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Wednesday, February 06, 2013


George Zimmerman was back in court today for a hearing on the start date for his trial on murder charges. Zimmerman, of course, was the Hispanic neighborhood watchman in Sanford, Florida, who trailed a young black man named Trayvon Martin after calling 911, got into an altercation with Martin in which Martin ended up pounding Zimmerman’s head into the pavement, and then ended up shooting Martin in the chest. The media used the Zimmerman case as an opportunity to bully Americans over their supposed racial intolerance. Even the President of the United States weighed in in the midst of an election cycle, suggesting that if he had a son, he’d look like Trayvon Martin.

Breitbart News had the opportunity to sit down for a one-on-one interview with George’s brother, Robert, in Los Angeles. Excerpts of that interview played tonight on Fox News’Hannity.



  1. Useless Obama should have stayed out of this! Zimmerman will never be able to have a fair trial.

  2. I agree that obamas opinion on the case would influence people and officials to make an example of zimmerman.. but treyvon didn't have it fair.. and a fair trial would be zimmermzan convicted of murder even if its second degree.. becaipuse regardless he did kill the child.. the reason he did is not as important as the fact he took a life..

    1. did you change your name Queensgirl?

  3. I hope he gets a civil shot at that DA and the county for their gross misconduct - much like the Duke lacrosse team.

  4. Post 9:20

    First of all Martin was not a child. Secondly your statement "the reason he did is not as important as the fact he took a life". I guess what your saying here is that Zimmerman should have continued to allow Martin to bash his head on the sidewalk until Zimmerman when unconscious or died before Zimmerman took some kind of action. Zimmerman has a right to protect himself, the questions that have to be asked and answered are "did he go to far" based on the circumstances? That is why we have jury trials, they get to hear the evidence and make that decision. Not us!!!

  5. Remember how desperate officials were to get Zimmerman back in jail after he had been released? Special interest groups recognized the racial magnitude of the case & had generated millions of $$s for reasons unknown.Officials suspected their plan was to get him out of the US.Even if the $$ issues had not surfaced,(where Zimm allegedly intended to keep donated money for himself)they would have found a way to get him back in jail.I agree with a previous comment.He cannot get a fair trial at this point.

  6. "Self-defense" is on trial here....

  7. If Zimmerman had not taken the law into his own hands Martin would still be alive. He brought this on his self....but once again everything is Obamas fault.

  8. The long and short of it is Zimmerman will be convicted due to his own actions. He was neither deputised or should have been carrying a gun on a "Neighborhood Watch".

  9. 10:41 hope you never fine your self in that situation unarmed really hate to read about your death

  10. IF zimmerman gets convicted we should all do what they did when rodney king was beaten.......RIOT.

  11. "Obviously, this is a tragedy," he said. "I can only imagine what these parents are going through, and when I think about this boy, I think about my own kids, and I think every parent in America should be able to understand why it is absolutely imperative that we investigate every aspect of this, and that everybody pulls together -- federal, state and local -- to figure out exactly how this tragedy happened."

    "And that means we examine the laws and the context for what happened, as well as the specifics of the incident."

    Yeah, sounds like some really tough bullying from Obama there. If the Zimmerman bros. are that weak it's no wonder they spend their days pushing up on teenagers trying to play cop.

  12. "Anonymous said...
    The long and short of it is Zimmerman will be convicted due to his own actions. He was neither deputised or should have been carrying a gun on a "Neighborhood Watch".

    February 6, 2013 at 10:41 AM"

    Oh please! Zimmerman knew what he was dealing with in that neighborhood and had every right to be carrying the gun under FL law. Martin was a pile of crap who had already shown that he was either destined for a life of crime or would die early due to violence. He was starting to live a high risk life style.
    Even now his own father has shown the true colors of the family. The father is a no good liar. When he first heard the audio of someone screaming for help he said it wasn't Trayvon. Then lo and behold when it dawned on him that his statement would actually favor Zimmerman he changed his story and said it was Trayvon. It's one of these instances where the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Father's a morally corrupted liar whose own principles rubbed off on his son.

  13. 12:36 in case you didn't know Obama had the Justice Dept investigating this so it's not so much was he said as what he did.
    This was done after FL state authorities decided to not press charges because they felt the "Stand your Ground" laws applies.
    What everyone should find most offensive is that this incident (whether one agrees or not) received the services of the Justice Dept and 100's of other murders committed almost daily are completely ignored by Obama. He only got involved because it was high profile and benefitted him. To hell with the other parents of children who are murdered and only make a blurb on the news and ends up a cold case with justice never being served for these poor children.

  14. 105

    #1 the example of "bullying" specifically brought up by the article was Obama's words in the Rose Garden. Nice try at dodging after being shown Rob Z. is full of crap.

    #2 there was evidence pointing to the clear potential that the local police botched the investigation. It's perfectly in the perview of the US Justice Dept. to get involved. I think you would want the same if it had been your kid and it looked like the shooter was going to get off.

  15. Obama will pee in his pink pantiesFebruary 6, 2013 at 1:56 PM

    I agree with 12:22 we should riot and take it to the streets of DC if Zimmerman is convicted.

  16. You are wrong 1:24. Zimmerman's brother speaks of not only Obama's words but his actions also. Nice try and attempting to omit pertinent facts-LOL. Remember you are not dealing with an Obamanista here. I'm way much smarter than that.

    "Nice try" but where was it ever proven that the case was bothched? First reports were that a top PD offical by the name of Bobby Parker (I gave you the name so you can look it up yourself) said he "believed" the case was botched. And as a matter of FACT that's not even what the Justice Dept was investigating so again "try again." There investigation was comprised of an inquiry into civil rights violations-nothing more so your justice dept got involved because the "police bothched the investigation" makes zero sense.
    As far as the "if it were your kid" scenario-forget it. My kid would never be in that position. It's called what is known as the Theories of Victimology, more commonly know as "live by the sword, die by the sword" (If you use violence against other people, you can expect to have violence used against you.; You can expect to become a victim.)
    Nice try at dodging but you my dear are full of crap-LOL!

  17. "I think you would want the same if it had been your kid and it looked like the shooter was going to get off."

    People are murdered everyday and the perpetrators do get off and those victims families aren't making a spectacle of themselves. It's because they know in their owns minds that their family member victim was a thug also. They aren't going to get up their and lie like the parents of Trayvon Martin do and paint a different picture,,one of an angel. It only works with those who refuse to admit the truth and that is that Martin was a loser and now his parents are getting caught up in lying proving that they are no good themselves. If anyone is to blame it is Martin's own parents for failing to be good decent honest parents.
    At one point I did feel sorry for the parents but the more I saw of them I realized that they were your typical ghetto hustlers who would say one thing then when it didn't suit would say something completely different.

  18. Go ahead and riot, maybe you could share a cell with Zimmerman.

  19. the reason he did is not as important as the fact he took a life..

    February 6, 2013 at 9:20 AM

    Cheri, you and a few more who commented are not only wrong, but you are just plain stupid. I don't like to call names, but you few really deserve it.

    You talk about a 'fair trial' but yet, you have already convicted him before said trial has even begun.

    And to the numb-nuts who said he wasn't deputised or allowed to carry a gun, or whatever nonsense you spouted, no one needs to be deputised or 'allowed' to carry a gun. The 2nd amendment guarantees that RIGHT.

    The 2nd amendment DOES NOT give anyone that right, it simple GUARANTEES it.

    God gives us that right, and it SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.

    There are a lot of issues that will be played out in that courtroom. More than the issue of a killing.

    Our right to defend ourselves will also be on trial. As well as our right to keep and bear arms.

    You may be one of those that are brainwashed to believe you don't have these rights, but, the rest of us are willing to die to keep our rights and freedom.

    One bright spot is, if that were to happen, we would no longer be subjected to the mindless rantings of people like you.

  20. It reveals a great deal of information when someone's 17 year old doesn't come home one night and the parents don't even bother to look for him or don't notify authorities until the next day. They themselves even said at first they thought he may have been arrested so that's why they didn't look for him that night!!!! Then they amended it and said it wasn't because they thought he would have committed a crime but because he was black.
    The family dynamics just show that this kid didn't stand a chance. He was being raised by the worst society has to offer, parents who cared less about him in life. He was going to end up being no good due to this, which ends up down the line usually involving a violent death.
    What parent isn't very concerned when a child doesn't come home?
    Then in death they put on a hugh show while it was so apparent that in life he didn't matter to them.
    They are truly disgusting people.

  21. Go ahead and riot, maybe you could share a cell with Zimmerman.

    February 6, 2013 at 4:00 PM

    Another little scared sheeple. And brainwashed too.

    How do you get the boot polish off your tongue and the taste out of your mouth?

  22. What's amusing is the spin put on this. It's said over and over that Martin was JUST coming home from 7-11 after buying candy and ice tea. What's interesting is that video from 7-11 show him purchasing these items and leaving. 911 call is made by Zimmerman long after Martin should have made it back to his father's girlfriend's home if in fact he was JUST on his way back there.
    Now that's not to say he didn't decide to take a stroll around the neighborhood (in the pouring rain) before going back to the residence but to say he was JUST on his way home is neither candid nor sincere.

  23. The parents only found out he had been shot and killed when the father called the police the next day which I do find strange. In my world a 17 year old who doesn't come home after supposedly walking up the street to the store would be a hugh deal. I'd be out looking all night. The incident occured at around 7 and the police were on the scene until after 2am. I would have known alot earlier, because well before 2am I would have been driving around looking and asking if anyone had seen him and I would have come upon the crime scene.

  24. Ra Ra got what he deserved.


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