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Saturday, March 09, 2013

30 Facts On The Coming Water Crisis That Will Change Everything

The world is rapidly running out of clean water. Some of the largest lakes and rivers on the globe are being depleted at a very frightening pace, and many of the most important underground aquifers that we depend on to irrigate our crops will soon be gone. At this point, approximately 40 percent of the entire population of the planet has little or no access to clean water, and it is being projected that by 2025 two-thirds of humanity will live in "water-stressed" areas. But most Americans are not too concerned about all of this because they assume that North America has more fresh water than anyone else does. And actually they would be right about that, but the truth is that even North America is rapidly running out of water and it is going to change all of our lives. Today, the most important underground water source in America, the Ogallala Aquifer, is rapidly running dry. The most important lake in the western United States, Lake Mead, is rapidly running dry. The most important river in the western United States, the Colorado River, is rapidly running dry. Putting our heads in the sand and pretending that we are not on the verge of an absolutely horrific water crisis is not going to make it go away. Without water, you cannot grow crops, you cannot raise livestock and you cannot support modern cities. As this global water crisis gets worse, it is going to affect every single man, woman and child on the planet. I encourage you to keep reading and learn more.

The U.S. intelligence community understands what is happening. According to one shocking government report that was released last year, the global need for water will exceed the global supply of water by 40 percent by the year 2030...
This sobering message emerges from the first U.S. Intelligence Community Assessment of Global Water Security. The document predicts that by 2030 humanity's "annual global water requirements" will exceed "current sustainable water supplies" by forty percent.

Oh, but our scientists will find a solution to our problems long before then, won't they?



  1. "The U.S. intelligence community understands what is happening. "

    There's your answer! The US Intelligence is anything but!

    Are they the ones spewing the "Global warming" pus at us? If so, why isn't the ocean evaporating water into the sky? If it is evaporating at a faster warmed up rate, where is the rain from it?

    You can't have it both ways. With the whole cycle in the mix, tell me how the ocean levels are rising and fresh water is depleting in a way that makes sense. If we are making our world a "greenhouse", it should be monsoon season here.

  2. It's just another excuse for yet another tax!

  3. Thanks to this article, the libs now have an excuse to ask for a per gallon tax on all the water we use. Just wait, it won't be long before that is the response to this "sky is falling" article.
    I was taught 40 years ago that we would run out of food and there would be worldwide famine due to "Global cooling"...did not happen. I was taught that we would also be suffering from a worldwide timber famine...did not happen.
    I agree with the commenter above, the oceans are rising,but the rivers filling the oceans are drying up...hmmm...sounds like the same kind of math the liberals use for their tax and spend economic policies!
    Remember Chicken Little, "the sky is falling, the sky is falling"! Whenever you hear that, just follow the money to get to the real story.

    For heaven's sake people the planet is 3/4 water and we do have the technology to turn ocean water into fresh water.

  4. I have heard this same scare tactic for 40 years.
    Oh, and did you know that the world is going to run out of oil in 1990?

  5. We are fast coming to a time and for the most part already there that nobody believes a damn thing these people say. Most folks who would otherwise have some kind of pull or positive impact have just tuned out or completely turned of the t.v. and no longer care. This is how and why the idots have managed to get away with all their bogus claims and corrupt politics.

  6. their line is getting old...

  7. The greed of some politicans that are selling our water by the boatload to China,look it up.

  8. Saudi Arabia has water plants that draw from the ocean, removing the salt. That won't work for the middle of the country, but we'll be okay.

  9. Look it up where, 1240? Are we sailing it over in Evian bottles in freighters, or did somebody build a pipeline we don't know about? Go back to Mom's basement and stay away from that website...

  10. Freshwater sources ARE drying up. I vacation on a huge like in Northeastern Ontario, and the lake is about 10' lower than when i started going there. Unfortunately, water is siphoned off for use downstream and the locals who live on the lake have no say in the matter. It's nearing a time when the lakeowner's association is going to have to remark to accommodate for the areas that now have "new" hazards thanks to the lower water level of the lake.

    So we use that water and we pump it from underground. Sure, rain replenishes the aquifer. But it takes hundreds of thousands of years for the water to get filtered down into those huge underground lakes. We're pulling the water out faster than the earth can replenish it.

    What we should do is desalinate, or perhaps completely clean waste water, and then pump it back into the aquifer. This would help to accelerate how quickly the aquifer gets replenished.


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