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Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Christian School Sued For Firing Unwed Mom

A California woman is suing a Christian school after her employer asked point-blank if she was pregnant, then fired her.

Teri James, 29, was unmarried when she was hired as a financial aid specialist at San Diego Christian College, according to her lawyer. The woman desperately needed a job, so she signed a contract and agreed to abide by the school’s moral codes, which include abstaining from premarital sex. She said she is humiliated by her dismissal — especially after the school offered her boyfriend a job....



  1. Sorry, she signed a contract. There are consequences to your choices.

  2. @7:59

    The contract did not specify any terms of consequence. I would also argue that the contract would be void if this school is ran as a business, the legality of being able to enforce such a stipulation would be really hazy, if not making it void all together.

    Also, if this were a Muslim school ran as a business, could they impose Sharia Law on their employees and get away with it if they made them sign an agreement for it as a condition of employment? I think the majority of Americans would be aghast at that.

    Also, what ever happened to "whosoever is without sin may cast the first stone"? I think the actions of this "school" were appalling.

  3. Its a Christian school and parents choose these schools in order to have their personal beliefs upheld. Teachers in such schools sign contracts of morality and they know upfront of the consequences. I know its not the answer for everyone, but I am truly thankful for whatever the Christian schools can do to help us raise our kids the way we believe. No system is perfect, but we must do the best that we can to support their efforts.

  4. If you want to work at a Christian school would'nt be prudent to respect Christian values? For you liberals here is a good analogy; If you want to work at a non-profit that is working to ban all guns, do you show up to work packing? I think you would be fired. Which liberal would be "appalled" over that?

  5. WHAT would Jesus Christ do? Unwed mother in need of a job? Common sense people?

  6. Would would Jesus do? He would have not gotten a woman pregnant.

  7. 10:22 What would Jesus do...lets see, how about we crack the bible for an answer. When the woman caught in adultry was thrown before him he forgave her but he also said SIN NO MORE. Also HE forgave her but that did not change the consequences of her sins (break up of marriages, spreading of STDS etc.) I do believe the school could contact folks within their sphere of influence to try and help the lady with her situation but she was fired for a reason.

  8. Guess they would have fired Mary too.

  9. How does the school tell if a man has had premarital sex?
    Exactly! Case closed!

  10. @12:12

    Great point. How about if they violate their "signed contract" by lusting.. how would they ever get fired for that? What if she had gotten an abortion and the school was never the wiser? This policy is absolutely absurd.

    What this so called "school" of so called "Christians" is doing is reprehensible.

  11. If it's a privately owned school they are within their rights to set conditions of employment. And yes, if it were a Muslim school they would have the same rights (again assuming they're privately owned).

  12. 1:18 So then by your reasoning Christian schools should have to accept any behavior or lifestyle. Exactly what do YOU think should disqualify someone from working at a Christian school?


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