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Saturday, March 30, 2013

2nd UPDATE - False Alarm Fines/Fees

We have just been informed that reconsideration of the new false alarm ordinances has been scheduled for 4:30PM, Monday, April 1st in room 306 of the Government Office Building. Please attend and show your opposition to the significantly increased costs, and your support for those council members who want to fix the issue.Thank you and hope to see you there, 

Ron Boltz
President & CEO
Alarm Engineering


  1. again...why should my tax dollars pay for false alarms from a business that you are profitting from? if they arent insalled correctly, or used properly, that should NOT be my problem or expense. Part of the cost of doing business Mr. Boltz.

  2. The False Alarm Ordinance in the City of Salisbury is designed to reduce false alarms by implementing fines. The PD and FD response cost tax dollars and the main culprit is faulty alarm systems which were installed by companies such as alarm engineering. The property owner is responsible for paying for these alarms when in reality the problem is again a result of alarm companies such as Alarm Engineering. Ron Boltz is smart enough to think out of the box and realize eventually the alarm companies will be made to pay the fines. In turn he is using the customers with scare tactics to prevent this from happening. I urge the City Council to introduce legislation charging fines to the alarm companies when the nuisance alarm is their fault and not the unsuspecting customer.

  3. These fines SHOULD be increased! The alarm business is the biggest scam in history. Think about it, the alarm company collects big money to install a system in a person's home. This includes labor, equipment and other miscellaneous charges. Once installed, they collect monthly monitoring fees while paying someone minimum wage to sit at a control panel and, when the alarm goes off and alerts, the person at the panel pushes speed dial and calls the police. The police respond and do all the work for free. The alarm company has no other associated costs. They collect all the money and the police do the work. In fact, if you think about it, the citizen pays TWICE! They pay taxes that ensures the police respond and they pay monthly monitoring fees to ensure the police are called if the alarm goes off. On top of it all, if the alarm is a false alarm, the CUSTOMER gets the fine, not the alarm company! Pretty good deal if you ask me!

  4. IMO the fines are already significant enough without raising them.
    This is just another example of a government entity instead of cutting out unnecessary costs, putting more burden on a business which in turn increases costs for consumers across the board.

  5. I have a question for everyone reading this:

    How many of you have ever dialed 911 to report a car alarm going off because you thought there was a theft or vandalism in progress?

    Anyone? Hellooooo?

    And why is that?


    Either take the alarm off the phone line, and let some observer call it in and get fined for a false, or the alarm company calling it in gets the fine.

    It's really that simple.

  6. How many false alarms are because the owner forgot to turn it off when entering?
    Or forgot to secure a door that blew open by the wind?
    Or had cockroaches crawling all over the motion sensor?

  7. Or why not do what quite a few areas are now doing and not respond to these alarms 6:20? The city of Las Vegas was one of the first cities that I heard with this policy.
    If the alarm companies gets the fines then they have to raise prices on those who use the alarm service such as stores, restaurants, etc and they in turn raise prices for consumers.

  8. Anonymous said...
    IMO the fines are already significant enough without raising them.
    This is just another example of a government entity instead of cutting out unnecessary costs, putting more burden on a business which in turn increases costs for consumers across the board.

    March 31, 2013 at 6:15 AM

    Oh, Ok thanks Mr. Boltz. One thing you failed to mention though is the fact that 9 times out of 10 the problem is coming from your alarm company's work and your major concern is that the City will start fining you. Good try though!

  9. I'm not Mr. Boltz nor would I know him if I fell over him. I don't even live in Salisbury nor do I even have any kind of alarm. I just stating the facts.
    If you fine the alarm company they in turn have to raise prices for those that use the service. This causes either one of two things.
    Businesses cancel contracts which in turn could cause the alarm company to go out of business and people losing jobs.
    Or the business that uses the alarm service keep it and then raise their prices so the burden is passed on to the public.

    You sound like a govenment employee and the problem with you people is a failure to understand what is known as the trickle down effect and basic economics.
    When governments start nickle and diming business to death instead of looking to weed out unnecessary spending it only hurts the public in general.
    Now start using your head! This is only going to hurt consumers and people may end up losing jobs.

  10. It's gotten to the point where it's just about useless to even attempt to reason with certain government employees. No offense but the truth is they are of the same mentality of the Welfare Kings and Queens and others who sponge off the public. They are real good at spending other people's money without an attempt to streamline their own expenses.
    The proof was in the fireboat issue and how many were saying it was "free" money. DUH! How dumb can you get? It's not "free" money. It came from FEMA which gets it's money from tax payers.

  11. Thank you 11:58 for pointing out how thw alarm companies work. This is ridiculous. No wonder Mr. Boltz doesn't want fines raised. It will cost HIM money. How crazy is it that the police do all of his work for him for free while he collects all the money? He makes money on the labor, nstall and monitoring and doesn't have to pay any costs with answerng the alarms!!! Unbelieveable. WalMart would love to get THAT deal. Sell all their products and have free labor do all the checkout lines and securty on the stores. How is this allowed to happen?

  12. "Anonymous said...
    again...why should my tax dollars pay for false alarms from a business that you are profitting from? if they arent insalled correctly, or used properly, that should NOT be my problem or expense. Part of the cost of doing business Mr. Boltz.

    March 30, 2013 at 10:06 PM"

    The bottom line and the end results are that tax payers end up paying anyway in the form of higher costs of goods and services.
    The line of reasoning about it falling on tax payers is liberal propaganda because ultimately any fees, fines, etc do fall on the people who are tax payers.

    This line of reasoning is also why Salisbury is in the mess it's in.
    Notice how Mr Boltz seems to be fighting this battle on his own? The big national alarm companies that also operate in town want these higher fines. They can afford to absorb the costs with little notice to customers. They want this small local company to go out of business.

    Years ago there were 30 or so chicken processing facilities on this eastern shore. The line of reasoning you all are using in regards to the alarm fines is what also forced down the closing of these so now we are stuck with only a handful who can pay poverty level wages. The eastern shore used to be self supporting until this line of thinking became the norm. It's liberalism taking over.

    11:11 -Start using your head. If it costs Mr Boltz money he will pass it on to the businesses who in turn pass the cost on to consumers. I hope to hell you are not a product of the local school systems because your lack of forward critical thinking speaks volumns.

  13. Have the building alarm call the building owner and the alarm company. Set the building up with cameras that can be monitored via computer. Owner and alarm company observe building to try and find the cause of the alarm. Temperature and smoke sensors would be a great addition.

    If a reason is seen, sensed, or a phone call to the building remains unanswered by the fumbling employee, someone, either the owner, the alarm company, or a neighbor witnessing the event can notify authorities, or call into the building to silence the alarm.

    The technology for this certainly exists.Pay the money and save resources.


  14. Has there even been a study on the fault of the false alarms? I would think most of the time its the store or business fault not the alarm company. And if I was a business owner who got fined for a false alarm that was the alarm companies fault I would give them the bill to pay. Should come down to whose fault each false alarm is as to who should have to pay it.


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