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Thursday, February 14, 2013

Why The Liberal Hatred Of Citizens With Guns

You’re snug in your cabin in the mountains outside of Big Bear, California. Snug, but fearful. They’re searching for a killer near you. A terrifying, heavily armed former cop from Los Angeles who has gone on a killing rampage.

Suddenly you hear gunshots. You part the curtains to look outside ... and there’s the man whose picture you’ve seen countless times on TV over the past few days running toward your house as he returns fire to police officers in pursuit.

Just a few weeks ago you had been considering buying an AR-15 just in case it might be needed to defend your home from predators of the two and the four-legged variety. They don’t call the place Big Bear for nothing. You couldn’t buy one, though, because private ownership of these weapons had been outlawed. That didn’t stop the killer. He was carrying one ... that along with several pistols. The law didn’t seem to deter him at all. The murderer was still far enough away that you could stop him with one shot through your window, but that option had been taken away by anti-gun zealots.

Somehow you don’t feel comfortable with only your handgun and it’s seven-shot magazine to protect you from this approaching danger. You know the killer, who is rapidly nearing your door, is much more heavily armed than you. Things aren’t looking all that rosy for you and your family right now.

Why did this have to happen? Why were these liberals -- these Democrats -- so hell-bent on reducing your capacity to act in your own self-defense in a situation just such as this?



  1. call or write your representative! let him know that you don't agree with omally or obamas attempt to further infringe upon our second Amendment rights !!!attend the Annapolis protest march 1.. let your voice be heard and help ... stop this insane nonsence now! do not allow MD to impose these illegals bills..very good article and so true ..the progs n libtards must be stoped and shoved back in the hole they came from.

  2. This article speaks the truth. This is not the only right we are losing, but it is the main one that the liberal need to pass so they can control us. We are their peasants.


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