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Monday, February 25, 2013

Women Compelled To Register For Draft? Could Happen, Experts Say

The next time Uncle Sam comes calling, he's probably going to want you, too.

The Obama administration recently decided to lift the ban on women in combat. Legal experts and military historians say that decision has opened the door for a change in the law that currently compels only men between age 18 and 25 to register for a military draft.

Never before have women been drafted into military service. Neither the White House nor Congress are in a hurry to make them register for a future call-up.



  1. Why not? Equal rights should be equal for all.

  2. They don't WANT equal rights. That comes with some personal accoutability and responsibility. They want SPECIAL rights.

  3. With liberals in power its coming.

  4. And, as soon as it is time for them to pack up and go oversea to fight a war; the "victim" tears come out and they can't go due to child care issues.

  5. If we are all equal, then the selective service should equally draft women as well as men.
    Isn't that what the women's revolution and feminism was all about?

    If we all share equally, then this is only fair. After all they got what they want. Break down of society, and the constant belittling of all men and their role in the family and society.

    You got what you wanted, now live with the consequences!!!


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