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Monday, March 25, 2013

Granting Drivers Licenses To Illegal Immigrants Would Continue Under Senate Bill

Continuing Maryland’s practice of granting driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants received preliminary approval from state senators Friday, paving the way for a final vote on the legislation.

This Senate legislation was sponsored by Sen. Victor Ramirez, D-Prince George’s, a longtime advocate for Maryland’s immigrant community who sponsored the bill allowing state residents to receive in-state tuition regardless of their immigration status. That bill passed in last year’s referendum.

Ramirez is once again facing resistance for his pro-immigrant policies from Republicans who argue that illegal immigrants should not receive the benefits of citizenship.



  1. It'll be sooo much easier to round them up for deportation - they'll be in a centralized database. Also be easier to determine if they have insurance too. Hey, if the illegals are willing to be accounted for in order to have a driver's license....

    Just like what they're trying to do with our guns.

  2. so when illegals crash into me, my insurance will go up because they do not have insurance. thats awesome

  3. This state is a joke !

  4. Illegal is illegal! What part of the law don't Democrats understand?

  5. Illegal aliens are just that. Deport them.

  6. and to think of the hoops I had to jump through to get a MD license as a born and raised US citizens.

  7. Does anyone truly believe any illegals will be deported? Does any truly believe the number of illegal aliens in the U.S. is only 11 million? There are 11 million in California alone--and 33% of ALL welfare goes to California. Think about that.

  8. You all know it just boils down to money with this. If they don't allow them to get a drivers license then the state will not get that money. What the legislators don't do is think it through and realize it will cost more in the long run to give them all the free stuff the government gives them.

  9. So they are changing it back to the way it was a few years back? What was their reason for changing it in the first place? I guess that reason is no good and they are losing money. Maybe they figured out they might have to lay off people at the MVA unless business picked up. I can't wait for the long lines again. Just how I like to spend my time. Waiting in long lines behind people that are not here legally in the first place!

  10. Why is stupidity running so rampant? I find no need to believe in anything THIS IS STUPID


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