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Sunday, March 10, 2013

Federal Judge Slams Baltimore Police Department Over 'Abuse'

A federal judge has slammed the Baltimore City Police Department for its tactics in trying to dig up dirt on a man who's suing the department, WBAL-TV 11 News I-Team lead investigative reporter Jayne Miller reported Friday.

The case remains pending in federal court, but the judge hearing it has imposed a fine of sorts on the Police Department because of what its lawyer did to seemingly smear the man's background.

The incident involved in the federal lawsuit is the attempt by Baltimore City police officers to arrest a woman at the 2010 Preakness. The incident caught on video and posted to YouTube.



  1. Spd, take notice!

  2. The only surprising thing here is that the public has actually been informed by the media.

  3. Ok cops and cop lovers, what you say now?

    ANOTHER news story about bad cops, and this time it includes the cops' lawyers.

    Was Sharp an 'X' thug, been arrested before, or cop hater?

    Was it their tyrant superiors, the victims actions or the media to blame this time?

    As I have said, there are DAILY national news stories about bad, corrupt, abusive, power tripping, egotistical, etc., cops.

    It's not necessarily a hate cop thing. It's more of a fact of life thing.

    Or do you think the FEDERAL judge is lying?

    Wake up, wise up or change careers. Everyone would be much better off, including yourselves.


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