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Saturday, March 02, 2013

16 Hour Gun Control Hearing

In a hearing that many lawmakers say was the longest of their career, two committees of the Maryland House of Delegates continued to hold a hearing early Saturday on Governor Martin O’Malley’s gun control bill.

The hearing of the House Judiciary and House Health and Government Operations Committees started just after noon on Friday. It ended at 3:45 this morning.

Baltimore City Delegate Peter Hammen told his colleagues that more than 1,300 people signed up to testify. All but 34 of the people who signed up opposed the bill. Hammen told lawmakers that he felt the final number of witnesses to testify would only be around 500, as many people who signed up to testify left Annapolis as the hearing continued into the night. 



  1. I guess O'Malley underestimated us. We are here, and more of us will be back on the 5th! Stand ready!

    Thank you for all who testified, as I could not. But, I WILL be there on the 5th!

  2. don't matter what the citizens want the dummocrats will do what they want. damn the voters! Their lord and master omany wants higher office and they need to move him up and out so they can move up!
    time for another citizen initiative.

  3. 34 out of 1300 and I'll bet the bill STILL gets passed. They have an angenda and nothing, especially the will of the people, will get in their way. "Represent" us? They don't care if you live or die in the street of starvation. They are now (by magical transformation) MUCH smarter, wiser, and richer than YOU. They know whats best for you, even if YOU refuse to see it. Voters? They LAUGH at your belief that you have any say in anything. I recommend multiple hangings for maximum effect. So did Thomas Jefferson.

  4. Lost all faith in government they are not listening.

  5. Less than 1% support this bill. It should be killed on that merit alone.

  6. Poor babies had to work. Awww.

  7. Amen 8:44, if that's true. Amen!

  8. I'm with you 8:25. They are communists and don't care what the people think.. All I can do is hunker down and get ready for what is coming, and that is exactly what I (as well as almost everyone I know) am doing.

  9. Actually, my math was off. It's 2.6%. Kill the bill!


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