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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Your Thoughts On The Primary Election Results?


  1. I am confused with the D 2 results. I know Debbie got a late start, but I can't believe Jerk Day got that many votes. If that many people believe in him then that many people believe in Jim Ireton which means he has a good chance of winning the election. I don't think Jim is intelligent enough to rig the election or the polls. It's time for Joe Albero and Debbie Campbell to come up with a better plan. Obviously the lies and negative attacks are working. You can't just sit still and not fight back.

    You will not win an election using this blog by posting this stuff.
    Trayvon Martin's Parents: One Year Later
    President Obama On Maryland’s Better Choices

    We the tax payers and voters don't read your blog for this information. This is not what made your blog a success. We want to see Salisbury news that you won't get in the Daily Rag or the 2 news stations. We want to read the comments that most people post so we can get the true facts or someone else's thoughts.

    It's your blog so you continue to do what is best, but I am telling you as a city resident and tax payer your blog did not help Ms. Campbell at all because of those non local stories robbing important band width. Your stories are not up long enough and I can tell you linking them to the upper left corner does not help. As a long time reader I never click on those links. We want the old blog back. Sorry, but it's the facts.

  2. If Debbie doesn't win , your city will be lost.

  3. What a shame that big money and vicious politicos can advance someone like Day against someone like Debbie Campbell. Barrie Tilghman, Mike Dunn and their kind are back in the game.

    Debbie was not out campaigning like she usually does due to her father's heart attack. She also works like a dog at both her job and her council work. Day does not appear to work much and could get out door to door more.

    People can give up or they can stop moaning and help Debbie. She has sacrificed greatly for this city and done so much. Don't help and you will get Jake Day and not be able to afford to live in Salisbury any more.

  4. anonymous 7:02, I'll simply ask you this. Would YOU like to trade places right now?

    Between interviews, forums, going door to door, running a blog and salvaging whatever personal time I can scrounge up for my Family, I'd say I'm doing almost the impossible.

    Now you want me to cover local news better than I am right now?

    Let me add, I have almost begged Debbie Campbell to deliver Press Releases for the past two months, she has refused to do so. I have offered the same olive branch to Jacob Day, in which I think you'll see him finally take advantage of that today.

    I think what a LOT of you haven't noticed is the fact that we are delivering just as many local stories as we always used to. The difference is, we're now providing a lot more news throughout the day and that has confused many of you.

    As a business, we have to deliver news and information throughout the day to keep people coming back. I'd say NOW is the best time YOU can start your own FREE blog. Think about the benefits. You can get the public to complain at you because they don't like your FREE content. You can work 16 hours a day, 7 days a week for FREE.

    Yeah, I can see all the blogs starting up tomorrow.


    Yes I am screaming this, VOTE because we as a nation will and have been bought and sold because of the apathy.

  6. AMEN Ben!

    The turn out numbers are just sickening! You have more absentee votes out there than ALL of the votes that came in District 1.

  7. February 27, 2013 at 7:16 AM

    We agree with you Joe and we support you, but local info gets lost on here very easily.

    And yes Debbie did not campaign or reach out until it was to late.

    BUT, Jim and Jake are winning their campaigns because of what they are doing. Take a page out of their play book and figure out what is working for them.

    7:02 is correct and I want to thank you for your hard work. Consider some tweaking. You still have our support.

  8. The city was here long before Mrs. Campbell and it will be here after we are all long gone. Day is also being endorsed by Mr. Heath which will give
    Day more than a 1000 votes. The City has spoken! Hang in there Joe! Two weeks ago I stated you have the best chance of winning more than Mrs. Campbell.

  9. District 2 made a huge statement.

  10. People are just too lazy to get out and vote any more but they sure like to sit back and complain when this town goes to He!!. Absolutely Debbie is the best candidate and we did go vote for her but when the newspaper won't give her any kind words like they do for her opponents and when WMDT and WBOC won't give her any coverage, what then? I have said it so many times, there are people in this town that DO NOT have computers and depend on the trash they read in the Times or what they hear on TV and there you go. We will end up with the likes of Ireton, Dunn, Comegys, Tilghman, etc., etc., etc. Pitiful!

  11. It's looking like Jake Day might take this over all. Joe would you be able to work with him if your friend Debbie doesn't win?

  12. Debbie took this one for granted and got burned bad....

  13. Joe if you are going to win the Mayor's position, you need to have a working relationship with Day obviously. That's all I can say about this picture. Day will be elected, period.

  14. Congratulations to Mr. Day, well done and Debbie.....well she's just done.

  15. I think the people are sending a clear message that they are tired of the same old junk in the city.

    Jake Day won big because they want change. I think the same thing will happen between Ireton and Albero. The people will vote for Albero because they are sick and tired of the same old junk.

  16. Speaking of the Day-Campbell change. Look what happened when Obama was elected due to his "change" theory and the sheep fell for it! On the flip side, the Ireton-Albero campaign, a definite change is needed before Ireton sends us into the gutter. I am voting for Joe Albero and Debbie Campbell next election!

  17. Jake won because he had a story that voters didn't fact check and the financial and "machine" support of the likes of Barrie Tilghman, Mike Dunn and the slum lords. Debbie took nothing for granted. She put her mom and dad first as she should have. Get out there and support her or give our city away.

  18. I suspect Joe and Jake would definitely be able to work together. Both are good guys that just want to make salisbury a successful and safe city. that's my opinion.

  19. I think a lot of voters made a mistake by voting for Jake Day. I do not say that because of who he is, his political agenda or who he associates with. I say that because of his public attendance record. Whenever Day leaves for Army duty or training, he leaves behind several public positions that HE volunteered for knowing that he would not be able to adequately fulfill the responsibility. In his absences, often for months at a time, he would miss several board meetings for the positions he holds. For instance, he has only attended 6 of the 12 planning commission meetings over the last year (Fact-Based on minutes published on the City's website). He has been absent more than all the other planning commissioners combined in the last year. Not to mention, the Council meets twice as much as the Planning Commission. Salisbury Voters must ask themselves, "Do I want to be represented at 50% of council meetings or do I deserve more dedication?" If elected, I think you'll see that his personal ambitions, while appreciated, take away from his ability to adequately serve the public.

    In addition, his background and experience focus on heavy environmental policy and regulation. Ask about his position on the County's A-1 down zoning and I think you'll see that realtors and developers will quickly change their tune.

    The only plus side about Day, if he were to be elected, is that he has a proven track record on his inability to execute. He is an "ideas" guy but does not implement or execute. He plans and thinks about all the ideal situations, but fails to actually apply them. This will hopefully curb the ability for special interests to take over this City. At the next forum, ask Jake what he has COMPLETED. I bet you'll get a bunch of hmmm's and uhhh's...

  20. What a shame that big money and vicious politicos can advance someone like Day against someone like Debbie Campbell. Barrie Tilghman, Mike Dunn and their kind are back in the game. 7:04

    It doesn't get any more vicious than the posts and comments on here national, state or local and the people of Salisbury want no part of it.

  21. Jim Perdue endorced a candidate that got financial support that links his pick to the same group that tried to stick it to the poultry industry in court a month ago? I just don't get it.

    Trying to connect the dots is like a jig-saw puzzle.

  22. 8:17, you jerk. Debbie didn't take anything for granted. Her father had a heart attack, for God's sake, you sicko. Not to mention she pours tons of hours into council work on top of her busy job and her family.

    I'm sure you enjoy spreading those lies.

  23. 9:18, I didn't even think or know about those things with Jake Day. That is a comment worthy of a post.

    Joe will get along with Jake. The question is, will Jake get along with Joe or will he behave like Miss Civility Laura Mitchell?

    Whenever anyone campaigns on their ability to be "civil" or to improve the "discord," I know the city will get shafted. That's how it got the Dream Team with Mike Dunn, one of the most hateful people I've even seen in politics. Remember the "uniter" Louise Smith? Again, Miss "Civility" Laura Mitchell?

    I can hear the rubber stamps pounding now as the city goes to the lowest crony bidder.

  24. 7:16

    He wasn't saying you arn't covering local news better. He's saying stop trying to cover the entire world just to get views to the site. Stick to local stuff. It won't fill a blog post every 15 minutes, but that's fine. It's what made the blog popular.

    However if I'm misreading that 7:02 I didn't mean to put words in your mouth.

  25. anonymous 10:21, And I'm saying, if you don't like what I deliver, don't come back.

    We had more than 10,000 hits by 9:00 this morning. Let's see, do I listen to TWO people saying they don't like what I deliver or do I listen to tens of thousands of people who come here each and every day.

  26. What are the results?

  27. Thanks Joe for your hard work, hang in there, you are the best hope for real change in this city. I like your blog just the way it is. I think the blog itself needs more advertisement, I didn't know it existed until about 3 months ago. Obviously it is not going to be promoted by local media but there are other ways to get the word out, some that come to mind immediately are radio and billboards. I know that costs money but I think some of us would be willing to invest a little to see real change for the better in this city.

  28. no candidate has to know how to "rig" anything. but, I'll betcha they know someone who does. I wonder if it would help to go via absentee ballot.

  29. Anonymous said...
    The city was here long before Mrs. Campbell and it will be here after we are all long gone. Day is also being endorsed by Mr. Heath which will give
    Day more than a 1000 votes. The City has spoken! Hang in there Joe! Two weeks ago I stated you have the best chance of winning more than Mrs. Campbell.

    February 27, 2013 at 7:40 AM

    How do you figure Jack Heath will give Day 1,000 votes when a 1,000 voters didn't make it to the polls. I still think Debbie Campbell needs to win this election and still has a chance. If the ticket is Albero and Campbell then the City is in the right direction. If the ticket is Ireton and Day then we a doomed even further. I do think the people that voted for Jake Day will vote for Jim Ireton so you people that are saying Jake Day is going to win District 2 then you are saying Jim Ireton will continue to be the mayor.

    Joe has been working the streets almost daily and that is what a candidate has to do. Ms. Campbell has had do deal with her sick father, but there are other strategies she could have utilized. Thankfully her father is on the road to recovery so she should now commit her time to her campaign and not waste any time.

    I agree with an earlier commenter that Albero and Campbell should do some sign waiving. They also need help so please offer your assistance.

  30. The same way people want CHANGE in the council is the same way people want CHANGE in the MAYORS Office...

  31. Anon 12:29: Having trouble counting there buddy? Over 1270 people voted in District 2. Not "fewer than 1000". Learn to count.

  32. On a federal level, people insisted on change and look what thats done for all of us. Medical care that we can't afford, more taxes, more government controls into our personal lives. On a smaller level, if the same mind-set of people wanting change for the council and/or mayor it will get us the same results as on the federal level. More slums, property owners will lose their homes because the values will sink. The ONLY people who will benefit will be the landlords, and you can bet the crime rates with home invasions, thefts will be on the rise.
    I ask you, the voters to really think about your vote and what it means to you and what it will cost you.
    If you want to keep more of your hard-earned money in your wallet your vote needs to be for Debbie Campbell. If you want honest paying jobs with a future for yourself and your family your vote needs to be for Joe Albero.
    If you think voting for Ireton, and Day will improve you and make your "lot" better, than you better think your vote through very carefully because it will not make your life better. Taxes will be higher, and benefits will be lower with Ireton/Day. Both have ALREADY PROVEN THEMSELVES TO BE UNTRUSTWORTHY AND DECEITFUL just listen very carefully when they speak and check things for yourself. If you aren't sure, then do some research your vote is worth the effort. Think of all the people who went before you to give you the priviledge to vote, don't throw it away.
    Personally, I was sick after receiving treatment and could hardly stand yet I went to the poll and voted.


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