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Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Asking Why Rep. Harris Opposed Domestic Violence Act

Andy Harris, the only Maryland Republican serving in Congress, voted against reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act last week, but he didn't call and tell me that.

Word of Harris' vote came from the Democratic Party — specifically, a news release from state chair Yvette Lewis, who blasted the 1st District congressman for his nay on the VAWA: "Today, by voting against the Violence Against Women Act, Congressman Andy Harris decided to continue his trend of voting against bipartisan legislation that would help people in the First District and Maryland.

"Eighty-seven House Republicans voted for this legislation, which is a reauthorization of vital support for organizations that serve victims of domestic violence. But Andy Harris remains committed to his far-right, out-of-touch positions and refuses to put the needs of his constituents first."



  1. What else was in the bill?

  2. yes, what else is in the bill?

  3. Read the article!
    It's NOT about women!

    " Harris voted for a House version of the VAWA that excluded protections for gay, bisexual or transgender victims of domestic abuse."
    Here's what those cagey Democrats do:

    "1) Introduce legislation; 2) title it something that appeals to the vast majority of Americans who have no interest in learning what is actually in the bill, e.g., the 'Violence Against Women Act'; 3) make sure it is sufficiently noxious to the GOP that few Republicans will support it; 4) vote, and await headlines such as '[GOP Lawmaker] Votes No On Violence Against Women Act'; 5) clip and use headline in 30-second campaign ad; and 6) repeat. ... The strategy is abetted by a compliant press."
    Exactly what was done here.

  4. A majority of the GOP voted no.

    This bill is overly wide. It allows criminal prosecution for simply words said in anger. That is plain stupid as a person could just lie and send another to prison. Besides all of us on occasion say things we do not mean and have to apologise.

    A very bad bill.

  5. Your fried Andy.

  6. I can guarantee that Mr. Harris knew what he was doing. And, more then likely one of the above comments has nailed it.

  7. What about all the Democrats that voted against all the woman by banning guns so they can't defend themselves. Seems to me Andy supports all Marylanders having the right to defend themselves.


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