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Monday, February 11, 2013

Week Six: O'Malley To Testify On Wind Energy, Death Penalty Bills

Governor Martin O'Malley is expected to testify for two more bills on his legislative agenda this week.

On Wednesday, the governor will appear before the Senate Finance Committee on his bill to establish off shore wind energy turbines off the coast of Ocean City.

The governor sees wind energy as a low cost, environmentally friendly source of electricity.

Under the measure, Maryland residents could pay a surcharge on their electric bill of up to $1.50 a month once the turbines become operative.



  1. Note the statement that Marylanders could pay a surcharge of $1.50 per month. The key is "could pay". We also could pay $10.00 or $20.00 more. I'll bet the $1.50 is just for maintenance once they are built.

  2. If it is low cost, why do we have to pay more??

  3. O'Malley blows enough hot air that I don't see the need for offshore windmills. Just put one in front of his mouth.

  4. They catch on fire, can't stay erect above 50 mph, kill birds and bats wherever they are, and don't work nights or on calmer days. Putting them 10 miles offshore increases maintenance tenfold so that the sharks eat the birdkill so we won't see it happen. Aside form the fact that electricity and saltwater DON'T MIX, ant that they are an inefficient way to make electricity the further they are from the grid, they are the perfect answer to being able tiosupply 1% on our energy needs!

  5. that we may have to pay a nickel is way too much. Truth be known, we aren't really for them.


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