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Sunday, March 10, 2013

How Is This Not A National Scandal? 9 Of 10 Students Affected by Chicago School Closings Are Black

An investigation by the Chicago Sun-Times reveals that 90 percent of students affected by public school closings in Chicago are African American, a rate that doesn’t match up with the city’s racial demographics (only 41.7 percent of the district’s student population is black).

School closings are the latest trend among privatization and charter school advocates who seek to dismantle public education (and teachers unions) to turn a profit. So far they’ve been largely successful because it’s happening on the backs of poor black communities who the national press have all but ignored since their inception (think great migration and white flight).


  1. This is GREAT news!
    Finally liberals reap what they sow.
    Now these children will have the opportunity to be educated for REAL and it will decimate the Chicago Communist/Marxist teachers
    union! Win, Win!

  2. It's not a scandal because you don't have a republican in the white house.

  3. Check out the website BAR (black agenda report). Obama doesn't have the support he once enjoyed. They even accuse him of partnering with the GOP. Very interesting reading.

  4. 10:07-I agree,but you and I both know he would be elected again if a 3rd term was constitutionally allowed.I read some of the same old crap PRIOR TO the last election.They never learn.


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