you on my own. I did so in the cold, the rain and three times in the snow. I did take one snow day off to shovel some driveways for those in need. 

It has been an incredible experience and I am so humbled by the massive volume of people who showed their support on my behalf. Tuesday is a very important day for Salisbury. We need you to get out and vote. You have heard me say this many times throughout my campaign. "This is not Joe Albero's election to lose, it's the citizens' election to lose". We must come together Tuesday and make a difference. 

I have spent the past 8 years defending the citizens of Salisbury against the local media who refuses to either tell the truth or only allow a 10 to 15 second sound bite about important information. How often have we sat back and complained about local media telling Delaware and or national news when there is so much going on locally. How often have we seen Salisbury News stories published elsewhere days after we published it. How often do we see sports and weather taking up the majority of broadcasts.

Have I been outspoken at times, absolutely. When you are passionate about what you do and spend seven days a week doing it, it becomes bothersome when other sources ignore important topics that involve our community. 

Together we have reunited thousands of animals. We united the Salvation Army to an all volunteer organization and have broken record donations each and every year since. We have raised thousands of dollars through advertising and paid it forward by giving it back to the community. 

I have proven skills that will help unite our Council. Jim Ireton has proven only to divide. He has pointed fingers and blamed others for his lack of ability to work together as a team.

Salisbury is truly at a crossroad. As I stated in the last forum, funny how all of a sudden Joe Albero gets in the Mayoral race and all of a sudden each candidate wants to ride the shirt tails of my platform. All of a sudden JOBS are important, yet they haven't been for the past 16 years. Jim Ireton held up a piece of paper with 5 companies named as newcomers to Salisbury since he's been in office. I immediately stated, you conveniently forget to mention the 80 companies that left while you were in office. 

I'd like you to think about the following as well. You have only TWO choices for your next Mayor. One, a businessman who has multi-million dollar experience and the other who has never been in the private sector and knows nothing about business. Now think about this for a second. There are a select few who want to play Monday Morning Quarterback, yet not one of they stepped up to the plate to RUN for Mayor. 

I have divided myself from my Wife and Grandson and moved to Salisbury just to run for a $25,000.00 a year job. We have sacrificed like very few in this Country ever have. I dedicated 8 years of my life to Salisbury with Salisbury News. There are NO special interests with Joe Albero. In fact it's quite the opposite. Those special interests are scared to death of Joe Albero because they know I care more about the citizens than anything else.

So here's what I'll ask of you. I'm asking you to please take the time Tuesday to get out and vote. I'm asking you to please encourage your Family, Friends and Neighbors to do the same. 

If ANY of you know my Wife, you KNOW what I have given up for the past year. She believes in me and she knows I can do a much better job than the current and former Mayor. 

I've NOT endorse ANY other Candidate because that is YOUR choice. You simply have my word that I will work with ALL five Council Members. I will not point fingers or blame others and I will bring every piece of legislation to the Council President, (whomever that may be) the day it is brought to me. NO MORE SURPRISES. 

Happy Easter to ALL of you and please forgive me if I haven't made it to your front door. You have my word, I worked my fingers to the bone trying to get to you but unfortunately I wasn't able to reach everyone. I will be out Monday giving it my all to meet you in person.    


  1. Ireton the OUTED Sinner.

  2. Ireton has already proven to be more divisive than Barrie Tilghman, and if Day is elected their backers -- realtors and developers from outside the City -- will once again rule as they did under Barrie and the Dream Team.

    Once again it will be special "EDU" and other special subsidies,such as those TIF's that are now an embarrassment.

  3. If you win Joe the current Mayor will be outta this world and never give you a call congraduating you.Be in MOJOS on the floor.

  4. Good for you, Joe! Ireton promised to work with all 5 members of council and DIDN'T. Not with Louise Smith and not with Terry Cohen. He let it be known he was coming after her and Debbie Campbell.

    Right now, his bosom chum Chuck Cook is on Debbie Campbell's website baiting her about her relationship with you. This would be the same Chuck Cook who is on the GOVERNOR'S PAYROLL! What an unprofessional jerk. Campbell said from the start she would not make an endorsement for mayor. She said it in public, at the PACE forum. But Jake Day endorsed Ireton. Ireton endorsed Day and Shanie Shields back. Shields endorsed Day, too.

    This tells you the past two years it is IRETON who schemed to undermine the council, NOT the other way around. Jim won't work with anyone who won't rubber stamp his giveaways.

    This is a great post, Joe. You've earned every vote. People should also go see Campbell's video on her Facebook page about how our city is for sale, just like you said. Out of town interests. CHICAGO politics! Here, in little Salisbury! The video is on Facebook at Campbell4Council.

    Salisbury needs to wake up or its going to be a feeding frenzy for a few rich folk and the rest of you can go to hell as far as Ireton and his pals are concerned. You are right that Ireton's been divisive, Joe.

  5. What is Ireton blaming the podium for in this picture? He'd pointing a finger at it.

  6. 4:09
    Chuck Cook is a pansy that would piddle in his pamper if ever confronted by a real man.

  7. I am a non voting Salisbury taxpayer who owns a few million dollars of commercial real estate who is one of many people who are taxation without representation. Well this is your chance to get some representation by calling all your friends and family that live in the City of Salisbury and ask them to call their friends and vote for Alberto and Campbell. If you want to continue to see your values go down, fines go up and taxes and water and sewer bills go up, then do nothing. I am sure you like me, have worked hard for what we have and now we need to work harder to protect our assets. Do Not Wait, do this tonite and tomorrow, and urge your friends to get out and vote and for the right people. Don't be fooled by Mr Day's sneaky personality, he is one of the same of what we have had for the last four years. Thanks for your help and working to get civility and knowledge in office.

  8. Anonymous said...
    Chuck Cook is a pansy that would piddle in his pamper if ever confronted by a real man.

    March 31, 2013 at 4:54 PM

    Chuck Cook is a brain dead moron who can't think for himself. He thinks O'Malley and Obama are "boss."

    By the way I have a sneaky suspicion that Cookie is a Closet Queen.

  9. If Ireton looks like that while talking to the public, can you imagine how he looks/acts in front of his students when he's not getting his way??!!!

  10. Thanks for all your work, Joe. I live outside city limits, and cannot vote for you, but I wish you the best.

    If things do not go in your favor, and the favor of Salisbury, I would close shop and leave one of my favorite quotes from Ayn Rand- ""I am leaving it as I found it. Take over. It's yours."

  11. Chuck Cook has done too many drugs to make an informed decision with the exception of more drugs.

  12. I cant vote tue ,But i sure as hell have told all my friends dems/Reb to vote and 90% said they are ready to give you a shot.

  13. A local blogger Named JT who is A pro Mayor was asked how he felt that main ST GYM is Supporting Joe Albero for Mayor THIS is his response, "YES GUYS WHO TAKE BLOWS TO THE HEAD FOR A LIVING ENDORSING SOMEONE IS REALLY GONNA MEAN SOMETHING" WOW a real nice way to support the people and the Community.

  14. In response to 12:16-If JT has as much discipline, focus and committment as the kids from Main St Gym he wouldn't be as obese as he is and now struggling to lose weight. He would also have a career of his own.
    Why anyone would even consider such a deviant's opinion is beyond me.

  15. If Day endorses Ireton what does that tell you about him. Is he related to michael day?


  16. "Anonymous Mark said...

    I am a non voting Salisbury taxpayer "
    Why don't you vote?

  17. 8:18 I live in the county

  18. What ringing endorsement to have Jonathon Taylor as your champion. Someone who lacks self control to the point he has eaten himself into disability qualifying gross obesity and can barely ambulate. Looks like all the Salisbury Freaks are under Jim Ireton and Jake Days tent all right.


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