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Friday, March 15, 2013

Dental Clinic: Letter To The Editor

While I agree that the free dental clinic being held at the Civic Center today and tomorrow is a wonderful service, the planning and organization leave much to be desired. 

Along with many other people, I arrived at 5:30 this morning prepared for a long wait. They were supposed to have wristbands so people could get in, but they did not start handing them out until well after the 6 AM opening time (it was probably at least 8 AM, and they told me at 6:00 that we would have numbers) .

The volunteers seemed to all have conflicting information, and nobody seemed to know what was going on. The sheriff's deputy announced a cutoff point at about 8:30, so I kept waiting since I was in that group. Originally, they said they would see 800-1000 people.

Today, however, they said they were only taking 600-700. Even the police officers and the volunteers had different information, and those of us who had been waiting in a patient, orderly line began to get frustrated (I was impressed that nobody got unruly or unpleasant in the line). 

Eventually, around 10:15, a volunteer told us to go home, that there was no chance we would be seen, even if some people who were already there left or could not be seen. There was a pre-screening yesterday, but that was apparently not publicized on the website or on the recorded message, so many people did not know about it. 

One woman in line commented that she had gotten there yesterday at 11:30 for the 1:00 start to the pre-screening, and still did not get in after a two-hour wait, nor was she seen after another five-hour wait today. It would seem that if they are going to hype it that much, they should make sure it is well-organized, and people wanting to attend should be told they either could or couldn't be seen before we all waited in the cold for five hours. 

Now I am hearing that, if you want to go tomorrow, you should get there at 3:30 am to get in line. Needless to say, I am not even going to bother. It was a total waste of five hours on a Friday morning - I gave up a full day's pay to get my teeth worked on, and still didn't get the work done.


  1. Only in America do people complain about getting something for free.

  2. How about instead of complaining about it, you thank the VOLUNTEERS that are willing to sit there and see 600-700 people on a Saturday for Free. I guess Free food, free, housing, free cell phone and all the other programs out there aren't good enough anymore. After I work my 60-70 hours I don't qualify for anything for Free. Better yet, thank me and my taxes for helping everyone get the free programs they do. Or maybe you should tell me I'm not working enough so I should work more and pay more taxes so those that "NEED" help can get more. Like the lady in the grocery store that has the newest cell phone, perfect nails, designer bag and getting into an escalade but using her food stamp card to pay for two carts of food.

  3. MY GOD I just drove by there and every where cars were parked.I never seen a car over 4 yrs old.

  4. its free for you my tax dollars and others who read content on this site paid for this get over your whinning!! and i agree 1148am


  5. I am sure that a day of pay would have paid to get your teeth worked on...or close anyway. How is that Obamacare working for you? I am sure that many of the people in line don't have to worry about taking off a day, as they are off everyday. They will get in line, get their grills cleaned, and be out in time to get a bushel of crabs with their Independence Card.

  6. It sounds like all the chiefs did not talk together before hand to make sure everyone involved were on the same page. Was the government involved?

  7. Mission of Mercy is funded solely on donations, NO government funding. While I agree that we are an entitlement nation and get just as infuriated about it as everyone else, nobody on this comment thread paid for this unless they made a private donation.

  8. Three Lower Counties Community Services offers dental care on a sliding scale payment basis for those in need and qualify. It's at the office located in Princess Anne.

  9. 12:02 There were no tax dollars spent on this.

  10. TLC Dental ONLY has appointments for pregnant women and children, and that will go on for some time - I called.

    I have no dental (or other) insurance, and a day's pay wouldn't cover dental work.

    I know the volunteers meant well, but the plan was badly executed.

    I am not complaining about getting something for nothing. I went early to try to be seen, and I got nothing.

  11. I don't know-you could be correct 1:15 but what about the use of the Civic Center for this event? Civic Centers are not self funded. They are funded through the MD Stadium Authority so really this is a tax payer funded event.

    1. The Civic Center is not funded through the MD Stadium Autority.

  12. VERY good Point 1:47!!

  13. Sorry that it didn't work out for you. But don't be angry at the volunteers who are trying to do something good for the community. You aren't any more important that he people who were able to be seen.

    Maybe next time, instead of being so selfish about your lost work, you can offer to step up and help the overwhelmed volunteers. They obviously were not expecting to see this kind of demand, and I'm certain that they were doing the best they could.

    I ran an eye clinic in the third world, and one of my favorite memories of that time was somebody who needed the type of help that I couldn't offer. Instead of being sad and leaving, they asked if they could stick around and help our clinic while it was in their area. For three days they came back, and they became efficient enough that I could break free and find a way to get that person to a city and a specialist who could treat them at a cost that we could afford. It absolutely touched my heart that this person was so unselfish, and that I could find a way to help one more person.

  14. 1:47 and 2:12...no tax dollars were spent if the private donations covered the rental cost of the civic center.

  15. Thank you 2:16. Unfortunately you are dealing with Obamanites that expect everything for free with no thought of where it actually came from.

  16. Oh please-2:16-stop with the self aggrandizing. This person is frustrated-okay. Happens to everyone and yourself who supposedly ran an eye clinic in a
    3rd World country (though I have my doubts) would have been better off to offer solutions instead of standing on a soapbox preaching and attempting to inflate your own importance.

  17. 2:25 the rental of the center no where near covers the expenses it incurrs for any particular event. I believe non profits also get reduced rental rates.
    Any and all events held at civic centers funded by the stadium authority are bascially funded by MD tax payers.

  18. High schools are non profits but kids can't afford to have their proms at the civic center. They go to UMES. Sad.

  19. @2:40 -

    I've done two vision clinics, and hope to do a third in the next few years. One was in Africa, and one was in South America.

    The purpose of the story was not to pat myself on the back. It was to encourage people to make lemonade when they are given lemons. There are rewards for people who have a good attitude.

    The person who was complaining here could have missed out on an opportunity to be that "extra person" by sharing their talents. Or, perhaps they could have had a great rewarding experience just by helping others. Instead, they are showing negativity towards volunteers and donors that are trying their best to help our community. That's sad.

    As for helping with this particular clinic, I'm sorry that I am not able to do so. There's only so much any one person can do, and there are causes that I have chosen to focus my time and energy on. Perhaps one day I'll be independently wealthy, and I'll have a better chance of helping here, too. Until then, I'll just have to do the best I can with the resources that I have been given.

  20. I am sure by the time you all get done it will be Rick Pollitts fault and Iretons.

  21. I just passed the civic ctr, AMAZING these people don't have a pot to piss in but are driving around in real nice cars/trucks......Go by and see.

  22. I must comment on this as I was a volunteer and there at 4am this morning. I was at the registration area. As a matter of fact other then security and ones outside, I was the first that spoke to so many answering questions and easing that dental fear that so many had. We laughed and I had a radio so at times we sang and danced as well. I was in the doors that each person came through to be seen, so I know what I am saying on here to be true....there were 200 that were pre-screened yesterday and were allowed in right at 6am(these people were in a different line then the ones needing registered)others were coming in by 6:15 and I talked to many that were in line since 7pm last night just to be seen. Some drove 4 hours to get here....so if you were not seen today there is always tomorrow. You have to do what everyone else done stand in line and take the good with the bad. Even though we had many that volunteered, there are only so many that can be seen in a 12 hour time frame. Each one of us did this because we wanted to and each one that I spoke to that volunteered said they would do it again. The thanks and appreciation that was shown by everyone was overwhelming. You always have that one that is never satisfied and you can never please...but for all the ones that were there today and that will be there tomorrow, from all of us...we are happy we were able to help you!

  23. Yes my friend is one of those people driving a really nice 9 year old car. She also had her hours cut because of Obamacare. She also lost her medical care when her hours were cut and now has other medical bill she has to pay out of pocket. Thanks for judging people 4:58 I guess you are perfect. Maybe you would rather her apply for all the free stuff also that she refuses to even think about.

  24. 2:40 is an Obamanite

  25. 5:04 Trust me I am sure she is on Another LINE to get more free stuff from your buddy Obamie GUARANTEED.

  26. Gerald, retired Detroit copMarch 15, 2013 at 5:48 PM

    It's nice to see that for once doctors are giving free services to American's instead of running off to some backwards country that hates us anyway! I am so sick of hearing doctors braging how they went to Zimbobway, Honduras, or some other crap country to help them out when we got millions of Americans that need help right here! I for one am giving three cheers to all the folks that volunteered for this clinic!

  27. It's is not a tax payer funded event as the "event" is paying for the use of the CIvic Center--you ungrateful entitled un-informed person.

    How dare anyone be upset with the attempt at free care. This is truly the state of America.. give some.. but it's never enough for the entitled.-

  28. I don't read this as a political statement on one side or the other, so I am curious about why politics are being brought up.

  29. 5:48 yep worry about AMERICA first everyone else is on there OWN.

  30. I agree Gerald. It's high time we help our own.
    I believe MD Stadium Authority gave close to $100,000 for a study at the center. It's mostly funded by the county-still tax payers

  31. I was down at the civic center today for another reason and it appeared to me that most of the cars I saw were over 7 years old. I didn't have time to stand around and check, or worry about it. I had to get back to work.

    The ugliness and attitude expressed in many of these comments is just breathtaking.

  32. TLC sees all kinds of patients... absolutely untrue that they only sees pregnant woman and children---they are the ones who are covered by Medicaid... but anyone can use the clinic. It may take a while to get in, but once you are a patient you are seen---This is the Truth!!

    People are so looking for something free, instead of being grateful for what is out there. No one guaranteed you anything by being born except: Life, Liberty and the PURSUIT of happiness... not necessary happiness itself. Some people's pursuits end in failure--usually because of bad choices... The small percentage that get hit by horrible diseases, of accidents that completely disable them are the exception.

    1. I called today - they told me that. I am a TLC patient at Woodbrooke, and my doctor referred me there. I had to put my name on the waiting list in case there's a cancellation. So it IS true.

  33. I don't think this letter is bad. Quite the opposite. I'm sure criticism is appreciated by the director and board of this non profit and is used as a way to learn how to improve.
    You can only improve if people are willing to voice what they see as a problem.

  34. I volunteered today and was very depressed by the need in this community. Medical insurance(free or government sponsored) usually does not include dental or vision benefits. Even with insurance dentists refuse to accept what the insurance will pay. Most of the people I saw today were getting extractions because they could not afford the filling or the root canal that should have been done months earlier. And many were young and most were grateful.

  35. 5:23
    You couldn't have made a bigger fool out of yourself with that comment even if you tried. Obama is no friend of mine or my friends for that matter. Just a person that has given so much of herself to others and has recently fallen on hard times because of things your buddy Obama has done. Again the only thing she needed was dental help. People do need help at times. Most of us don't mind the hand ups it's the constant hand outs that drives people nuts. This was a good program for the people that needed it. I doubt if they really didn't need it they would have stood in the line for as long as many of them did.

  36. Which is worse, the whiners or the whiners who whine about the whiners?

  37. I'm not upset with the free care but to deny that the civic center isn't dependant on tax payer money to hold these events is disingenuous, 6:13.
    This is the reality. Civic centers are tax payer funded. The idea behind the concept is that they bring revenue into communites through hotel/motel rentals, and in other ways.

  38. As I read many of these comments I am truly saddened. I am grateful that volunteers would be willing to do this for a week-end to reach and help as many people as possible. Sometimes, we just need to step back, take a deep breath, and say thank you Lord for sending us help and your grace.

  39. Thanks to all who gave of their time and skills to be at the Civic Center helping. I didn't need the service but that is not to say that some time in the future I may not. Bless you and all who needed your services. I am humbled by the service to others and not shocked by the need. Blessed are the peacemakers.

  40. I cruised the parking lot today in a '98 Jimmy, I saw vehicles older that mine, and mostly 5 year old and newer vehicles; beamers, leafs, Prius, Lexus SUV's.

    I guess when you have this stuff and lose your job, and a mortgage, you're kind of stuck,and you have to make choices. Dental, if you were lucky enough to have it, is the first to go, since health is first in line. Many had to go on state insurance which included dentistry but not vision.

    So, teeth get bad and still need fixing.

    God bless all these people who put this on, and remember this event for next year. Maybe whoever registers to help with logistics can be guaranteed a spot for dental work! That would help with organization!

    Screw the foreign countries; let's help America first!

  41. BTW, yeah, 4 dirty cars/ and older; 600 late model freshly washed SUV's and newer cars!


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